Chap4. The Origin of the Bays.

The Creator's canvas is of multi-colored state, each constellation has its own multiverse; a unique, complete universe, tailored to its creatures. More when these fall into disorder, disobedience and exceed the limits, touches the millennial renewal. In every millennium: There is a trial! And the measure of changes is established, based on the unfolding of the universe as a whole. The sum of chaos is for each world. The flashes warned by the tribes of howler monkeys were nothing but the most severe sentence to these worlds. Its total or partial disintegration was condemned to wander the cosmos in exile, like a sidereal exodus, intergalaxies. There are those who know them as comets or as meteorites. The latter, the most feared by humanity, at the minimum reach of one of these large gaseous and mineralized pieces, the worlds succumb or are seriously affected; in its orbital structures, appearing tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions; to mention some of the changes that occur. Sometimes it seems like a simple whim or artist's brushstroke. The Creator's work is ready, but he wants to give it the millennial touch and when he raises the brush, he splashes drops of paint, whether they are the largest or the smallest. Consider also the Creator: like a sculptor, who remakes his work with strong hammers or mallet blows. In the case of Peru, the bays are nothing more than the result of a meteor orchestrated by the Creator. If you visualize, they look like big inland bites. The bays usually have strategic islands facing the sea, which are like a grace to the psychic acts of the Creator. These islands prevent the formation and attack of tsunamis. When it happens, he sends his long, big and huge: Oarfish. Which announces the coming of a Tsunami. More than one aboriginal culture received a visit from such a being; to learn later that things are not going well and that change is imminent. I reiterate. These things only happen in millennia or millennial states of the Creator. - Until now. Everything goes normally in this new stay in the bay. –An XH-Prays mentioned, which managed to avoid being exterminated together with the contamination, which occurred from the Lima Region, passing through the Ancash Region, La Libertad, and; Lambayeque, Piura and Tumbes to a lesser extent. This XH-Prays was on commission to the south of Peru, further south of the Lima Region. He was one of the few survivors. He brought with him a Prays fruit, to plant it on a reef in Chile and upon his return from that mission; just realized this tragedy. "If I'd known earlier," he said to himself, "I wouldn't have carried out the Prays repopulation plan." Now, I know that I must retrace my steps and apply for asylum; and see how to convince: during the next two years. -This Prays seed is supposed to help complete the cure for those who were left with consequences of Covid. Well, in their social relationships: things are happening that are often far from the common sense of the population, from the social sanity of their leaders; they attack the incipient political classes. -The outward journey lasted six months, the stay one year and the return another six months. He said to himself, fearing for his life: Without a base or X-Prays Castle. It is impossible to survive a few months. And that it will be now that I must return to an experimental place. The only slogan I have: It's Survive! This if I reach the Chilean base and take the Prays fruit. It's crazy! Go back in an International Convention of such magnitude. Although there is the possibility of at least a small outbreak or maybe two or more. It all depends on how the protocol of the soil, care and purpose establishes.

