Chapter 5-Two Days

We find ourselves in the void of space as five Saiyan space pods, flying in the general direction of earth.

"Hey, hey! Flyro, Flyro! How much longer?!"

"Tora, leave Flyro alone, you annoying insect."

"Oh yeah?! Or what, Gollin! What you gonna do!"

"I'll show you when I get my damn hands on you! You little runt!"

"Why don't both of you bite it, we still have two days before we arrive, and if I have to keep listening to your bickering every three seconds. I'm going to rip your tongues from your throats." Hylos threatened causing everyone to fall silent once again.

"So, chief. How's the hostage?" Asked Pierce in curiosity.

"She's still unconscious."

"Poor girl, hey! Why did we bring her again?"

"For the ritual, remember Tora. If things go south, we use the ritual to take control."

"I got it! Absolutely one hundred percent!"

"Good, now everyone stay off the comms or else." Flyro closed the comms and everyone continued in silence.

He quietly examined the sleeping girl before looking out the tinted red window and leaning back in his chair. Drifting to sleep.

Back on earth we find Okara and Crimson exploring a new city together. One three times bigger then Westfall. Okara smiling in excitement as Crimson reads the cities welcome sign.

"Welcome! To Eastdawn City!"

Okara's eyes sparkled at the exciting new area. Flying vehicles, along with the ones still driving along the roads. People biking on scenic routes, along with those walking and talking for the nice day they were having. Eastdawn was massive indeed, as it's buildings could house over forty people, it was supported and funded by the mayor of Westfall. Who wanted to give people a new place to live without being around the now in remodel Westfall. Multiple giant schools, offices, police stations, fire departments, everything was available. Even markets where people sold parts for vehicles, food, fishing gear. Anything you needed you could find it in Eastdawn.

"Come on! It's so big, we've got to explore it all!"

"Okara, that's impossible!"

"You know damn well it's not!"

"We'd be here for days!"

"That doesn't make it impossible!"

"Well! Don't forget we're here for a reason, okay!"

Okara had already ran off leaving Crimson behind.

"Oh you mother..."

Crimson quickly ran after him.

"Wait you nimrod!" Crimson instantly caught up and bashed Okara in the back of the head with his right fist.

"Stop and listen for a moment will you!"

Okara held his head with slight tears in his eyes as he looked at Crimson.

"That hurt..."

"We're here to pick some things up for Bell, and Cassa. But we're also here because?"


Crimson's eyes dulled as he stared at Okara.

"Are you serious?"

"What? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Okara, what did Cassa tell you specifically to get?"

"Uh? Uh?"

"You are the worst father I've met. Party stuff, Okara. For Ru's birthday party!"

Okara's eyes widen in embarrassment.

"Oh, oh shit. I can't believe I forgot about that. Wow."

"Okay, now that, that's in your head. Why don't we go get everything."

Okara and Crimson rush into the massive city to get their needed supplies. As Cassa has Bell take Ru out to keep him from seeing the setup, Cassa and Rose were preparing.

"Birthday parties are so fun! All the decorations, the presents, cake. Everything!"

"I'm gonna have to disagree with you, Cassa. Birthday parties aren't that amazing. I mean look at me, I've never had a birthday party in my life, and look how I turned out."

"Yeah, you turned into a mad evil scientists till you we stopped you and turned you into a good person."

Rose stopped and look at Cassa with a convinced face.

"Fair enough."

Cassa and Rose laugh as they continue stringing up the party decorations. Rose preparing the balloons, and tablecloths. Cassa setting up paper plates, napkins, and forks. Then also stringing up the wall décor.

"I hope the other two geniuses make it back with everything correctly." Rose remarks with sarcasm.

"Tell me about it. At this point it's all fighting with them. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Those medals sure have gone to their heads."

"Along with their titles, Heroes of Earth!"

"I mean you've got to give them credit. If it wasn't for who they are, then earth really wouldn't be standing right now. You, me, Bell, Ru. None of us would be around." Rose said with a smile as she thought about Crimson.

"I know, Rose. I know." Cassa smiled too, as she thought of Okara.

With silence filling the room for only a moment, a sudden tapping appeared.

"Hey, Cassa do you hear that?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

Rose looked around, slowly setting down the none blown up balloons. As she traveled to the kitchen she looked out the window.

"I don't know. But I don't see anything." Rose turns to look at Cassa and instantly looks back out the window.


Instantly finding herself with a brown chicken, pecking at the window.

"You little fur ball! I'll, I'll!" Rose quickly opened the window and instantly grabbed the brown chicken. At Cassa's surprise she started hugging it.

"I'll squeeze you to death!"

"Rose, Rose! Don't kill Clock!!"

As Cassa grabs Rose, she instantly lets go of him and Clock floats down to the ground. Trying to regain all of his breath. For his tiny chicken lungs.

"See he's fine."

"Aw you poor thing. You must've been hunger. Did Okara forget to fill your feeder?" Cassa slowly picked up Clock and held him up.

"Let's go fill up your feeder so you can eat, okay?" Clock was blushing as Cassa stared at him. Yes the chicken is blushing! You leave him alone! He's here for all of us.

Cassa left the rest of decorating to Rose as she left to fill up Clock's feeder.

"Was it me or was that chicken blushing. Blushing... Blushing... Oh well."

Rose continued putting up the rest of the happy birthday Ru décor. Soon enough the decorating was coming to an end and all they had to do was wait for Okara and Crimson's return.