Chap8. Vulnerables and Withdrawal Strategies.

Who dares to discuss my criteria –said General XP-Monk, delegated to command the X-Primate attack.

Take those two and tell "their widows" that I want to offer my condolences in person. If it's not one at a time, let it be for two: Ha! Ha!

In the prophecy it is told of a King who instilled his generations with this action. He desired a woman from one of her warriors, and to possess her to freedom; he chose to have her husband killed; right in the jaws of the front line against the enemy.

He complied with the cosmic signs –He asked, with a certain sarcasm.

Affirmative, my General XP-Monk. –Said the SP-Monky-: The hard man, will have already found out about his irreverent homage –It was a meeting of the Monky high command.

Bah! Nonsense of the Creator –emphasized the XP-Monk-: We do it by commitment. And because of this, he has left us alone all these last few hundred years.

The farce was the deception itself, because the Creator, in the face of prolonged disobedience, turns away from him and those who are used to doing evil lose their attention.

Let's keep going!

Replace these with two others.

We need a strategy to capture the XH-Prays. That he acted as a carrier, bringing us the seed of the Prays fruit.

For me. I want confirmation that he was eliminated!

The cosmic alignment between the geoglyphs, and especially the effigy, made expansively horizontal, of the howler monkeys; avoid having altercations with the Creator.

It is enough for us that he allows us this free will but we cannot challenge him with a wrong signal from his creatures.

Examining the image of the monkey, we see that it is upright on its four legs, this shows the emotional state they are going through and the long curled tail represents the madness that they have to live from now on.

No pass to give praise to the Creator. Howler monkeys have to learn from the system and readapt to the new, albeit severe, changes. –Magulló, The XP-Monk-: some succulent grapes; while he reveled in the evil proffered against the homage of the creatures, specifically the howler monkey and its affinities to the Creator.

They gave the contradiction compound – she asked.

Of course. We spread the coca leaves. And instantly they showed signs of madness. They have wandered to the point of attacking each other.

Some were inflicted with rather shallow cut wounds that ended up bleeding them to death.

In the end more than 33% of the howler monkey population was exterminated.

If this military secret gets out. It will unleash a bloody war. –Adduced the XP-Monk-: Summon the Anti-Monky Horde.

War strategy on two fronts.

Nazca Squad:

Let's apply for two blows in the Nazca River and in the Bay of Paracas.

In the first we will announce a pilgrimage of howler monkeys which we will eliminate on their journey through the Nazca River.

In the second, we will summon allies, winged as is customary for an enemy bound to the sea.

Someone prepared a field of tall trees for massive deforestation work, a block of wood is needed whose bark allows a good number of freshwater boats to float.

Of those that when joining two to three or at most 4 to 5 trunks, allow to make a bower on them. If it houses between 25 to 50 howler monkeys it will be enough. We need allies on the river; to the surprise, no one will survive the imminent attack

We are the very Vengeance of the Creator! –The XP-Monk finished speaking.

He said this because the elements of the oracle give an account of a certain flood that exterminated all existing life. This in Noah's time.

To those who manage to reach the pilgrimage. Another surprise awaits them. We will summon them inside the coliseums, whose entrances are intakes of the set of 40 aqueducts.

At the cry of warning. The floodgates will open. The water will suddenly flood them right after the fertility ritual.

Exhausted, doped by concoctions prepared with coca leaves, they will sleep long enough for the water to flood them and drown them.

The backup squads will pass the survivors with spears and knives.

After this severe slaughter. Of which no one will know its author. Everyone will fear the Great Majestic Suppression!

We will return to their villages and we will end up conquering what they have left so we will double our warriors.

Paracas Squad

Paracas Squad, present list of winged allies:

If my general XP-Monk. Immediately.

Watch Secretary: Present the Report!

• Flamingos or Parihuanas.

• Peruvian gull.

• Gray Gull.

• Dominican Gull.

• Big Maca.

• Crow Duck.

• Peruvian booby.

• White Knot.

• Elegant Tern.

• Arctic Plover.

• Yellow Leg.

• Picotera…

The tournament for promotions and admissions to the SP-M Strategic Assault Corps. You must initiate the response to the summons of the twelve allies.

Specify the positions available, according to their investiture.

Once they adapt to our SP-M equipment.

We will manage to conquer them themselves.

Will these winged allies have real war experience and nor simulated?

You have to conceive. Trophies for each challenge between allies.

