Chapter 23-A Demon Reawakens

"See how easy that was! Hylos, Tora! You just didn't have enough brains to finishe these pathetic weaklings!" Gollin was laughing maniacally as he let his confidence and cockiness over take him.

However during his explosive ego burst, streams of red burst from collapsed debris. Ripping through the cracks and streaking the sky, with the bright red color.

"Gollin, curb your ego and focus! Now!" Flyro demanded, forcing Gollin to turn and observe the red lining.

However as he prepares for whatever it was, the lights slowly dim and vanish, then silence falls. Until Gollin starts chuckling from the unexpected turn of events.

"Flyro, you were worried about nothing! How new of you." Gollin laughing deeply as he turns towards Flyro, who continues staring him down with a death glare. Which instantly shuts him up. As Gollin clears his throat, he begins walking towards Flyro. Until...

Suddenly a giant red and black pillar of energy erupts into the sky from the collapsed debris. Causing instantaneous motions within the area, buildings shedding glass, collapsed debris finally caving on itself, the ground shaking. Worrying survives within the area, and extinguishing the ferocious flames that were lit.

"What is this! What's going on here!" Gollin shouted as he watched a being slowly rise from the bottom of the pillar.

Slowly Crimson ascends, drinking blood from the wounded child known as Landon. While Landon was in pain his body was adjusted to the burning and he hung on. But as Crimson continued drinking, the beast within erupted more and more. His red eyes glowing with slits appearing for his pupils, his teeth bearing fangs as he drinks more. Crimson's finger nails blacken and sharpen into claws, and finally as he released his sunken teeth from Landon's side. He jerked his head back, blood dripping from his chin, while Landon laid within his arms, and unleashed a demonic roar. That sent chills down everyone's spines.

The pillar remained as Lyrx Crimson looked down at Landon who was in his arms, seeing his face with a blank smile.

"I-I'm glad I could help... Mister, Crimson... Sir."

Landon's eyes watered and his head dropped back over Crimson's forearm, and what really set it off, was Landon's tear slid down his face as he passed... Away.

Lyrx Crimson started shaking as bloody tears started sliding down his face, but that wasn't all; slowly Crimson's ruby emerged from his chest, the coloration changed from red to a fiery orange, and as it was fully emerged cracks started pathing along his body, right from his very gem to his glowing red eyes; to his blackened nails; and lastly his fangs. As Crimson floated out of the pillar of black and red energy. Gollin stepped back, watching as Lyrx Crimson slowly descended to the flat ground, still holding Landon.

"W-What are you?! What the hell are you!!"

Crimson didn't speak or even look at Gollin, all he did was stare at Landon, then slowly inhaled a breath. Simultaneously as Crimson inhaled the pillar of red and black energy. Started seeping towards him and sinking into his back, as the pillar slowly lowered, Crimson's cracks started lighting. Like a fire, a blazing fire. Crimson's body was heating up and Landon's lifeless corpses was slowly turning to ashes. As he watched the body crumble through his hands. The pillar was slowly vanishing, and soon enough. Crimson's cracks broke open more, but only slightly. His gem's color returning to red as the pillar finally vanished, and finally Crimson's new appearance stood before Gollin. His breath heated like steam leaving his mouth.

"This isn't real! You're not real! No one is this demonic!" Gollin took another step back as Crimson finally slowly lifted his head to look at him.

"Seems you're gonna need some help." Pierce said as he appeared beside Gollin.

"N-No! I don't need your damn help!"

"Well too bad, Flyro ordered it."

Pierce examined the new Crimson before them.

"Say, Crimson. What exactly are you?... Because, it fascinates me!"

Crimson looked angerly confused as he stared at the two opponents.

"Crimson?" Crimson's voice was deeper; demonic like.

It sent fiery chills down their backs within seconds.

"Isn't that y-your name?" Pierce struggled to ask as the glare from Crimson was so intense.

"...So that's what this is...(Crimson looked down at his chest and notices his gem.) Now I get it, yes it's clearer now... This mortal's name... Crimson!"

Crimson started evilly laughing in excitement.

"What an excellent name for my host! Yes! It's perfect!"

"...Host?! What the hell are you on abou-."

The ground erupted around Crimson instantly as he unleashed his pressure.

"Crimson as in the color of blood, a ruby spoiled with the color red, and the eyes of scarlet. That's what defines us... Me! Any shade, to the lightest red, and to the darkest crimson. The last color my foes see as I tear them limb from limb. Flesh from bone, life to a soon to be rotting corpse. There is nothing I love more then the screams of agony from those who's last sighting is set on rouge."

"W-Who are you!" Gollin asked as he was shaking from the intensity of Crimson's new personality.

"I... Am the demon that stole the principle of devastation from Satan, I enslave the innocent and fret over the weak, I am the demonic Lyrx of Ruby, the demon of blood, and soon to be ruler of hell! I am... Crisma!!"

A new foe... or... Ally? Has appeared, wearing Crimson's body as a vessel for his first appearance! The Ruby Lyrx Crisma, awakens for the first time. But what'll happen to Crimson, and how will he handle Crisma's control. More importantly, how will Crisma handle the two Royal Saiyan's?! With little to no information on Crisma, we'll just have to see what kind of demonic power this Lyrx has, and what Crimson will do to regain control over his body.

"Gollin! Pierce! Just because he has a new persona, doesn't mean he's stronger! Beat him and end this game once and for all! Right now!" Flyro commanded with absolute demand! As he raised his hand to them and lent them some power to aid them against this new found beast.