041 The impenetrable defense!


Under the attack of the lightning that Lan Sa continued to release, the spider monsters that were attacked by lightning curled up and hung up one by one.

The one-eyed monsters weren't much better.

In a short period, those monsters that rushed to the front of the thorn forest, at least a hundred of them were directly killed by Lan Sa's strike!

More monsters were also electrocuted and trembled there, foaming at the mouth!

Lan Sa's blow was also quite powerful!

Moreover, this was something she purposely controlled after Lin Feng asked for it, otherwise, the ripple effect would have been much wider.


"Lan Sa, it's okay."

Lin Feng shouted.

The monsters were still rushing out in a steady stream.

Lan Sa's energy was limited, and it was impossible to attack indefinitely.

Now that so many monsters in the pile had been put down, and the others were too electrified to move, the monsters' rhythm was greatly disrupted, allowing the banshees to continue attacking for a while longer.


Hearing Lin Feng's voice, Lan Sa stopped discharging electricity.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~"

The banshees were still attacking non-stop, and every second, a monster fell down.

Lin Feng also took out his crossbow, fixed it on a branch, and attacked.

This kind of electric crossbow is still good for the city walls, but the shooting speed is not as fast as the banshees, and it is not as accurate as the banshees' attacks.

In fact, there is a larger electric crossbow carriage that can send many crossbows at the same time, which is useful against a dense tide of monsters.

However, some monsters do not hit the vital role is not much, with that kind of crossbow car, maybe dozens of crossbow arrows effect, not as accurate as the banshees a blow.

This is like before Lin Feng crossed, during World War II, the average kill a soldier to more than 20,000 bullets, but snipers only need one, the banshees are the equivalent of everyone sniper!

And, or a sniper with a blistering rate of fire!

That's the difference.

This is also the bottom line that although the number of banshees is small, Lin Feng has the confidence to hold back the tide of monsters that number over a thousand.



Light Elf Ying Ying also took out a lightweight bow and unleashed the Vault of Light Arrow skill, shooting the monsters down one by one.

The earth elf Miao Miao didn't make a move, the trap Lin Feng had asked her to make before still had some effect, but it wasn't very useful...

Because it wasn't wide enough, the spider monster jumped over it, and, with too many monsters, it had filled it up.

That trap, if all filled with oil, and then point up, but also very useful, but where to get so much oil?

Black fog every day is not the same location, to get a circle of oil around the outer edge of the floating island, hundreds of tons are not enough!

It is possible to use it to repair the walls later.


The water elf Bai Ling has mobilized a lot of water over and is waiting for Lin Feng's order.

The lovely Meng Meng also did not make a move, she flew around, from time to time to the banshees cast a recovery skill.


Below, the monsters that were so electrified that they couldn't move gradually regained their senses and once again rushed up with the monsters behind them screaming strangely.

"Whoosh whoosh~"

Constantly, monsters were shot.

The forest of thorns also began to change, they crowded out the bodies of the monsters above, so that new monsters rushed over and had to face the thorns again.

At this point, more monsters regained consciousness, and the monsters in the back rushed up and came back with a particularly ferocious onslaught.

These monsters stepped on the corpses of the previous monsters and rushed towards the thorn forest, and there were a few monsters ready to go around, and these were the first to be tackled.

This wave of ferocious impact, once again rushed to the thorn forest, the banshees, even if they could send two or three arrows a second, were a little bit unable to block it.

" Bai Ling!"

Lin Feng lightly shouted.

It was Bai Ling's turn to strike!

Hearing Lin Feng's voice, Bai Ling's hands pushed.

In the next second, the thorn forest suddenly parted, and then, a fierce wind stream rushed out fiercely.

Although those monsters rushed fiercely, this stream of water came so fiercely that it directly rushed them backwards one after another.

Even the corpses of the monsters on the ground were washed to the back.

The rhythm of the monsters' attack was once again disrupted.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh~"

The banshees were still reaping the monsters nonstop.


Lin Feng's strategy was actually very simple.

The banshees were the main force of the attack, don't look like they could only attack one arrow at a time, but they were equivalent to a perpetual motion machine with the help of the entire Misty Forest.

Each Banshee could attack several hundred arrows continuously.

Therefore, the banshees are the main force of the harvest.


Lan Sa's skills look fierce, but, to consider the consumption problem, at level 3, she is not able to take care of all the monsters with one person.

Moreover, her skills are to attack best when the monsters are concentrated and can bring out the maximum range of damage.

Bai Ling's skills, currently weak in attack, need to level up some more, but used to disrupt the rhythm of the monsters is enough.

So, the main task of the Lan Sa and white spirit, is to disrupt the rhythm of the monsters, while bringing a certain amount of killing and injury.

When the monsters swarmed up, they struck to knock the monsters back and needed some time to continue that swarm.

This time is the harvesting time for the banshees.

With their skills themselves to bring the kill, even if this wave of monsters have a couple of thousands, can be easily solved.

Now these monsters, even the thorny forest has not been able to break through yet.


Sure enough, once Bai Ling struck, those monsters took quite a bit of time to reorganize to a larger wave of impact.

And after Bai Ling used water to disrupt the monsters' rhythm, she didn't forget to take the water back again.

Well, she is quite frugal with water, after all, the water resources on the floating island are not endless.

The banshees were still attacking the monsters.

Soon, another wave of monsters attacked ferociously.

" Lan Sa~"

Lan Sa struck again, killing another hundred or two monsters with a single blow, while also electrifying more monsters to the point of immobilization.

The rhythm of the monsters, once again, was disrupted, even if some monsters stepped on the corpses of the monsters that were already piled high and rushed to the forest of thorns, there was no way to break through the forest of thorns.

That thorn forest, became these monsters simply can not break through the line of defense!