Chap3. Cranial trepanations.

In the lunar phase, full moon, framed in an eclipse, it gives a particular reddish tone due to the shadow of the earth's atmosphere projected on the moon, it synchronously invites a certain tribe of jungle monkeys to emigrate towards the coast . It is called the salar season in counterpart to being oriented by the constellations of stars. The howler monkeys, whose nocturnal cries can be heard for miles in the mountainous region of Cajamarca, right in the middle of a Lunar Eclipse. The crossing was in groups of thousands at the beginning of time, but with each eclipse and by the intervention of the wild nature and of man himself. These salt pilgrimages have been losing followers... They move with great agility, only at night, between the trees of the forests and when they reach the mountains through very deep caves until they reach the central coast of the Peruvian territory. Where they camp on the shores of the sea beaches, right at the mouths of the rivers, these that succumb in each bay. The histrionic story says: howler monkeys were formed like this; because they saw the birth of the bays; in a certain lunar eclipse; They saw great blocks of fire come off the sky, lighting up the night from coast to jungle. The strange thing is that the howler monkeys were so disturbed by this sovereign radiance, that instead of hiding or running until they fled, rather, the immense light attracted them. Thus, they began the long journey through the jungle, mountains until they reached the coast. When these crossed the immense, burning and sandy deserts of Ica, it is part of the legend that we want to tell. Dear reader: You already know this cultural history, in what is known worldwide as: The Nazca Lines. This in Peru. The divine wisdom left them a legacy, which the howler monkeys preserve in their genes and these stellar orientations lead them to make the journey in large herds, bands, tribes or family groups of howler monkeys for each lunar eclipse. The phases of Astral Healing: First: The Sand Phase: A ritual in the sand consisted of exposing the same skin of the monkey to the extreme fire of the hot desert air. Unbearable but necessary. It was the only way to heal. And the Creator himself taught them. As it usually does for each species. As long as it maintains the link, the communion, it continues in the divine network. A howler monkey did not understand why, certain years, his skin began to sulfur in small craters, which emanated a fetid odor and abundant pus. Painful, hurtful, convalescing situation. The extreme fever made the pupils of their eyes boil and made their tongues bleed, and some of them dripped blood from their noses and ears. The level of contagion back then does not compare to what humanity knows today as Monkeypox. No Howler Monkey, returned the same, said that emigrating was the exodus to so much evil in their lives. They exceeded in the food ration, in sex with their peers, they were not limited in growth but in satisfying their animal instinct, it was the same to fuck between large and against small or small offspring. Needless to say, the mating rite ended with the females dead from the torturous act… no other animal could approach them in that trance because they ended up with their viscera out, their eyes eaten with fierce teeth and their limbs or parts dismembered. Faced with so much savagery, blisters began to appear on their skin that made their hair fall out and they were exposed to the cold, of temporary winter and the heavy rain of the jungle. For this reason, the only way out of the long-awaited evil was to travel to redeem oneself, to regenerate, to repent, to become extinct from the lineage of the howler monkey.

