Mega Chapter 31-Orison Vs Super Saiyan God Flyro!

Last time on Fate Of Two Saiyan's!

In no time at all, Crimson and Okara reunite to fight against Pierce and Gollin. Which lead to a successful push back, causing Flyro to finally step in and begin his domination. Leading his team to do a god ritual that bestowed the power of a God upon him. Leaving Okara and Crimson to pull out all of their stops. A method known as fusion! Where two become one, and their power multiples immensely. In no time at all, Orison the fusion between Okara and Crimson appear and attempt a swift attack, but utterly miss due to Flyro's immense speed. Leaving them to have an ascending stand off before the battle between God and Fusion commences!

With a smirk on Flyro's cocky and absolute face, he urges Orison to attack, and attack his does. Orison crumbles his body, unleashing his pure white aura, before bursting at Flyro. Orison's fist extended and about to make contact as he approached. But as he felt his fist barely touch Flyro's clothing, he was instantly twisted upside down, now looking at an upside down god. Orison's eyes widened expecting Flyro to finish his attack, however due to his instincts Orison vanished and appeared behind Flyro. He attempted another attack, but Flyro once against threw him off balance, this time Orison passed through a fading Flyro. Confusing him even more.

"Damn, this guys fast! I-I can't even touch him!"

"When it comes to speed, power, agility, stamina, I excel far beyond you in your pathetic base." Flyro smirked as he taunted Orison to come on.

Orison grit his teeth as he turned halfway and vanished. Attempting to throw Flyro off for a surprise attack. With sudden appearance Orison appeared above Flyro and finally landed an axe kick. As he felt it connect he smirked, but before he caught view of what happened, his body was suddenly being thrown around by his ankle.

"W-What the!!" Orison screamed as he felt nothing, but the wind pressing against his face and body.

Flyro pulled Orison above his head and launched him downwards, slamming down into the ground, erupting a small earthquake around them, shaking broken buildings that stood on there lasts legs, to finally come crashing down. As Orison pulled himself out of the ground, screams from other survivors could be heard as the buildings around came down.

"All the people!"

Orison looked up at Flyro with an angry grit on his face.

"You've killed so many, so many people that just wanted to live their lives!"

Suddenly Orison's eyes begin glowing green.

"I won't let you(His black hair starts emitting golden particles, as his eyes change to an emerald green.) C-Continue you're e-evil ways! Y-You're nothing, but a ruthless, heartless, excuse for a god!!" Orison exploded into Super Saiyan in an instant, launching at Flyro with a relentless speed, appearing before him in seconds.

"My, oh my! You've gotten a little faster!"

Orison with his right arm pulled back, mouth open while he screams at Flyro. Complete slowed as Flyro watches the world in slow mo. As Orison's arm extended slowly towards his face, he turned to look around at the destroyed battlegrounds, spotting Asha, Arako, and to his surprise Cassa. Who was finally standing again.

"Hmph, these pests just don't know when to die."

Still in slow motion, Flyro aims his right arm at everyone's location and creates a red energy blast. While simultaneously dodging Orison's punch, eyeing as his reaction slowly morphed into a shocked and worried expression.

"Go save them, or they're going to die."

Suddenly time resumed at normal pace, as Flyro unleashed a small ball of red Ki at Asha and everyone. Orison continuing his started motion as he bursts towards the small ball of Ki. As he curves around it and stops between it's destination, he extends his limbs reach to take it on. But as the blast approaches. It quickly vanishes, and Flyro immediately appears behind him, the real version of the attack pressed against Orison's back, causing him to whiplash before launching off like a rocket.

As he watched Orison blast off, he turned towards Asha and everyone's location, seeing that they have dispersed.

"You can run! But you can't hide from me!"

Every spread out behind different pieces of debris, as Flyro speaks to them from the other side.

"If you won't come out, then I'll just blast you out."

Flyro raised his left hand and aimed it at the area. Unleashing several red blasts.

