Chapter 6-Calm Before The Storm

A day of peace smoothly passes by as Ru and everyone enjoys the birthday party. Leaving an everlasting memory for the entire group. However, the following day was not as sunny and lovely as the last.

"It's pretty cloudy today, wouldn't you say, Okara?"

Crimson and Okara sit comfortably on the front porch looking up into the dark cloudy sky.

"I guess you can't expect every day to be a good day."

"Now, now who said anything about rain being a bad thing."

"I mean all it does is make things wet. So why is that a good thing?"

"Oh, my Saiyan friend you have much to learn."

Suddenly out of nowhere Crimson pulled out a black top hot and cane. Then proceeded to leap off the porch and start dancing. Tapping the cane after every move, and holding onto his top hat with his left hand. Covering a bit of his face along with his smashed down hair.

"What the f-."

Crimson then aimed the cane into Okara's face and began singing.

"Rainnnnnn! Oh rainnnn! Where do you come from and where do you go!! Well if you must know, how about you listen to these notes. It goes precipitation, evaporation, condensation even some good'ol transpiration too. But rain oh rain why do you do what you do?"

Okara's face is filled with cringe as he continues watching Crimson sing at the top of his lungs.

"Well let, me, tell, you! It has a hundred and four days of summer vacations and-"

"Crimson! Wrong song!"

"O-Oh yeah! Got of track where was I? Oh yeah!"

Crimson takes off his top hat as rain begins pour down upon them.

"Why do you do what you do! Well you do what you do so you can save the earth too. Just like me and you! It waters the plants, and bathes the animals, it cleans out the mud in your shoes. Ha! Yeah you! It saves the earth and helps the dirt just so we can live here too. Bam! Now you know why it's great isn't it straight don't you finally understand the reason this monochrome hue. Is such a magical vieeeeewww!!!"

Crimson on his knees in the mud jazzing his top hat and extending his cane in front of Okara who sat with cringe smirked on his face.

"So did you like it?"

"Crimson the actually hell."

"Hey you can't tell me you don't like the rain now."

"Well it's not that I didn't hate it, but now every time it rains I'll remember this little jig and feel cringe overwhelm my face. So thanks. It was helpful."

"Wow, you're just plain rude."

Crimson tosses his top hat and cane and gets off his knees to sit beside Okara. Mud covering his knees.

"Uh, you might wanna go change."

Crimson was soaking wet and covering in mud from all the dancing he was doing.

"Yeah, fair point. I'll be right back."

Crimson gets up and walks inside leaving Okara on the porch by himself. Which he secretly begins thinking to himself and speaking quietly.

"Rainnnnn oh, rainnnnn. Where do you come from, where do you go...."

Okara looks out into the drenched earth before him.

"God damn it."

Okara stops "thinking" to himself and gets up to go inside as well. As he walks through the door he finds Crimson slightly chuckling as he look at him.


Crimson held his right hand's fingers over his mouth before bursting into a scene.

"I knew it worked!! I heard you Okara! I heard you singing it!"

"N-No! Idiot! I don't know what your talking about!"

Cassa peaks around the corner with Ru.

"Okara was singing?"

"Yeah! Yeah! You should've heard it. He was singing."

"Wow it's been awhile since I've heard you sing, Okara."

"C-Cassa! Not now..."

Crimson looked stunned instantly at Cassa's words.

"You mean he can sing? Wait, can you sing?"

"I-I use to sing, on Escar a long, long time ago."

"Whoa! No way! That's awesome! Wait, that doesn't answer if you were good or not."

"I-I don't know... Why's it matter anyway!"

"Awww he's all flustered! Just look at him." Bell says with a smirk on her face as enters the room in a red tank top and thigh cut shorts. Her hair put up in a messy bun and a drink in her hand.

"Oh my!"

"B-Bell what are you wearing!"

Bell's face was red not because she was embarrassed. No, no. Because she was drunk.

"Oh? Does it surprise you? Crimson, Okara?"

She leans forward shoving more in front of them.

"Bell!" Cassa shouts as Ru just watches confused.

"Oh come on, don't be shy now. Here have a drink, lets party a bit." Her words were slurred and her actions unjust. But that didn't stop her as she approached Okara and Crimson with a drolly face.


She got ever so closer as Crimson and Okara's backs were pressed against the front door.

"Come on, show me what you go-."

Within seconds Bell was shot down into the floor before them. With Cassa's fist shoved against the back of her head and a vein popping from her right cheek.

"Why don't we go somewhere else! Bell!"

Cassa grabbing Bell's left leg and dragging her away from Okara and Crimson.

"T-Talk about weird... Huh." Crimson wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Crimson, do you think they'll ever be another threat?"

"You mean for earth? I would hope not. I mean after all our job is to keep the planet safe along with the people and animals."

"I know that, but doesn't it get boring just sparring and training. I mean don't get me wrong, I don't want the earth to be harmed in anyway. But I would like something to happen."

Crimson questioned Okara's request.

"Look if something happens it happens, and we'll be there to stop it. But let's not wish for things to happen or else we could be in some serious-."

Suddenly Okara and Crimson's eyes widened as five shots of shivers ran through their bodies simultaneously. One colder then the next. As their bodies shook so did the ground.

"W-What's happening?! Why is the earth shaking?"

"I-I don't know."

Then it stopped leaving Okara and Crimson left in their tracks.

"W-What was that?!"

"C-Crimson did you feel those..."

Okara was shaking badly, his hands and body scared to death. Slight tears in his eyes as his mind went blank.

"I-I felt them too, Okara." Even Crimson was shaking.

"Come on, we've gotta see what they were."

Crimson extended his right hand to Okara. With a worried smirk on his face.

"After all we are the Heroes Of Earth."