The prizes must be so tentative that the mere fact of possessing them will motivate them to participate with the desire to win and they do not know that they are Trojan Horses; these unique gifts.

Let's continue to impregnate the clothes with the dermal poison, once their bodies sweat from the physical exposure in the tests, their open pores will slowly absorb small lethal doses.

By the time the tests are done. The effect of the poison will be present within the full moon and new moon. It will be a period of 15 to 30 days. Enough to neutralize and contract their fatty muscle mass, they will crack in pain and slowly fade into a dream forever.

In the distance they howled, a pack of wolves.

The Creator announced the aforementioned massacres.

And what they are understood, they will take other ways of coexistence as peaceful and possible.

Knowing of the plans; This as soon as his troops fall, there are little more than 3 to 5 days left to clean the places, since the visit of other worlds is scheduled.

General, the wolves have changed the message.

Alert 1!

They have discovered our plans and are not blackmailing, under the guise of making them known.

It is the air of their gazes, which scrutinize our temples and do not give us freedom to decide.

This is General XP-Monk speaking.

Comrades, to this day. I did not know, of the vulnerability of our allies and more of our own bodies.

There is a horde of XP-Gekko, which are a kind of elusive lizards; of those that populate the burning deserts. Due to their flexible body, these lizards were able to penetrate and spy on the enemy, prior notice from the Creator to disarm the enemy who regroups with a Babelic spirit. Also, they intercepted our slogans - Said the X-Monk, a monk of the second rank.

Alert 2!

They have seen a horde of Black Turtles and Leather Turtles.

Something is cooking in the Bay.

Which is announced by the presence of the aforementioned. What intercepts our communications to the point of making us vulnerable?

Little did they know that the Warrior XH-Prays. He has evolved to the point of neutralizing the power of his enemies.

He has achieved another gift of discernment of evil spirits.

They have exposed us. General XP-Monk said.

Eliminate, right now, everyone who knows about the plan. Attack!

In the prophecy it was stipulated to be in harmony with the Creator. Favors the defeat of enemies.

The Creator now uses the Warrior XH-Prays, to eliminate the enemies of the town of him; in defense of the allies.

Suddenly everyone against everyone began to fight relentlessly.

Not only was the two plans of mass annihilation dismantled, but the local threat was also eliminated.

A new order must prevail in the area.

While Oracle Prays – Asked by Commander Turtle. She was not wrong.

She had predicted the opening of a new bay. Saying:

My children go to the Bay, along the lines that are undermined and where they did, do and want to make my creatures die. My people advance through their shell tribes because I hope to be planted there.

The message was the most expected. And two parts could interpret the locations of the Bay, by the Bay of Paracas and of the Lines by the dense fumes of boiling blood that emerged from Nazca to protest the massacres before the creator.

What could not be interpreted yet was who was waiting there.

It was enough to gather stones and shed tears to the Creator to establish an altar that allows opening such a portal. That in all freedom of life. Grant the XH-Prays Warrior communication with his peers.

He was no longer the same one who was sent on the mission south to the alleged Prays base.

But by himself he managed to evolve.

A voice in the middle of the trance, said I'll call you: Kitsuya. Find Guarson and Chimpy and Craby. My brave children. They will all know what to do.

The reverse evolution to Bierny, who transmigrated from plant to human and then to animal.

In the Warrior XH-Prays. He was from Animal to Human and finally to Plant.

In the evolutionary generations of the Prays, his tripolar evolution allows him to plant himself, it is an end of the nomadic life to a fruitful sedentary lifestyle. He himself would become a Prays tree.

Although everything is supernatural. Al under the direction of the supreme Creator. Who knows? If you show him another way to reproduce. Well, tremendous evolution makes it powerful. You save the Creator and the Evolved Creatures from him!

The advance of the legions of Tortugas Cuero and Tortugas Prietas. They were the prelude to Commander Turtle's arrival.

In the eyes of the creator she has been chosen to reign over the allied peoples and for the peoples to conquer. She would make peace with her fellow creatures.

To everything said the change is given. Well, without intervening directly. She is winning a cruel war.

The movement of marine, terrestrial and bird species. It is the call for such a great event, I reiterate the coronation of una Queen. And to the strengthening of all the kings who seek to defend their environments and clean their environment so that their generations can live: peacefully, healthy and building an eco-friendly habitat.

Should the human being learn from other creatures? Yes!

For the Creator himself made himself a creature to save his creation once more. of the extermination You save the Turtle Queen!

Only one final question remains: Who would be appointed King?