Chap9. The Candlestick of Full Life.

Chap9. The Candlestick of Full Life.

No human being, by himself, manages to conceive this cosmic sign. But after confronting the Creator himself.

The Babelic exiles, whose origin is immutable. Wanting to transcend the past of shame for his exile. And before the eyes of the Creator. They erected a monument of reconciliation with the supreme Creator. It took three hundred years to build it and what would be equivalent to 3 generations.

It is a structured message of the Prophecy, because in its very conception it represents:

• One God, Creator and Father. It is the central and main staff intercepted by the triangle of ancestral knowledge or understanding. Up like a burning bush his authority over the one who invokes him, seeks him and obeys him.

• One God, Educator and Son. It is the staff on the right and complemented the central staff, as it has two groups of flares or connections. And it gives Revelation by knowing him, blessing him and proclaiming him Lord of his life.

• One God, Inspirer and Spirit. It is the staff on the left and complemented by the central staff and by the staff and by the staff on the right. The closeness of the groups of flares conceives the notion of supreme unity.

This giant structure or geoglyph Candelabra de Paracas, measures 180 meters, as humans know it. It is one of the invocation figures used by the creatures before their creator in the old continent. It is located in the Paracas Peninsula at the foot of the Cordillera Lechuza. Facing the Bay of Paracas.

This place of stellar worship, because it connects with the Creator.

From the other exile that of Commander Turtle, who had to emigrate with her entourage of retreating allies to the continent of Oceania. Precisely they stayed on reefs near New Zealand, this at the other end of the Pacific Ocean. The return trip is intensely copious with hidden enemies but welcome in huge allies.

Whale King – A huge whale that together with his royalty and his subjects managed to transport the emigrants back to the Ica Region. At the height of Pisco on Ballestas Island. From there, reorganize teams to mislead the way to the Paracas Chandelier Ceremony, to establish Commander Turtle as Queen.

The ceremonial meeting will mainly include the marine and terrestrial environments.

The night with a full moon is propitious for the response of the Supreme Creator to your call – Harangued, Commander Turtle Rain.

If the signal is given, we will proceed to do the Paracas Candlestick Ceremony, because as the name indicates, it must occur: "A hurricane coastal wind, such that it raises a rain of sand."

Hail Commander! Hail Queen Turtle!

Tall. –It was heard from a being hidden in the meadow of marine macroalgae. These forests formed under the sea contain the Vulva lettuce, and a series of algae; Chondra, Yuyo, Brown and Red. A whole set of appetizing dishes, which together serve as hiding places.

Immediately the place was surrounded by beings different from those that Commander Turtle used to lead. -And who, raising his voice, said-: Introduce yourself and Expose the call of Alto of her.

He was an Obscurus Dolphin, who was dispatched by the coastal defense fleet adjacent to the Bay.

I conjure you to leave the area by the next moon, as the fleet is on red alert for his arrival. –Claimed, the Dolphin Obscurus.

When he finished speaking, other groups of Dolphins appeared behind him and came out from all sides: Turslop and Delphin. Accompanied by thick Lontra otters and grotesque sea lions: Arctop and Otaria.

The challenge was done. But apparently not everything is said in a second of attention. The party atmosphere became dense with glances and tense with unintended actions. They all drew their weapons and were ready to attack, as soon as the commanders of both commands, encourage the leaders of groups of species to fight.

Within the same forest of algae and sea lettuce, an intense light covered the face of light, so strong and pure was what shone, that their skins became transparent, as if what was in their entrails could be recognized as a discovery. of the truth hidden between arbitrary dispositions.

No one knew for sure who this or that side was, much less their purposes towards humanity, and what was the order they represented within the Creator's designs.

The spiritual blindness of both sides was dispelled as the resplendent appearance of lights ended.

There, a beautiful cosmic door was formed from the same marine plants, which resembled a portal.

Those who did understand what the apparition was like were the few leaders that accompanied the future Turtle Queen. Of the intrepid auditors, few remained, the team leaders. The rest fled in terror; before spectacular appearance.

They were long and wonderful minutes of colors and shapes before conceiving a figure recognizable to the newly arrived allies.

Before his eyes the XHP Warrior-Prays, which had evolved. And he had a kind of headband around his temple, at the back of his head, over his ears, everyone imagined and thought they saw a crown in that part.

He is the divine King! Guardian of the Paracas Candelabra! - Shouted the no less skeptical visitors and defenders of the seabed adjacent to the Bay of Paracas.

