Chapter 30-We Are One

FoTS RECAP: Okara and friends were badly beaten and scattered across the city, leaving only the Royal Saiyans to continue their terror. However thanks to some surviving civilians, our heroes are awoken and quietly begin gathering back together. The First two being Okara and Arako, after a quick and calm conversation Okara reveals his plan to end this fight once and for all.

Fusion! A method that allows two to become one. But while they converse, Crimson is also conversing with another, his inner demon. Also known as Crisma whose past was revealed and they're fates slightly connected, at last we catch up with Crimson breaking free of Gollin's massive hand, and so the battle continues.

Broken free of Gollin's giant grasp, Crimson stood before his duo of foes. Pierce and Gollin in their most powerful forms.

"Really, you two gotta learn how to work together better, or you'll just make each other look bad." Crimson smirked as he slid his right foot back and leaned forward, with his arms pressed against his chest.

Crimson knew he would tick off Gollin, causing him to go in for an attack. While leaving Pierce behind.

"You fool, that's what he wants you to-."

It was too late as Gollin had already reached Crimson, and took a heavy and swift roundhouse kick to the right side of his head. Causing Gollin's iris's to vanish for a moment.

Crimson in the air with his left foot connected to Gollin's head.

"You brainless monster!" Pierce exclaimed as he rushed to Gollin's aid. A lightning sparked yellow Ki blast in his left hand. As he reached halfway, he leapt into the air and swiped his left arm, unleashing a barrage of sweeping Ki blasts. As the battlefield explodes and shakes around the others. Pierce holds his position and looks for his results. The field dusted with dirt and rock, silhouetting objects of tall and wide, short and thin.

From another angle Okara and Arako are spotted watching the battle. With a third unexpected face, Asha who was also there watching the fireworks.

"I can't see anything, who's winning?" Asha asked childishly.

A giant silhouette bursts through the dust cloud and Pierce relaxes a bit.

"What was that for you Pierce! You cocky bastard!" Gollin shouted angerly.

"Oh please, if you couldn't take that attack, then you shouldn't be on this team in the first place!"

As Gollin swatted at Pierce, he slowly turned to see if Crimson was still standing. While the dust cleared it was apparent, that Crimson... Was gone, complete vanished from the attack site.

"Where the hell!"

Pierce quickly examined the area and noticed a tunnel leading down into the ground.

"Smart bastard... Gollin! He's underground!"

Gollin looked confused, until he too noticed the tunneling hole.

"That rat! If he wants to hide underground, then I'll just have to blast him out!"

Immediately Gollin began bashing against the ground, shattering holes and cracks around himself.

"Gollin, you brainless fool, you'll blow up the damn planet if you do that!"

"If that's the only way to get this bastard, then what's the cost of a little planet!"

Okara grit his teeth as he watched Gollin raise his arms to the sky and gather Ki to both of his palms.

"I gotta stop him!"

Okara stood, and positioned himself for launch.

"Wait! Mr. Okara are you sure about this?" Asha asked as he held onto his shredded clothing.

"Asha, remember what I told you?"

"Well, yeah. Always do what it takes to become the hero. No matter what."

"Exactly that very saying-." Okara placed his hands onto Asha's hand and pulled it off of his ripped clothing.

"Exists for these very moments."

In slow motion before Asha's eyes, Okara leaned forward and dashes as fast as he could. Asha reaching for him, causing Arako to grab hold of him only allowing his eyes to see what's about to happen. As Okara furthers outwards, Asha screams for him. Then time resumes as Gollin turns his head towards the scream, only to get a foot once against pressed against his head. This time launching him away from the damaged ground he was about to implode.

As Okara replaced Gollin, he jerked his head towards Pierce while kneeling. Pierce in surprise for only a second before getting ready to attack, until.

"Forget someone!"

Pierce turned to see Crimson above him with his fist pulled back and encased in his red Ki. Confused, Pierce looks down to see another tunneling hole.

"You dug out without me noticing! Wait, no! You waiting for a-!"

"A perfect distraction! That's!!!(Crimson power housed his downward strike against the top of Pierces head.) Right!!"

Instantly deforming Pierce as he's sent into the ground below.

Okara smirks, letting out a breath of relief as Crimson lands on the opposite side of him.

"It's good to see you're still standing." Okara said with a smile.

"You too, I thought you were out for the count for sure."

Okara laughed at Crimson's joke.

"No way! I wouldn't let these guys stay standing even if it killed me."

Crimson's smile turned into a serious frown as he remembered.

"That's right, we're not done yet."

Okara and Crimson turned their attention to Flyro. However an angry Gollin appeared before they eyes instead. Getting ready to attack, until.

"Gollin, stand down! This instant!"

Gollin stopped in his tracks and turned towards Flyro.

"But! I can beat them! Let me-."


Flyro sent a cold chill down Gollin's spine with only a glare.

"Deform, and fetch Pierce... Now."

Gollin shook as he deformed back to base.

"A-Alright, Flyro."

