Chap7. The Cosmic Argument

In the Ica Region, around the hundred years, the Creator began to send cosmic signals. A series of slight tremors, which ended in a collision of earthquakes; that made the cities succumb; not a single people was left in this region without being awakened to the call of his Creator. Until the end of 2022, reconstructions continue to be managed in the messages of politicians with weak portfolios.

It is so that humans, understood in the cosmic language; neither blind nor lazy, nor less deaf and without hands. They began the work of cosmic connection. The MonkMan is reactivated; a different race between scavengers of faith and salon workers, who like caviar and the applause of the squares.

As the name says, they are human monks. These appear when the Creator hints at them. The MonkMan are ancient entities. In the past. They had to represent the hordes of howler monkeys and many other hordes that stalked them.

For them, the MonkMan, build and rebuild great monuments. Each monument is an earthly expression: protest mode, invocation mode. A structural way of recognizing the creatures in front of the Creator of him.

This saying is ceremonial, but not imperative. Well, they are like ancestral trophies of their great war deeds.

As far as the Babelic character is concerned. No longer do they all get together and build tall towers. But the MonkMan; They specialize in beings of the planet and make them geoglyphs. There are those that evoke great heights like those of deep waters. They are images that seek to represent Leviathan.

We will focus on talking about the cosmic language of howler monkeys.

In an area of ​​750 square kilometers. In a length of 50 kilometers by a width of 15 kilometers.

For the Lima MonkMan, 400 kilometers are enough to travel south and see them.

The social tourist locates them between kilometer 419 and kilometer 465 of the South Pan-American Highway.

Because the human hordes in war retreat towards the mountains in their path eliminated the route of the S-Monky and their hordes of howler monkeys. They had no choice but to stay in the Cajamarca Region for their bloody journeys. And they lived hidden, until human curiosity became the strategy of the howler monkey.

On the coast, the MonkMan made a horizontal monument to the hordes of howler monkeys between the Nazca Lines. We note that the Babylonian mistake of making tall monuments is not committed, for fear of reprisals from the Creator. A creeping, reptilian sense is the first sign of humiliation, homage and reverence. As an unusual reminder of who we are before the Creator.

With this horizontal and great monument, the Creator was asked for forgiveness and apologies for having done wrong against his creatures.

And like the MonkMan, they knew that the howler monkeys would never come back. They made more monuments for all the other beings. So. The message was complete.

The Creator told them to subdue his creatures. And although the evil method did not like; likewise he had to accept the end, which is not justified in this way.

Over the years, low-rise buildings and other sculptures of plants, animals and of man himself were erected as an iconic and cosmic language. And cities were formed. Civilization as it used to be called once. Well, now he raises the monkeys on large tracts of land re-adapted to the habitat of howler and other monkeys. In spaces called: Zoos.

Their care is also established with professions such as biology, veterinary medicine, among others.

The most seasoned or neglected of these truths of cosmic communication. They cage monkeys and other varieties of animals and keep them as a citizen pastime. And they give them their food or even though many die in the adaptation process. In the end they are domesticated and serve as buffoons, clones or clowns in circuses or social tents.

This observation and human hypothesis about animal life with respect to the cosmic design of its Creator. The howler monkeys and their counterparts from Cajamarca imitated it.

Thus the howler monkeys, observed over the years in the shared exile; as the warlike hordes of humans treated certain plants.

And they saw them sane in their cultivation but not in their consumption. And they devised an experimentation plan.

The animal instinct sought to connect with the human instinct.

And the monkeys began to steal coca leaves and extract limestone from the quarries opened by humans and learned to bite, to chew, and began to see life as if in a 3D viewer: the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and the human kingdom . What they did in this trance is indescribable and indefensible, like a knowledge posture for a thesis.

The howler monkeys lost the strength of their connection with their Creator. The men lost the notion of the reality of their country. That is why the castles with the same are on the banks of a river between the mountains or

on the beach of the sea of ​​the coast and even of the mountains.

An S-Monky. He no longer trained for traversing on foot or through tree branches; but, it required a few coca leaves and that without moving a finger or one of the hairs on his skin. He did great tours.

