040 Full firepower! Lan Sha strikes!

"Wow, so many!"

Seeing the monsters rushing out, Yun Yan screamed, but she wasn't scared.

Rather, she was excited.

Because, she could finally perform well in front of her master.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~"

Next to them, the other banshees were already attacking.

Only to see those spider monsters and one-eyed monsters just coming out of the black fog and being shot down one by one!

Lin Feng didn't stay idle these days, don't see him looking east and west all day, he still took a lot of time every day to tell the Banshees and elemental elves about the characteristics of some monsters.

Even, Lin Feng taught them the information of some monsters summarized by another world.

The floating island world has been developed for decades, the veteran floating islanders all kinds of monsters have encountered.

Although some new monsters may run out from time to time, but, those new monsters are basically only encountered in the very upper floating islands.

For newcomers, there are not many new monsters.

Basically, they are all monsters that have appeared, and these monsters have been studied for weaknesses.


The weakness of the spider monster is the spider heart, the one-eyed monster, there is no particularly obvious weakness, attack it any part can be, provided that can hit.

The one-eyed monster is a bit more flexible than the spider monster.

They are hunched over, with one eye, and look similar to the man-eating monsters in dark tales.

The part that the banshees chose to attack was its head area.

This kind of has a head, the head is the obvious weak point.

Then we saw that the monsters that rushed out, only shortly after rushing out of the black fog, were shot down one by one.

The banshees attacked while approaching towards the black fog area.

Closer attacks were also more effective.

Their advantage of being able to fly in the misty forest also came into play.

If it was a human mercenary, the black fog suddenly appeared in an opposite location, and it would take a minute or two for the mercenaries to move there, to say the least.

Sometimes, this time is critical.

A little later, it is possible to lose some men, or even be broken through a section of the wall.


Soon, the banshees had arrived right in front of where the black fog appeared, here, only a few dozen meters away.

Chen Xi and Yun Yan put Lin Feng on top of a misty tree and also started their attack.

They used light bows first, the range could be faster.

Ten banshees, attacking in unison, the arrows formed a rain of arrows that blocked off the area in front of the black fog and thorn forest.

Those monsters came out one, then directly hanged one.

So much so that, the elemental elves did not need to make a move.

"Lan Sha, you guys don't need to make a move first."

Lin Feng said.


Lan Sha and the girls nodded their heads.

They all stood guard by Lin Feng's side.


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~"

Arrows kept striking out, and one after another, the monsters were shot down.

At this distance, the banshees' attacks were too accurate, and the arrows rushed through fast.

Basically, the monsters died as soon as they came out.

In a short period of time, dozens of monsters were shot down!

At this time.

In the black fog, suddenly, a large group of monsters rushed out fiercely!

The number of monsters in this group was much bigger, hundreds of them!

Not only that, the monsters just seemed to be connected, dense rushed out, which means that there are more monsters behind!

It was like, the water cage was opened to the maximum at once!

This is the most terrifying part of the monster wave!

So many monsters at once!

It's impossible to kill them all!

Faced with so many monsters, you don't even know which one to kill!

Moreover, the speed of these monsters is also very fast, as soon as they come out of the black fog, they directly rush over.


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~"

The banshees didn't panic because there were so many monsters, they were still quickly bending their bows and arrows, constantly shooting the monsters in front of them.

Even now, they could still do one arrow a piece.

However, the number of monsters is finally a little too much, ten banshees, can no longer stop them from coming.

In the blink of an eye, they rushed to the thorny forest.

These monsters tried to climb over the thorn forest, but the spikes on the thorn forest taught them to be human... No, to be monsters!

Whether it was a spider monster, or a one-eyed monster, once they climbed up, they were stabbed to the skin.

Want to retreat and can not retreat, because the monster behind rushed over.

Directly pinned to the thorn forest, the monsters behind them stepped on their corpses to charge forward.

With the thorn forest alone, it is certainly not able to stop.

Lin Feng also did not expect the thorn forest to block, like now, it was enough to bring losses to the monsters and slow them down.

After this slowdown, many monsters piled up, and those monsters that tried to charge forward were killed by the banshees point-blank, it was even more difficult to rush through the Thorn wood.

" Lan Sa!"

And, seeing as the monsters had piled up, it was the best time for Lan Sa to strike!

With Lin Feng's voice, Lan Sa moved.

She turned into a lightning light and flew right above the Thorn Forest, and when she reappeared, her hands, already had lightning flashes.

Then, Lan Sa's hands fiercely pressed downward.

The violent thunderbolt rushed out and smashed into the monsters.

"Zizi zizi zizi~"

Lan Sa continued to release lightning, those thunderbolts covered the entire range of dozens of meters in front of the thorn forest, and those monsters that were piled up, were instantly electrocuted one by one to the point where they were scorched on the outside and smoked continuously!