Gollin walked towards Crimson and Okara, with a evil glare.

Oblivious to what's happening, Okara and Crimson allow Gollin to grab Pierce.

"So, are you finally ready to leave this planet!" Okara forcefully questioned as Gollin walked back with Pierce.

"Far from it..."


"Gollin, wake him up."

As Gollin reached Flyro and the others, he tossed Pierce to the ground. Before pressing a ball of Ki against him.

"Wake up you bastard."

Pierce instantly awoke and leaned up.

"Ahhh, god damnit, my head hurts."

"Pierce get up, it's time." Flyro said calmly as he awoke Tora.

Pierce looked at Flyro and swiftly stood up.

"Form the circle, and get ready to unleash your power onto me."

All together the four surround Flyro.

"You too little girl."

The hooded woman was forced into the circle, holding hands with Gollin and Tora. As Tora, Pierce, Gollin, Hylos, The woman, and Flyro. Held hands forming a circle. Flyro took a breath and nodded.

"Begin the ritual."

Gollin and Tora squeezed the girls hand hard to make sure to complies, and in a sudden flash everyone awoken into their Super Saiyan forms, even the girl. Who's hood blew off revealing her spiky long hair.

Even Flyro who finally awoken for the first time before Okara and Crimson.

"What's... Happening?!" Crimson questioned as they watched the groups Super Saiyan aura's start to change colors, and flow more majestically. The yellow turning blue, then one with group push, all the circles energy formed into Flyro who instantly began flowing upwards into the air. Encased in blue, before unleashing a blinding white light. That instantly shot fire orange and blazing red.

Erupting any lifeform within a hundred meters around them. Crimson's and Okara's eyes widened as they witness the awakening of a Super Saiyan God!

The fiery aura encased in on a newly formed Flyro. Who floated aura less, with red hair and red ovalish pupils, and a slimmer body.

"It is final, the godly power has reawaken within me. I am your god!" Flyro said with calm and divine speech.

"That's crazy! You can't call yourself a god! Just because your hair changed colors!"

"O-Okara... I don't think he's kidding, I-I can't get a read on his power!"

"...Y-You're right it's like, he's completely gone!"

Flyro slowly descended with his allies spreading around him. Allowing him to stand towards Okara and Crimson.

"What say you now? Are you ready to fight against a god?"

Crimson looked over to Okara, and Okara nodded back at him.

"If you want a challenge Flyro. Then allow us to commence our last stand!"

"A last stand? How intriguing, seeing as how you were able to stand against my warriors, I'll allow it. But be warned, one time is all you get." Flyro smirked as he watched Okara and Crimson position themselves side by side.

"Okara, just like we practiced mirror me and make sure we connect."

"Yeah, just like we practiced."

Okara and Crimson took a deep breath and exhaled, matching their power levels, and beginning a mirroring each others movements. Their arms extended outwards from their bodies, knees bent as they rotate their arms over their heads and step closer to each other. Now with their arms pointing at each other, they exchange their arms instantly back to the opposite sides, and cross their left knee across their standing right leg. Finally bending towards each other as they stomp their left leg and instantly connected their finger tips, successfully.

*Note, the fusion technique is almost never perfect unless practiced.*

In a sudden flash, Okara and Crimson begin brightening the dark area, and blinding everyone but Flyro's eyes. Swirls of green and red form a overwhelming tower above Okara and Crimson's last known position. As it merges into one and shoots down like a spear into the ground, forming a pillar of white. From below a new silhouette appears, they're very presence sending thrills through everyone, but Flyro.

As the bright pillar of white energy dims, a glowing warrior appears with a smirk on his face. It wasn't Okara, nor Crimson. No this warrior wore a vest, and baggy gi pants, with a blue stash belt, blue wraps around their ankles, and black gi shoes. His black hair flowing in the wind. As he stares at Flyro with his coal colored eyes.

"Hmph, it actually worked! Incredible!"

The warrior looked at themselves in surprise.

"You there! Where did you come from? Where did the ones known as Crimson and Okara go?" Flyro questioned.

The warrior looked at him and smirked.

"Those you call Okara and Crimson are not here anymore! There is only one now, and that's me! Orison! The one who is going to bring you down!"

"Orison... Orison, Crimson and Okara. I get it, you two became one!... Absolutely magnificent! To think two mortals such a technique!"

"Enough talk! It's time you got off this world!"

"Then, show me what you can do Orison!"

Orison's aura appeared, a white aura of purity flowed around him, as he vanishes and appears behind Flyro. Trying to land a hit, but missing due to Flyro's godly speed. But due to Orison's pressure, his crew was blown back easily. Flyro smirked and stood his ground. Before slowly ascending with Orison, face to face. Both warriors slowly unleash their auras as they ascend into the air.

"Let's go self implied god!"

"Come and show me what you've got, fusion!"

*Note, if you want to see any of the amazing artwork in this series. Go check out the artist @Crimson_Drawings on Instagram! They're much more high def and behind the scenes stuff there! :D