Second: The Phase in the Salt: After the phase in the sand, the skin was boiled in salt; For this reason, on the coast, in the areas adjacent to the mouths of the rivers, large salt mines were formed. The meowing monkeys bathed in them and slept to heal their wounds; by the cauterization process that providentially makes the salt on the skin of the animal. The strongest and roughest succumbed, not to mention the smallest and the females; this second phase in the arena, ended in the bloodiest cannibalism between peers. Well, between sand and salt, there were no more elements than their own meat and to drink their own blood. Contrary to what is manifested, the survivors ended up fat. Why eat so much? Nope! Because of so much salt that they injected into exposed skin. It was like lunatic ecstasy until the next lunar phase. Third: The Phase in the Coconut Palms: The eyes of each howler monkey had the arteries rooted, and the veins were pronounced until they went crazy. Glassy were also their screams That having passed the eclipse before their eyes, the moon was still reddened! It was madness. It was the phase of revenge, more criminal than the previous phases. The females who silently watched their young being abused, then drowned in sand and doused in salt and swallowed alive; so much so that its pieces still jumped on the shores and ended up devoured by coastal birds of prey and that being dragged by the rough sea, the sharks swallowed them, as if they had ordered howler monkey steaks. An unusual and cruel maternal struggle began but of great relief, with cries of internal war, as of a generational uprising, youthful rebellion does not compare to these expressions of animal horror. The maternal ritual: death to the aggressor: Each female took her male or males and cut off their mouths, scratching off their skin, ears, and eyes and everything that represented their man. Of course! That first she made him fall in love, she sang to him beautifully, she made him snuggle up to espulgué; to finally put him to sleep. Next to a tall plantation and colossal coconut tree. Being exhausted in his arms and by the hectic journey and more by the overexertion for each previous phase. The naive little animal slept pleasantly, not fearing the worst! Thus, the female left him briefly and climbed on a coconut tree and from the top, she dropped the coconuts one after another with singular aim on the head of her male. At the same time that he saw the skull split, he descended quickly and without further remorse for the events that occurred in the self-extinct family and ate with great avidity, the brains of the deceased. It was a maternal ritual against the aggressor. And they took the brains, the cerebellum... as if looking for the root of their ills. And he bit them and put them back and slapped them. And he did this until there was nothing left inside the skull: no skin, no muscles, no blood, no brains... no life to mourn. Over the years, these phases were seen by the arrival of those fleeing from Babel. The creator, by the united wickedness of men, demolished the tower, there was no stone left on stone, brick on brick, lime or sand. At the same time that spiritually confused their minds and directed them to a dark existential void, so much so that they were unaware of all knowledge, all interpersonal relationships. Each of those gathered before the once: immense Tower of Babel. He began to speak another language and directed his steps in the opposite direction to his classmates. Finally they traveled doing torment phases as mentioned what the howler monkeys did, but in human mode. Yes to this indescribable for these few pages of this novel, and for references summarized in broad and specific features in the Book of Lamentations in the Bible. 

Thus, hidden among the few oases of the Ica desert, the exiled humanity saw this phase of cranial trepanations and learned from them as well. This chapter was written, most descriptively of the histrionic story: of Babylonian man and his animal pair: the howler monkey. Why nobody knows for sure What is Monkeypox? Thus, as no one ever knew: What was the Covid Pandemic! Death, death is, but life badly taken is blind homicide and worse infanticide, which caused these generational exterminations. We have to inform by way of telling short stories or novelistic events. You will be able to determine how close you lived to this reality or virtuality of animal-human life or vice versa. - Goody! -He expressed as in a groan Kei Sky-: Please stoke the fire of the campfire. For the cold of this winter; Your love of skin is not enough for us. And more for what you just told. –From there they joined their bodies, almost crying. Like wanting to love each other but taking care not to hurt each other inside, to the point of giving birth to a child, who would have to live with these experiences. Up above, the stars also silenced their brilliance and the moon was eclipsed by what he had just heard and that whispered to the wind that please don't tell anyone else. Well, Mrs. Moon had turned between pale and dark, almost blackened because all this happened because of her. -It will not be that you wanted to hear for another time how the bays were born when the heavens shone -Sketch, -Bierny-: Before giving an intense comforting kiss to Kei Sky, and then proceeding to embrace "an eternity" until falling asleep. -One becomes like a zombie, listening to things like these –he seemed to say to himself. Kei Sky-: in the way he looked. And you dear reader. You already have your version of the facts. - With writer's anecdotes, like these. Who is not going to ramble in their daily work? –He began to say to himself: Bierny. –Adding-: I hope I have only been very exhausted in my description of these facts. I don't want to traumatize anyone, least of all Kei Sky. I could not live thinking that inadvertently: I have sent a subliminal message to my wife and future mother of my children. Not to mention the overseas reader or listener. Welcome to Peru!