LOL! –Said an S-Monky, introduced as a spy in the Chilean base-: We deceived you, with that story of the continental forward base. It was a military strategy to disorient, to divide their troops and to limit their resources. And because they agreed without prejudice! -We must make sure that the messenger XH-Prays no longer breathes. At least we know that it could not without a base and less with ours. -Now that we have, the Prays fruit sample. –Induced a high-ranking X-Monk-: We can proceed with the lethal injection phase of the X-Murvirus for a contagion in the Prays kingdom among all its bases on the planet. -In effect, we improved it with the X-Primate virus: The fearsome monkeypox. - Ha! Right under his nose, we did it with DarkMan and his love in Chimbote Bay. –Asserted an S-Monky-: That was the chaos of the millennium and we were years ahead of implementation. Research and Tests. Everything at once. It could not have been done better: Impossible! -Huge transition from howler monkey invasion. From that base we will change the character of the world and accelerate its self-elimination, more meteorites will circulate not many years later through the multiverses. -The Bay of Chimbote. By having its international stevedoring docks and its shipyards. They are the point of origin for all world invasion. –The S-Monky muttered sarcastically-: Until now, control of the distribution of white gold from that city to Mexico and from there to Europe has been the best business we have set up. -It is not enough to produce coca in the jungle, we have to industrialize it on the coast and we have it by the ton to distribute it throughout the world. -He illuminated, the X-Monk-: In the many variables of products and by-products and with state permission for their commercialization. -But, what no one expects is a second global contagion. And this time with monkeypox! They shouted: all in unison. An S-Monk. He is a multiform, mutant and transgressor monk; that infiltrated every culture on the planet. It could, make these races, nations and tribes… confuse their ancestral goals. Like in a global babel. Part of this farce, were the enigmatic oracles that made people believe the plans for the future; that it was nothing but rambling events for this purpose of global self-elimination. The list is long, immense and multilingual… remember babel: he made their languages ​​confuse to avoid the unity of their vain prides. To XH-Prays, survivor. It occurred to him to follow a histrionic advice from an occasional resident of the mountains. This when seeing the agony box of the XH-Prays delegation. Who, had no choice but to decide to save one, breaking the imperative rules of the Creator. As Turtle Rain is known, the commander… always carries the Prays leaves with her and in extreme cases like these, she feeds herself and heals and reinforces herself with them. Help was illuminated for the Andean settler, as in a vision. By smoking the Ayahuasca. He saw a way out of the pilgrims' evil. They needed a leaf from the Prays tree to survive. And not having, any more, he chose to place some on the heads of the XH-Prays warriors, this still dying, first convalesced by the strong, different and hallucinogenic smell; and fearing for his life, between his last breath and the power to feed himself: he bit the coca leaf over and over again, until the coca juice was extracted. Gradually easing. The same procedure was done with the others, but these fragile beings to the quicklime, their internal organs being perforated by the deadly acid, ended up emptying themselves and taking their lives. The chosen XH-Prays was given only the leaves, as an instinctive option, because the Andean settler saw the procedure in a vision. This after seeing how their peers died in other times: bled, swollen and lunatic.

So, the XH-Prays Warrior. He made a decision of death against death for life in favor of life -because he disobeyed the Creator's designs, about what to eat and what not to eat. These leaves allowed the flow of spirits of divination, esotericism, sorcery. The curses generations, the physical deformations and the mental alterations. It was the result of his continuous, excessive and harmful consumption. He had been given a bag with at least a pound of coca leaf, enough for a long journey, but out of fear of the Creator, he did not use it. And at the end of the things that happened, he did! He moved to the Bay of Paracas and on a night clear of stars, under the sole light of the moon. He danced while biting each leaf until he extracted the coveted elixir. 50 grams was enough. And from time to time: He was able to see his Commander Turtle Rain! And he fell flat on his face, overcome with so much happiness at having achieved the trance, and even more so because of what he still did not understand how he managed to see. He said to himself sleepily, lost in ecstasy: once again it will be to communicate and alert. Clarify that he saw the escape, and was missing: send a real message of help. The next day his adrenaline was at its climax. And living off the thrill. He chose to continue the journey south; to the alleged Chilean Prays base. Sure, the sorcerers, shamans, healers and all the scourge of coastal ruffians. They wouldn't know what happened? And I would cry out for more explanation: it is not the same to use the table for the artifices of deception and another to be able to see, connect and communicate without altering the order of the Creator. It is justly said: "they will dream dreams and see visions". And here it was fulfilled; it is more favored to rule. Anecdotally, we would say that: the fear of the unknown, of inexperience, of inspiration, intuition... of life expectancy; to the struggle to complete the slogan. To the desire to fight for his own. For striving beyond limits; it opens bridges to wisdom, it is more to the revelation to the occult sciences providentially separated for those who dare, for the daring who triumph over challenges. For what they are trainers and promise makers. To say for sure, that after that night of histrionic impulse. I don't need to commit any more crimes, much less transgress the designs of its creator. On the contrary, it was a glimpse of light in the prevailing darkness. And he said of the Creator's son: when he prayed and fasted with songs, angels came and served him. The XH-Prays, understood the limit of the lie and succumbed to the truth; that the gifts are providentially given to the accomplishers of missions. Whose training lasts a lifetime and beyond.