Chapter 28-Crimson

Fires... Raging fires followed by planet shaking earthquakes. People screaming as they fell by the hands of their killers.

"Crimson, my son... I-I need you to be strong."

A little boy being held by his father who was bleeding fatality from a severe wound.

"Be the reason, everyone here died for. Be the savior and our avenger. Please son, don't let our legacy die."

Voices from the attackers could be heard screaming as they found Crimson and his father. Viciously surrounding them in mere minutes.

"Commander we've got the last host, what are you orders?"

"Hold your fire..." The commander said as he appeared from the surrounding crowd of killers. Approaching Crimson and his father.

"It's remarkable to see you still standing, brother."

Crimson's father looked at the Commander with wounded eyes.

"Why are you doing this, Auburn."

"What a stupid question, Amaranth. You of all people show know why."

Auburn smirked as he crouched to face Amaranth, then slowly raised his right hand to point at Amaranth's chest.

"That demon inside of you, is the key to something great! It holds a link to unlock power that could control the entire reality."

"..." Amaranth knew this, but he couldn't give it up.

"I-I knew you were insane... But I didn't know, you were bad shit crazy!"

Suddenly the ruby from within Amaranth's chest emerged and began shining it's scarlet color. It's force shoving Auburn back and anything else around them.

"Isduth ah muln stis, bolanth bas... Crimson!" (Transfer to the one, known as... Crimson!)

The scarlet color began shaping around Crimson and Amaranth, creating a solid and sturdy sphere of red.

"Well! What are you waiting for! Kill them! Now!!" Auburn angerly shouted at his troops. Commencing an attack on his own family.

The scarlet sphere held strong against the barrage of blasts being slammed against it. It was loud on the outside, but dimmed on the inside. Allowing Amaranth to speak to Crimson.

Crimson was shaking, his eyes watery as he couldn't speak or move.

"You've been hurt pretty bad, but this should fix your wounds..."

While Amaranth spoke, tears slowly started forming in his eyes as well.

"It shouldn't have turned out like this, I tried so hard... To keep all this from happening. D-Damn it, I couldn't protect my family, I couldn't protect you! I'm sorry my son... I'm so sorry."

Tears fell from his eyes as his ruby glistened red.

"Whatever happens now, will put a burden on you. Chaining you to an unwanted destiny. But... You must go with it, no matter how bad you want to forget. It's apart of you now."

"Amaranth! What are you doing! You can't do this you will die, and I will fall into-."

"I'm aware, Crisma... But it's the only way to save my son, and keep our legacy alive."

"Are you sure you want to do this. Your son might not be strong enough to contain me."

"It's a risk, I have to take... Everyone we loved was taken from us. But Crimson, h-he survived. He's all we have left."

"That's a lot of responsibility to put on a kid."

"Damn it Crisma I know!"

On the outside the sphere continued taking a beating.

"...Do it... I'll do my best to control myself. But, I make no promise that I can fully restrain."

"Thank you... Crisma, take... Take good care of my son, please."

So it began, Amaranth set Crimson against the ground and stood up. His chest visible along with the ruby.

"The end is where you begin, Crimson."

Amaranth unleashed his claws and lodged his fingers around his ruby.

"AGH!!! FUCK!"

He continued carving into his chest, ripping flesh and leaking blood as it slid down his forearm to his elbow.

"Goodbye, old friend."

Crisma's voice vanished after that as Amaranth gripped all the way around the ruby inside his chest and...

"NO!!!! STOP HIM NOW!!" Auburn screamed as he watched the sight of Amaranth killing himself to save his only child.

Everything went silent as Amaranth screamed through a pool of flung blood and torn flesh. Holding the ruby in his bloodied hand and a hold in his chest, his face colored as a silhouette.

"C-C-Commence... Transfer."

As the ruby brightened in Amaranth's hand, he swiftly turned his head to look his brother in the eyes one last time, and mouthed some words to him. Those words shook Auburn, and enraged him.

"Your end... Is near big brother."

The ruby pulled from Amaranth's hand as he fell to the ground lifelessly. Hovering over Crimson's body to commence it's plans. The ruby shrank in size to lodge into Crimson's chest, as it drilled into his flesh, it began filling his body with slight regenerative power. Healing any wounds he had, but that wasn't all for a mere moment Crimson's hair turned bleed white; his eyes changing from black to red.

As they forcefully opened to stare at his killers. But before the sphere had fallen, Crimson's hair bled back to black and in no time. His body was teleported by a beam of red demonic energy. Removing Crimson from planet Escar, and sending him to a remote planet somewhere in the solar system.

The scarlet sphere vanished as Amaranth's lifeless body was left in place.

"Y-Your orders, sir?"

"Search the rest of the area! Make sure no one is left alive! You got that!"

Soldiers spread like a wildfire to find any remaining survivors. While Auburn stared at his brothers dead body.

"You selfish, absolute fool! What the hell were you thinking, no... Why were you thinking! You idiot! If you just had given me the ruby... None of this would've happened. Your entire settlement would've survived and you would've had a peaceful life... Enjoy life with mother and father in hell, you filthy demon."

Auburn kick dirt onto his brothers lifeless body and walked away, traversing through lifeless bodies and pools of low class blood.

"I'll find him... You can count on that, brother. Your son will soon be in my grasp along with the Ruby Lyrx... Crisma!"