Amazingly, this appearance broke the ice of being "good-bad" intruders or being "bad-good" defenders.

Who understands the Creator? When he wants to get our attention.

Then there was a beam of light in his hearts and more in their minds that dispelled disappointment and more:

As the newcomers bowed, they made themselves known; being the most cautious to continue with the surprise.

They were a warlike and peaceful occasion at the same time.

The locals also prostrated themselves joining in a clamor that resounded to the most remote place of the seabed; everything created miles away, in harmony offered homage to the proclaimed King XHP-Prays.

Eternal hours of sublime adoration through the envoy.

There was the gift of transfiguration and it could, through the one who created it, formed it and called it, be moved from one place to another between evolved Prays portals.

The sacrifice announced in the novel Prays Human, was not necessary.

That means a great advance, which is merited by the threat of the X-Monk and his X-Monky minions to annihilate humanity in a massive and global first attempt. They had already achieved enough with the Murcvirus that caused the Covid pandemic and now they were planning a second attempt with monkeypox and its primate virus.

General situation is global. In the end, it is the Creator who decides: who stays and continues to live and who leaves or ceases to exist.

After the great ceremonial event of ascension of a King by divine will.

They all returned happy with hope to their chambers.

In the connection by the network of the Creator. They knew that the next day he had to notify the Kingdoms and that everyone should bring gifts. To glorify the bestowed deity!

At midnight, without strange locals, the XHP-Prays spoke with Commander Turtle, through another gift of intercession, a kind of spiritual and mental dialogue at the same time. As if she spoke to the heart.

The peaceful presence of a messenger of the Creator. It gave rise to an exalted communion, so much so that nature itself, without being the time of spring, began to strengthen its branches, clean its leaves, and to the songs of birds everything flourished in all the kingdoms of the earth.

Save the King! It was heard in the songs.

Friend Turtle Rain, you understand the message - Said the recently proclaimed King telepathically.

Yes. It is something indescribable in our nature, but so beautiful to know. And this immense peace.

Console yourselves and Wait for the salvation of the Creator of him!

To the south of Lima, nothing had apparently suffered from the oil spill. However, it cannot be assumed that this was done by the hand of the enemy.

On the following days, the Paracas chandelier was lit at night; as if lights emanated from its stones; it was an intermittent cosmic signal, like Morse code like interplanetary signals.

Who did those lights summon? And because?

There would be? Worse enemies than the X-Monk…

Or friends with more power than those shown before then would come.

In the Prays multiverse, it was at least for that time having to be planted for a Prays tree to grow; to a first level X-Prays Warrior or a second level XH-Prays.

But who would dare want to sow the enigmatic appeared King.

As much as he was known less evolved as a loyal warrior.

If this is done, how to counteract the outbreaks of Covid variants, which still haunt the nations.

How to prepare antidotes capable of repelling the new primate virus that produces Monkeypox.

A few days later another apparition in the heavens, the highest, the inhabitants of the earth realized because for a few minutes it clouded the earth as in an eclipse.

And it penetrated the earth's atmosphere and ended up near the Bay of Paracas and the impact was such that there was no building left on the seabed.

Is it a response from the Creator to the revolt of the pagan peoples before the arrival of his people?

They recognized this fact as such and rested before congregating on a pilgrimage to the XH-Prays portal.

So if there is a divine King, there must be an earthly Queen?

No. Well, it is the Creator: who sets and removes kings, according to the Word of Prophecy.

And what designs or decisions in favor of the kingdoms should the almost proclaimed queen and current Commander of the Allies consider making?

Handmaiden: Turtle Rain, once you served me with your life and I gave you abundant life, it is the mystery of your mission. After 24 hours you will have to do it again. I have said –Reverberated the kingdoms this voice.

Everyone knew who should do something, but not what was going to do it.

Only the announced Tutle Rain would know what it is...

Remember the passage in the novel Prays Human?

I know them I'll remember, what's up, I'll illuminate? –Said the King.

He will take the maidservant's shell and plant it inside the portal, it will form a base for the later formation of an XHP-Prays or 3rd level castle.

The visitors from outer space who are about to appear and who arrived in the recently fallen meteorite, will complement the spaces, levels, chambers, towers, domes, gardens, bridges, rivers and prisons and others.

Save Commander Turtle Rain!

Save the Allies!

Hail King XHP-Prays!

Save the Kingdoms of the Bay of Paracas!