Instructor James

"Whoooo!" The crowd of instructors bellowed in excitement, chanting for the two to fight. A student dared to ask an instructor for a sparring match in such a manner!

"Well, I can't refuse a student's request, can I now," Jake smirked, darting at Ellia. "How do you want to do this? I'll let you choose as the student."

"Well, why not the standard CQC match," Ellia replied with a smile.

Looking at the two, James groaned as he smacked his forehead. Ellia, on one side, had a bight face that seemed to shin like a goddess, while Jack, on the other, had a crooked curve on the ends of his lips that seemed to be telling Ellia. "I can't wait to fuck you up!"

An instructor from within the crowd threw them both a stainless dagger.

"These are real. You think you can handle them?" Jake questioned, smirking.

"Yes... it's quite a fine dagger." Ellia complimented as she inspected the sharpness of the blade. It seemed that the quality of the blades also rose.

James then walked up to the two then drew small circles around the feet, about four centimeters to the line and their foot.

"You are not allowed to step out of your circles. You are permitted to stab your opponent but not in the neck, head, groin, or heart. The match will stop if your opponents give up or until I stop the match." James explained as if reading terms and conditions.

Ellia and Jake both centered out as they readied themselves by lifting their daggers.

"Fight!" James yelled. The moment he did, an unbelievable amount of killing aura rushed through everyone sending chills up their spine. Of course, this didn't phase them much, but when they looked at Ellia, they gasped in shock.

Ellia's goddess-like smile had unexpectedly turned into a devil-like smile!

"Such a gruesome killing aura comes from a young lady like her...!"

"The fuck has she gone through to become like this...?!"

Everyone had the same reactions. Blood, sweat, and tears won't produce such a potent killing aura! It comes down to those who will go to any length to kill or defeat your enemies. The thoughts of killing or defeating your emery's are amplified to what we know as killing aura.

Clashing blades with Ellia, a cold bead of sweat made its way down to Jake's back and across his ribs.

Gulping, he sent a quick jab towards Ellia's right chest.

'Fast...' Ellia mumbled as she watched the dagger fly towards her. 'But it's not something that I can't dodge.'

Leaning forward, she weaved and grabbed Jake's wrist while jamming her dagger into his ribs. Ellia would have twisted her dagger to ensure the kill, but she didn't because it was a friendly match.

It was an instant. The sparring match ended in an instant. The group of instructors couldn't believe their eyes; a student had just defeated an instructor!

Ellia left the dagger in Jake's body so it would minimize blood loss.

"Send him to the medical center," James said to a random instructor, still gaping in shock.

The instructors then picked Jack up and ran towards the medical center.

James then approached Ellia. "Who taught you how to fight?" James asked with his sharp eyes pined on Ellia.

"I was self-thought, Instructor," Ellia replied as if it wasn't a big deal.

James then rubbed his chin. 'Self-thought... she must be a genius. And there's a high possibility of her being an ace for the Imperial army in the future.' James thought as she soon sighed. 'It's a shame I can't see it with my own eyes.'

"By the way... what squad are you in," James asked with hopefulness in his eyes.

"Squad 32, Instructor," Ellia answered.

James winded his eyes upon hearing Ellia's words. When he had become an instructor for Everwhite, he had wished to receive a student like Ellia, but unfortunately, he was stuck with training students that were blockheads.

So when he saw such a bold young lass defeating an instructor, the only thought in his was, 'I want her! I want to train her!'

'Squad 32... that's the squad I was assigned to...' James mumbled as he chuckled. That chuckle soon because a laugh of frenzy.

"I-instructor..." Ellia stuttered as he stared at him with a questioning look.

"Call me instructor James from now on!" He spoke with a giant smile on his face.

"Y-yes..." Ellia replied. "But why...?"

"Why? Because I'm your instructor, that's why!" James laughed as he patted Ellia's shoulder. "We're going to have a fun time training."

"You're my instructor?" Ellia inquired, her face unsure. If James was telling the truth about being her instructor, Ellia was relieved that she could have someone like James instead of Jake, but she began to have second thoughts when she saw his smile.

"Of course." James nodded. "You can't believe it, right? Out of the five hundred instructors scattered across Everwhite, I somehow ended up with you."

"Haha..." Ellia gave a weak chuckle.

"But what's your ranking?" James suddenly asked. "It must be something high."

"Ah, that..." Ellia murmured as she scratched her cheek. "It was like 2900... something?"

James then stared at Ellia with dialed eyes. "You're joking, right?"


"For god's sake, you're this skilled but somehow ended up ranking the lowest. I knew the Impire's system was messed up but not to this extent." James spoke, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Either way, since I'm your instructor, I'll be taking care of you and your squad."

"Much appreciated, instructor." Ellia smiled.

"Alright, meet here when training starts. I have to go check up on Jake," James said as he walked away.

Ellia soon made her way not too far into the pine forest, where she rested against a tree until the time came.