As they collide with the earth, another earthquake starts, causing even more builds to collapse fully, and shake loose any more hiding survivors. Screams filled the dark sky, as fires raged even harder. The battlegrounds was at it's limits, completely soiled and broken. As dust and dirt settled, Flyro saw no downed bodies, slightly disappointed he quickly decided to search throughourly, landing in the attacked spot. He begins examining the area, rocks, and building beams scattered in pieces, to chunks. Concrete formed around other soiled parts of the area creating tinier rocks. As he strolled through the area, Arako, Asha, and Cassa were hiding. Arako by himself while Cassa held Asha close. While he appeared past their hiding spots, Arako jolted his body just a bit, which was enough to cause a small piece of rock to fall and catch Flyro's attention. Flyro reacted with a shot of Ki from his fingers, blowing up the piece of debris in seconds. However as the dust scattered, he saw nothing.


He continued walking around and approached another human sized piece of debris, only a few feet away from it, curious if someone was on the other side, little did he know, there was. Cassa held Asha close as he got closer, Asha started to slightly whimper in fear, causing Cassa to place her hand over his mouth and squeeze him tighter. Of course Flyro heard it and prepared to fire a shot. But before he could, a loud scream was heard coming from the sky.


Orison bursts back towards the ground, instantly bashing against him and pressing him into the ground like a mold, then with a burst of energy. Orison revealed to Flyro.

"So you've ascended once again!"

"Damn right I did! You bastard!!!" Orison pressed through the ground and began tunneling with Flyro's body.

As Orison's golden aura flooded light from the start of the tunnel, it also started appearing from the cracks from different area's of the shattered and soiled ground.

Orison using Flyro to tunneling in a spazzy pattern before breaking through into a undeveloped magma chamber. As they break through Orison released Flyro sending him into the chambers floor before landing himself.

"Hahaha! Splendid display! Well done, well done indeed."

Flyro chuckled as he stood up, brushing himself off like nothing had happened. Slowly noticing his clothing had been ripped a bit.

"Wow! You managed to scathe my clothing, impressive. Not everyone can damage a bit of cloth."

Flyro stared Orison down with a calm yet, intense glare. Then without a word, Flyro vanished and appeared behind Orison, with a swift turn Orison attempted to sweep Flyro off his feet. However as he fully turned a hand groped Orison's face and instantly Orison was pressed against the ground within a second.

"Tell me saiyan, what scares you? Is it feeling powerless!(Flyro pulls Orison up by his face and slams him back down into the ground, cracking the ground beneath Orison's head.) Is it the loss of your loved ones!(Flyro repeatedly slammed Orison's head against the ground, causing Orison to deform back to base.) Or is it, death?"

Orison was shaking as he gripped at Flyro's wrist, but couldn't pull his hand from his face.

"Oh, don't answer to quickly now. We're just getting to know each other."

Flyro lifted Orison from the ground by his face, holding tight. Before noticing a hot popping sound close by.

"Now, what could that be?" Flyro questioned as he heard it once again.

He dropped Orison to the ground, but gripped his hair instantly, dragging him to the mysterious sound. As he approached it, he found a hot flowy orange substance. It was sizzling and bursting due to escaping air.

"That looks like it would be painful to touch." Flyro smirked evilly as he looked at the helpless Orison.

Without hesitation, Flyro forcefully manipulated Orison over the blazing hot pit of magma. Holding his head before it, while his right foot was placed on his Orison's back, holding him down and restricting his movement.

"Come on now, don't resist. It'll only make it worse for you."

Flyro began pressing against the resisting Orison who used his neck strength to keep his head from getting closer to the pit of magma. As his head got closer, the heat was getting intense causing slight sweat to form on his face.

"Come on! Just give in and die!"

Flyro grit his teeth as Orison struggled.

"N-No!" Orison started tearing up as the heat got to his eyes, but not only did his heart beat rapidly, it also awoke something from within.

"I will not let you die! Until I become king! You heard me!"

Orison's tightly shut eyes, bursting open revealing his black pupils flashing red, his body emitting black from his white aura. Suddenly Flyro felt his right foot being pushed back, and in no time at all he was thrown off Orison. Flyro's godly eyes widened as he watched Orison slowly stand, and turn his head slightly. Revealing his left eye, his pupil was still flashing red, but his aura was darkening, then.

"You woke him..."

"Woke... Who?!"

Suddenly in a fit of rage, and power. Orison transformed his hair golden, his iris's glowing red, and an aura of black with a golden layer. Flyro had seen this before, but it was Crimson who used it.

"I see, so you've chosen that power! This is nothing new to me! I know how strong you are in that-."

