042 Large monster wave! Giant monsters!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~"

Lin Feng took his repeating crossbow and was also attacking continuously.

Although Lin Feng had learned the use of the crossbow in school, his accuracy was still not as good as the female demons.

There was no way to kill with a single blow.

In fact, most of the mercenaries were also not able to achieve a fatal blow.

Except for some people who were particularly experienced in combat and used crossbows particularly 6.

Many mercenaries, relying on the kind of high-speed continuous-fire crossbow, that kind of crossbow, loaded with a short crossbow, relying on the intensity of firepower, can be used to contain the monster's charge.

Together with many manpower for fire coverage.

Then, the better mercenaries inside, there are often some psychics.

These psychics also have a variety of abilities that can play no small role.

Not all mercenaries can afford to buy a high-speed crossbow, a high-speed crossbow at least 500,000 or more, a lot of ordinary mercenaries are still used to using bows and arrows with crossbows.


It can be said that these ten banshees of Lin Feng, now play out the combat power, than 100 experienced mercenaries are powerful.

Lin Feng, in turn, has become the sauce.

Of course, if Lin Feng wanted to, with his physical quality that was now strengthened to the equivalent of 3 times that of an ordinary person, Lin Feng could have taken a weapon to melee combat, and these ordinary monsters were not his opponent at all.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh~"

Arrows fell like raindrops.

Soon, it took ten minutes of fighting.

A few dozen meter from the black fog to the middle of the thorn forest was already piled with monster corpses.

These monster corpses were piled up in a thick layer.


"There seems to be a bit too many monsters."

Lin Feng whispered.

In ten minutes' time, Lan Sa had attacked a total of three times, and the monsters that died in her hands alone were over five hundred.

The banshees attacked continuously, each banshee had also killed at least two or three hundred monsters.

Adding up, this is more than three thousand monsters killed.


The monsters were still rushing out.

"So, I won the lottery? A relatively large wave of monsters came?"

Lin Feng thought.

With so many monsters, even if it was replaced by a floating island with walls, it would be impossible to defend without numerous hundreds of people.

Lin Feng's side, however, defended down with just ten banshees and a few elemental elves.

The role of the thorn forest is still huge, if not for the thorn forest block, the monsters would have rushed into the Misty Forest by now.

Of course, is into the mist forest, these monsters can not rush out, the mist is also effective for monsters.

I am afraid that they will destroy the mist tree.

Now this is naturally the best.


So many monsters died, and as a result, the monsters in the back were still coming out in a steady stream, which means that the monster tide that Lin Feng encountered was of a pretty huge monster tide.

After all, under normal circumstances, the general monster tide is often only a few hundred to a thousand monsters or so.

More than a thousand were a minority.

Not to mention, Lin Feng has now encountered more than three thousand monsters.

The good thing is, now the monsters are not as dense as before, the banshees, together with the Lan Sa or the Bai Ling who strikes from time to time, can still handle it.

Lin Feng also prepared a lot of arrows, alloy arrows are prepared 10,000, and ordinary iron arrows are prepared 50,000, enough for the banshees to use.



At this time, amidst the black fog, it was as if a cry rang out.


Immediately after that, the ground shook.

Then, Lin Feng saw a huge thing appear.

This behemoth was more than ten meters tall and was dragging a large bone in its hand.

As soon as it appeared, it was followed by many one-eyed monsters and spider monsters, and a new, black, flying monster also followed.

Flying monsters!

Luckily, there weren't many of these monsters.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and did not turn on the defense mechanism of the floating island, that is, so that these flying monsters could not fly directly to the center of the floating island.

Because there weren't many of them.

"Chen Xi, take care of the flying ones first, Lan Sa, Bai Ling, don't keep your hands."

Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

This wave of monsters, should be the last one, that biggest monster, called Giant Monster.

Not the giant monster, the giant monster is only strong, although the size is also large, but catch this monster is still much worse.

Giant monster is huge, thick skin, attacked with ordinary arrows, a hundred arrows, as if playing, it is a layer of dead skin outside.

Such a monster, at the bottom, the probability of encountering it is generally very small.

So, Lin Feng still won the lottery.



The female demons kept bending their bows and arrows to shoot those monsters in the sky that could fly.

Bai Ling, on the other hand, once again released a large amount of water and rushed towards those monsters.

The monsters that rushed up were stood back by the water.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lan Sa smashed down with a lightning bolt from the sky.

"Zizi zizi zizi~"

This time, there is water conduction, the effect is better, at once, do not know how many monsters were directly electrocuted over.

And while Lan Sa bought time, the banshees had already solved the dozens of black, flying monsters in the sky.

However, the giant monster took the opportunity to rush over against Lan Sa's lightning.

This guy, really thick-skinned, was actually not afraid of electricity!

It had already raised its big bone and was ready to smash the thorn forest in front of it.

"Leave it to me."

Chen Xi was preparing to attack, Yun Yan had already bent his bow and arrow, and on the arrow, the glow belonging to the sun shone.

Then, with one arrow, it rushed towards that giant monster!