
2 chapter invasion

It was 2 in the morning, Kamesh was fast asleep. But then, the door swings open. Waking Kamesh, Rya looked shook, unsettled, and scared. This was the first time Kamesh saw her like this.

"Hurry, get up!"

"What's happening?"


As soon as Kamesh heard those words. He bolted to the bathroom, and started peeing.

"What are you doing! We're being invaded and you don't care!"

"C'mon, is it really that urgent? Besides, I'm already done."

Kamesh changes into his combat suit. A grey hoody, hit black joggers, and some sneakers. But don't let it fool you, it may look like everyday clothes. But Kamesh tinkered with them, modifying them with a 10x defense buff, 10x speed buff, and 15x strength buff. He is now indeed, overpowered.


"Where are we headed?"

"The capital."

Rya climbs onto Kamesh, whilst she is getting on.

Kamesh is charging up a super jump, horizontally. When Kamesh has a good grip on Rya, he jumps. Flying through the air like a bullet, going speeds well over the speed of sound. In a matter of minutes, they've reached the capital.

"Go to the base on the west side!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Kamesh lifts his leg up, and creates a pocket of highly condensed air. And upon release, it practically blows up, sending Kamesh and Rya flying towards their destination. Kamesh positions himself for landing. When he lands, his feet dig into the ground breaking and cracking it. He then drifts about 5 meters, when he stops, Rya jumps off and starts to run in order to talk to the captain of the base.

"Sir, are your men ready?"

"Yes lady Rya."

"Make them take the rear."

"Wait what, you can't be serious!"

"Trust me, Kamesh will be on the front lines for you."

"Fine, if he's your student, so be it."

The captain turns around to talk to his men. But is face to face with Kamesh, and he is startled by this


"Holy shit! Uh I mean, son, go to the front lines!"


Kamesh starts running past the guards posted up, he runs past about 10,000 men in mere seconds. The country invading was the Giro Kingdom. They would reach the base in 7 hours. Plenty of time for reinforcements to come, they were even sending in students to fight. In total, counting everybody who was defending, it comes out to about 56 thousand soldiers. But in Kamesh's mind, this was nothing but a little inconvenience.

5 hours have passed, and the students from his school have made it to the base. And since Kamesh is able to go anywhere in literal seconds, he goes to talk to them.

"Aye, Dawn, Lucia! Good to see you made it!"

"It's amazing how you can stay calm in this situation."

"Yeah! How are you so strong?"

From a tent, Rya emerged and greeted the girls.

"Oh, y'all must be the two girls Kamesh was talking about! Hi there!"

"Hello lady Rya!"

"Lady Rya, I have a question to ask you."

"Ask away."

"How did Kamesh get so strong? Like, he's well built but, I just don't get how he is so strong!"

"Ahh little old Kamesh. I found him a year ago in the woods along the northern border. He was frail, depressed looking, and lived in a tent he built from stocks and leaves. He told me he was born under the Red Moon, but he had blue eyes instead of red or dark eyes. So he was bullied, ridiculed, and abused by his own family. So when he was 12, he ran away. And lived off of the wild for 5 years. He had experience, he was a fast learner, he was smart, the best student someone could ever have. And even if I've only known him for a year or so, I see him as my son."

"That's kinda gay."

"Shut up, the captain said to go to the front!"

"Wait why's he at the front?"

"Isn't it obvious? When you're around him, don't you feel uneasy or heavy? Like something's pushing you down, and a bit of nervousness?"

"I did, but I thought I was just sick."

"That's his power."

After their conversation, a wall of knights could be seen charging towards the capital. Their invasion of the Jinn Kingdom had officially begun. 1 general at the front, 20 thousand knights behind him, 10 thousand mages at the rear, and 50 summoned beasts of the highest level. The Jinn Kingdom had never seen such a powerful army before, and were under prepared. Kamesh was sitting on top of a red wood tree, having a slight smirk. Kamesh was confident in his ability. But when he saw the general leading the army, he immediately jumped in Infront of them.

"You, do you remember me?"

"Holy shit, why look who it is. It's the disappointment of a human being who is my son, how've you been!"

"Shut your mouth, look at your men."

Kamesh's father turns around to see that all of his men were decapitated, Kamesh puts his hand on his father's shoulder.

"It's over."

"No, you bitch!"

His father slashes Kamesh's face, his sword instantly melts into a molten lump. Kamesh grabs his face, jumping into the air. Rya seeing what Kamesh was doing, ordered all mages to fire at Kamesh.

"Fire at Kamesh, do it now!"

"Lady Rya, why?"

After Lucia saw the look on Rya's face, she had to comply. A face of fear and terror had engulfed Rya's face. She knew that if they didn't stop Kamesh, there would be no tomorrow. Kamesh will go a long way for revenge, he holds grudges and never forgets. So when the person who led the Giro Kingdom turned out to be his father, he broke.

"What are you doing, I am your father!"

"No, you're just a monster who claims to have a heart. But I can take that heart out, and make you eat it."

"No, no!"

"Shut up!"

Kamesh digs his hand into his father's chest, and pulls his heart out. But he did not die, because Kamesh was constantly casting recovery magic. He shoves the heart into his mouth and forces his jaw shut. His father immediately regurgitated it out.


Kamesh was bombarded by all sorts of spells. But Rya's gravity spell pushed him to the ground. Rya runs to him, but he was nowhere to be seen.


Kamesh appears behind Rya, Rya turns around but Kamesh grabs her by the neck, suffocating her.

"Why! Tell me, why did you stop me!"


Kamesh's eyes widened, Rya looked shook, she was scared of him. Kamesh felt a wave of disappointment, anger, and sadness. Not to her, but to himself.

"/How could I do this?/"

Kamesh lets go of Rya and she drops to her knees. Kamesh is distraught by what he had just done. Kamesh flies away in a pit of rage in himself.

The guards run to Rya to help her up.

"Don't worry lady Rya, we'll find him. Trust us."

"No don't, you can't sway him after this."


"I said no!"

The invasion was a failure for the Gina Kingdom, but the Jinn Kingdom lost one of their most powerful soldiers.