Flyro's head shot left, as Orison drove a god speed left punch across his face. That right there is what started the rage, the anger, the awakening of Flyro's full power. He was done holding back, he was ready to kill Orison, so in a fit of rage. Flyro erupted his aura, causing an eruption of Ki blasts to explode throughout the magma chamber. Boulders begin collapsing in on them, and magma begins erupting wildly. As Orison continues breaking giant boulders form falling in on him, the heat increases tenfold. Causing Orison to begin tunneling through the ground, however as he slightly ascends Flyro appears bashing into him.

Starting a brawl unlike any other, both fighters dodging and blocking each others attacks, fists flying left and right, kicks bashing against shins and forearms. While they spiral and ascend to the surface, unaware of the magma pillar following from beneath them. As they tunnel upwards, Orison grabs Flyro and pulls him in, quickly bashing his right elbow against Flyro's left shoulder. Flyro repositions and returns with a powerful head bash to Orison's face. As Orison leans his head back, he bashes his head against upcoming rock. Causing his head to shoot back towards Flyro, giving him another attack. Flyro sideswipes his right elbow across Orison's face, causing him to spit blood, Flyro reared for another attack, until Orison grabbed both of his arms and began bashing heads with him.

Their foreheads slightly bloodied, finally as Flyro breaks free. They're pushed back from each other like separated magnets, then connected back together instantly. Gripping hands trying to push each other back, a test of real strength and resolve. Blood dripping from both Flyro and Orison's faces, as they grit their teeth at each other. Then at last, they burst through the surface, the magma still right below them. As everyone watches in awe at the display of God vs Fusion, Flyro and Orison once again push each other away, both dodging the magma as it continues rising into the night sky. Everyone watched as the magma's ascent slowed, then finally began it's descent.

Everyone prepared and took cover, while Flyro and Orison stood on the ground below using their aura's as pressure shields to keep the lava from even reaching them.

Neither smiling, smirking, or acting cocky. Completely focused and destined to win this godly brawl.

Slowly both fighters began circling the magma pillar, while the magma continuing raining down on them. Their eyes completely locked on each other, not letting go for a single second. Resolve and tension bending incredibly. Then in no time at all, the fight resumes!

Orison and Flyro throw their aura's pressure forward opening a split in the magma pillar allowing them to colliding between it. As their fists collide, drops of the lava splash away from them. Again they clash this time with their shins, creating even more lava splash. Clash after clash, bash after bash, Orison nor Flyro were giving up. Both continued fighting like monsters until. The rest of the lava finally poured out of the chamber, causing Orison and Flyro to break from each other and ascend.

Both watching as the lava filled the soiled battleground below them. Debris kept it in a small ovalish arena below. Pieces of debris created platforms, while rocks started forming into different stones, darker stones. Flyro and Orison looked at each other and descended onto separate platforms.

Fists clenched, aura's erupted both fighters got into their stances, then finally. It happened.

Flyro's God form deactivated, and soon after Orison... Defused. Leaving Crimson and Okara separated on a dangerous platform.

"N-No! I forgot about the timer, damn it! We almost had him!" Okara whined as he kept his balance.

"Hey, calm down. Look, he lost his God form, so you know what that means!" Said Crimson as he smirked to Okara

"We still have a chance!"

"That's right!"

"Don't think, you still stand a chance against me! Just because my god form has run out doesn't mean I can't kill you both where you stand!"

"We'll see about that!"

As Crimson and Okara prepared to fight sudden drips collided against the ground. Both Okara and Crimson were bloodied, but it was them dripping. It started off slowly, then began building at a rapid pace. Then it became apparent. Rain had begun. Washing the blood off Crimson and Okara, and even Flyro. While also sizzling the magma around them.

"W-Why's it suddenly raining?!" Okara questioned.

"I would have to say it's probably due to the fact, we just erupted a magma chamber, which created a chemical reaction in the air, causing the world to forcefully acid rain." Crimson explained.

"Oh, that makes sense actually."

As it rained the magma slowly cooled, but was still blazing hot. Leaving Okara and Crimson to stay cautious. Knowing very well that one wrong move could be deadly.

"Now, Okara! We still got one guy left, and he's just as exhausted as us, so... Let's do this!"

"I'm with you, Crimson! Let's do this!"