Chapter 29-We Are Shards





"You're just like-."


"Y-You knew my father!"

Suddenly the dark void lit up with red, due to Crimson's ruby. He gained a bit of movement in his limbs and sat up to face Crisma in the void of their body.

"You were there! You were there when my entire family was-."

"I don't remember... Anything from then."

"What do you mean, didn't you see it too!"


"How can you not remember anything from then! Why can't you remember!"

Crisma's head was pounding as Crimson bombard him with questions, but it wasn't the right approach as...

"Shut up!!"

The red void brightened as Crisma's anger exploded.

"You don't know me! You know nothing about me! Your just my host, all you do is control the body when I sleep. So just shut your mouth and stop talking!"

Crimson stepped back, frightened by Crisma's rage.

"Amaranth, who... What."

Crisma fell to his knees trying to remember, but all that would kick into his head was.

"King... I have to be king! I have to return and stop Merlot!"

"Merlot? You mean the Prince guy?"

Crisma's head shot up and instantly he charged Crimson, grabbing his shoulders.

"How do you know that name?!"

Crisma's body was different to Crimson's, his hair was his spikes set into different positions, his head was eyeless, almost like he was wearing a visor, his body was built like Crimson's, but he had claws, and... The ruby peering from his chest.

"I-I... Saw it in your past!"

"Y-You saw my past too? How is that possible!"

"I-I'm not sure, if anything... I think it's because we share the same body and the-."


Crisma released Crimson and stepped back.

"Then you know what I must accomplish... I can't let you or anything stand in my way."

"Hold on now, this is my body! I won't let you just go on your own journey with it!"

"Didn't you hear me."

Crisma's eyes brightened as his anger slowly rose.

"I did! But you got to understand I have things I need to do too!"

"My goals are far more important then dealing with these weaklings."

"You don't know a damn thing of importance when you couldn't even return to your king alive!"

Crisma's eyes reached it's limits and so did his anger as he charged at Crimson and launched him back.

"Who the hell are you to tell me about importance. You couldn't do anything for your family. All you did was lay weak and helpless, causing your father to give his life to you. Just so you could come back and avenge his failure."

Crimson's body twitched as rage bleed into his bones, instantly causing him to stand and retaliate.

"You shut your fucking mouth!"

Crimson shoved back, launching Crisma further away.

"I won't sit here and listen to you talk shit about my family!"

"Why! Because they're dead?! Because you know it's true!"

"That's enough!"

Crimson dashed forward with his right fist pulled back, ready to drive it into Crisma's head. But before he could, Crisma countered and delivered his own attack. Driving his right knee into Crimson's gut. Causing Crimson to lean forward and gasp for air.

"It's pointless, I'm in control right now. All you can do is watch helplessly, just give up."

"N-No... Not until I make you realize something."

Crimson pushed himself off of Crisma's knee and jammed his head against his chin. Causing Crisma to stumble back; Crimson delivered another blow as he jammed his left fist into Crisma's chest; his right foot rotated against his leaned head, and finished with a heavy elbow into the back of Crisma's neck. Shooting him against the ground.

"You need to understand something! Our frame of minds are the same... We both have a reason to fight and continue fighting. We'd be so much stronger if we worked together."

Crimson held out his right hand to the downed Crisma, who looked at it curiously.

"We Lyrx are feared, power driven, and disastrous beings. We've only ever sought to control. What makes you think I'll go along with it now."

"Because it seems like you and my father, were good pals."

Crisma looked confused, but due to his vizor. Crimson couldn't tell.

"That's preposterous! We Lyrx never once thought of others as pals."

"That's not what it looked like to me."


"Look, how about we make a deal. Just between us, no games and no funny business. Just a simple deal between two warriors."

Crisma looked interested, but once again Crimson couldn't tell.


Crisma took Crimson's hand.

"You want to be king, and I want to avenge my family. So our plans can work out perfectly. I'll help you become king, if you help me avenge my family along the way."

"That's it? That's the deal?"

"Yup, plain and simple just like I said. No games or funny business."

Crimson smiled at Crisma with a big smile.

"You are... The oddest human I've ever met."

"Actually I'm a Saiyan who just has a big heart and a demon living inside of him."

"I'm a Lyrx..."

Crimson smiled awkwardly.

"Then how about we properly introduce ourselves."

Crisma and Crimson released their hands and took a step back.

"My name is Crimson, I'm a Saiyan warrior who has a demon living inside of him."

"I am the soon to be king Crisma! I am a Lyrx who resides within you, my host Crimson."

"See, was that so bad?"

"Don't mind that, we've got bigger issues to deal with right now."

"You're right."

Crimson and Crisma look up at the view to see Gollin and Pierce surrounding his body.

"Look at that! He's given up... It seems you didn't need my help after all Gollin."

"That's exactly what I told you, you brain dead idiot."

"Such big words for someone so incompetent."

"I'll fucking kill you!"

Crimson and Crisma looked at each other and nodded.

"I'll take over from here, you get some rest Crisma."

"Gladly... Oh and also, your body is pretty screwed, so have fun."

Crimson turned to look at Crisma with a shocked what the hell face, but he was already gone, and the bright red filling the void started to disperse. On the outside Gollin picked Crimson up by his head and held him up like a trophy.

"See this world! Your heroes stood no chance against us! We stand victorious! HAHAHA!!"

Suddenly a slight muffled noise came from Gollin's giant hand. Causing him to look into it. As he adjusted his hold on Crimson. His face turned to pure anger.

"What the hell!"

As Crimson smirked his cracks slowly vanished along with his gem. But his glowing red eyes brightened as he repeated what he had said a moment ago.

"You should really curb your ego. It makes you look bad, Gollin."