Chapter 24-Be A Hero!

"Gollin, Pierce! End this game now! You hear me!!" Flyro commanded instigating the fight between the new being known as Crisma, and his allies. But this isn't focused on them, no not right now. Better yet, lets just see the results.

In another part of the ruined city, a mile away breathed a life. As he laid against the cold cracked ground, slightly bleeding from his head, and clothing torn and dusty. He finds himself awoken by the vibrations of the earth, and loud thunderous claps.


His body was shaking, due to his weak physicality.

"...L-Lan, don... Where."

As he tries to move, his body rejects most of its commands, only allowing him to lean up partially. His head pounding, and body aching as blood dripped from his wounds.

"Landon, where are you!"

Instantly as he shouted his head ached, causing him to grabbed at it.

"Aghh, my... Head. I-It hurts."

Small rubble was scattered around him, along with roaring fires and collapsed buildings. The only light provided to him was from the moon and fires. Leaving him in dimly lit darkness. Finally as he tried to stand, he managed to get on his feet, but instantly feel to his knees.

"My whole body, hurts." He said as small tears appeared in his eyes. But as he looked up, he wiped them away and told himself.

"I need to find, Landon."

He forced himself onto his feet once again and started limping towards the loud claps of thunder. Slowly edging forward as the world shook. It was difficult as he was forced to climb and crawl through many obstacles, and once he exited a crawling space, he found himself staring at another. A man who was still breathing, but barely. As he limped as fast as he could over to the man, he instantly noticed the amount of blood leaking from his side.

"H-Hey! Sir are you alright?! Sir!"

The man slightly opened his eyes to see what was waking him.

"W-Who's there...? I-Is that you, Zeek?"

"N-No, my names not Zeek."

The man looked even more upset now, that he learned it wasn't who he thought it was.

"My names Asha."

"Zeek... Zeek! Where is Zeek! Where's my son!'

The man's cries were bursting through the air as he threw his bleeding and numbed body around. Like a child having a temper tantrum. Tears shooting from his eyes and down his cheeks, mixing with his bloody face, then.

"B-Bring me my son, let me see my boy one last time...." The man reached out to Asha and quickly took his last breath. Asha was scared, his body shaking and eyes watering as he quickly jumped back from the lifeless corpse.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." Tears shed from Asha's eyes as he realized he could save the man before him. Asha quickly got up and attempting running with his swollen and limp right leg. Tears flying from his eyes as he ignored the physical pain, and allowed the mental to flow.

"I have to find Landon, I need to he's probably so scared and lonely!" However his burst of speed ended quickly as he tripped over something and slid against the ground. Leaving him in the dirt, all his physical pain returning and heightening as he turns to see what he tripped over.

"Not again... No, no! I don't wanna see it again!" Asha screamed as he painfully crawled away from the body. But something came to a surprise to Asha, as this person woke up.

"A-Aghh, damn... That guy hurts." As the man leans up holding his gut, he quickly takes notice to Asha.

"Wow, I'm surprised there are some people still alive in this area."

Asha crawls back even more terrified as the man stands.

"Oh, don't worry there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not gonna hurt you, in fact I'm the one trying to save you."

"S-Save me? What are you talking about?"

The man took a step towards Asha, but Asha reacted with another crawl back.

"Seriously, I'm not gonna hurt you. We need to get you out of here, but they reach this area."

"They?! Who are you! What are you talking about?!"

The man took another step forward, and Asha's worse fears came true. As he back touched a solid piece of concrete. He found himself trapped, and the man closed in on him. But as he approached he stopped and crouched down.

"You must be really scared and confused... Where's your parents?"

Asha stared terrified, his breathing unsteady as he ignores the mans question.

"Hmm, I get it. Don't worry you don't have to say a thing."

The man quickly stands and smiles down at Asha.

"As for me, my names Okara! I'm the one who's gonna save this city! Along with the rest of the world!"

Asha looked confused with his scared face lifted slightly.

"...Seriously? You don't know who I am? I've been all over the tv. You know Okara hero of earth?"

Asha shook his head no.

"I wasn't able to watch tv, my family was too poor."

"So you can speak! Great."

"...Landon! Have you seen my brother, Landon!"

Okara's head tilted as he looked at Asha.

"Sorry, I haven't."

Suddenly the thunderous claps, and shaky ground vamped to the next level.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's still out there somewhere. Looking for you as well, but I need you to be strong and get out of here. Preferability not that way."

Okara pointed towards the area the loud claps where appearing.

"O-Okay...." Asha felt slight despair kick in as he began thinking of Landon.

"Okara, right?"

"Mhm? What's up?"

"How can you be so brave in a times like these?"

Okara looked out into the distance towards the battlefield, smiling with grit in his heart.

"It's because I know, no matter what. My friends will have my back, and I'll have theirs. Through thick and thin, we'll pull through anything and-."

Okara looked back at Asha, a fire in his eyes and his left bleeding fist gripped between them.

"Be the heroes this world needs!"

Suddenly Asha's eyes widened. As he felt his spirits rise and willpower expand. Making it enough for him to force himself up and stand.

"Just like that! Be a hero... That always gets back up! No matter how many times you get knocked down!"

Asha looked at Okara with awe as Okara's focus turned towards the battlefield.

"Now, get out of here... It's time I returned to the battlefield and finish this fight!"

Okara slow ascended then instantly bursts towards the raging battlefield.