He saw himself going up like a human in litters, canoes, boats, and even in pluvial boats and walked the cosmic path and saw himself parked on the banks of the Nazca River and headed towards the monument made in his honor.

In the human mind plunged into the same trance: he took the howler monkeys and sacrificed them as on a gigantic altar to the cosmic deities.

Faced with these hallucinating thoughts, the creator announces to them each time his coming wrath and when his fury shines, the earth trembles; as a harbinger of times to come.

The XH-Prays Warrior, only required to know what a spark this ritual.

Then in his being the gift was awakened, as a response of the Creator with the blasphemers, sacrilegious and liars.

The potato produces penicillin… A secret that was also taught by the Andeans to the Guerrero XH-Prays, There are elements in the potato flour that when fermented, dried, ground. It serves as an anti-inflammatory balm.

The MonkMan has the peculiarity of using food to infect his enemies; he does not require wars or fights to inflict damage on his enemies. On the contrary, he socializes at banquets, ceremonial acts of protocol and unique events; he places in drinks and food: poisons in small doses, bacteria and viruses that gradually, over the course of a few days, weeks or months, end up annihilating the forces of his occasional opponents.

Many of whom would never learn of these procedures given the social camouflage the MonkMan is trained in.

They are the interpretations that he gives to each figure of the Nazca lines. What makes the adepts or followers of him; blindly trust every command given by the MonkMan.

Say that a MonkMan has managed to handle the gift of vision but uses it in relation to evil; receiving help from the Dark Lord who holds power based on the darkness that adds to his subjects.

The MonkMan, compacts his followers; with the Dark Lord and this connects the followers in submission and sacrifice in relation to the MonkMan.

That is why howler monkey attacks are directed for their own ends. The MonkMan, self-proclaimed successor to the dark seer; an intermediate species between an S-Monk and MonkMan, the former being a hitman for individuals; while the MonkMan acts as a priest.

The initiation of a MonkMan, occurs according to the region in which he plans to develop, in this case we will give a northern orientation.

From children they instill in them devotion to a wooden idol, they put it around the neck of a vile hunting dog, and when he is younger they put it in his pocket; then come penance paths to lashes or physical incriminations full of pain, at the same time they are part of long pilgrimages, carrying sticks, images, they do them in a deplorable way, some take extreme form and do it on their knees, on their backs...

When they arrive at the place designated by their generations, there are the ritualistic houses, where they invoke the deities and receive the previous pacts, promises of annual payment.

There are the most advanced or what they achieve the manifestations of their gifts of divination, shamanism, cartomancy and other rituals with living or dead objects. They do this near a cold lake or large pond.

The possessions contracted in each session must be passed generationally and here the human being adept of the X-Monk priesthood must act with phases similar to those made by the howler monkeys. In other words use the same spiritual manifestations.

And domestic abuse occurs. To allow the preservation of "the lucrative family business".

Bierny managed to visualize these forms of family obscurantism from a young age. Since the Creator showed him, how they had been dedicated for that purpose, but by reading, hearing, speaking and living by the prophecy he managed over the years to get out of that trance and be free.

And what happened to them, or the X-Monks in their family environment?

But, yes: It is one thing to know, another to go out and another to help others to go out. For the last of the cases, death threats occur year after year as these entities are reprimanded, exiled and limited in the multiple visits that are made to the sixteen regions that Bierny has been doing the work of the Creator.

A psychologist inexperienced in spiritual matters would not know how to do it, much less help. A parapsychologist only sees the dark side of the X-Monks.

He objected to an XH-Prays, as the warrior is raised as a supportive leader, if he could understand, because he himself managed to get out of that trance and go towards the light of his Creator.

Thus, just as there are gifts for good and bad, there are also ministries and their mysteries to unveil. And what about the operations?

Full throttle… the heart seems to say

of the XH-Prays Warrior. Apart from the couple of gifts received, exercised, applied as well. He has achieved the self-training that comes with severe fasts, prolonged social distancing, deep meditation, and salvation only by the Creator's doing.