Ultra Chapter 32-Final Stand!

So it begins, the final battle between the earths heroes and the invading five Saiyan's. While the battle stands before everyone on platforms of magma rock surrounded by blazing hot lava. The heroes stand tired with broken bodies. Against their opponent who has his own broken body. However he was not as exhausted as they. But we aren't aware of what he is currently capable of. So lets get this final showdown started.

On two separate platforms, surrounded by magma, and building debris that creates the perfect oval shaped arena for the final match. Okara and Crimson stand side by side in their fighting positions, facing Flyro who stood on a floating platform of his own. Angered by their pesky existence, and resolve to continue fighting strong. He slowly unleashes a heated aura that begins blowing dust off his platform.

"Just because I've lost my god power, doesn't mean I'm defenseless! I can still kill you!(Flyro pulls back his right arm.)Where you stand!!"

Flyro fires a ball of yellow Ki at Okara and Crimson, causing both to sluggishly move and wobble the platform. Instantly looking at each other Okara quickly braces for impact, but Crimson had other plans as he used any ounce of power he had left to deflect the Ki blast into the sky. The moment he sent it into the air, he fell to his knee.

"I-I got us, don't worry... Okara."

Crimson was drained, completely exhausted. As he felt the heat from the lava beneath him rise up to his face and body, sweat could be seen mixing with his dried blood, causing a stream of dirty sweat to run down his chest and arms.

"W-We gotta do something! Or they'll die!" Asha screamed to Cassa and Arako, as they watched from a high point.

Arako looked over at Cassa, while she held Asha in her arms.

"I'm afraid if we stepped in now, we'd be a lost cause..." Cassa said with sorrow.

"We'd just be getting in their way at this point." Agreed Arako.

"B-But there has to be something we can do."

Asha looked up at Cassa, and started remembering some of Okara's words.

"Asha, listen sometimes when things aren't going your way. It becomes easy to just give up, stop what your doing and completely leave it behind. But if you really wanna do the right thing, then you'll remember this.(Okara pointed at Asha's heart.) Things only end, when you decide to give up. Whenever you say those words, it's over. All ideals, all hope you had to do that one thing, are gone... But, but there's always one glimpse, one small spark lit. Something that makes you second guess if it's really that time to give up, and that... That is what you wanna hold onto, that's what makes you a real hero."

"As long as there's still a chance they can win, no matter how small it is. Then we should take it, show those mean guys we aren't gonna stand to be pushed around." Asha pulled from Cassa's arms and dashed to the nearest edge of the arena. Getting a clear view of the battlefield.

"Wait! Asha come back, it's too dangerous!" Cassa reached out to him, but he began slowly climbing down into the fiery arena.

"Asha! What are you doing!"

Arako yelled, which alerted the rest of the spectators, and even the battlers.

"Asha! Are you insane! You can't be here! No, you shouldn't be here! You need to run! Far away from this place!" Okara shouted as he held his chest.

"Okara! You told me! No matter how small of a spark, there's always a chance to create something bigger! So you need to stand up to this guy! Give him everything you've got! No matter how hard it might be!"

Flyro felt a sour taste in his mouth as Asha continued to speak.

"No matter! How tall the mountain! No matter how high the bird is! You gotta at least try! Reach for those heights and never look back!!!" Asha continued descending, but not voluntarily, the magma's rising heat made the rocks sweat making them slippery and almost unclimbable.

"AAHHHHAHH!!" Asha screamed as he slid down the arena's walls.


Okara reached out stepping forward, thinking he can save Asha. However this causes the platform to destabilize, causing Crimson and Okara to wobble back and forth splashing lava onto small spots of their platform, leaving less room to move around on.

"Okara, you gotta stay calm or you'll get us killed before Flyro does it."

As Okara watches Asha, he realizes Asha caught himself on a stuck out construction rod. Hanging for his life over a pool of boiling magma.

"Asha, just hang on! We'll come get you okay!"

"F-F-Forget me! Just beat the bad guys and save the world!!"

Okara's eyes widened as he saw Asha's resolve, not only that Crimson also felt a pressure of resolve shiver through him.

"That boy, speaks strongly of you two."

Slowly from his chest Crimson's ruby emerges, glowing as a voice speaks inside of Crimson's head.

"Will you let me match his resolve?"

"No...I want to be the one who matches it, so why don't you be quiet and lend me that damn power of yours, will yeah already!"

"Hmph, I've been waiting for you to say that! If you're truly ready Saiyan! Then behold the power of one of the seven Legendary Lyrx! The Ruby!"

Crimson's body was shaking as his red eyes brightened and a mysterious aura surrounded him. An aura of red, multiple shades of red, almost like the shading of a ruby gemstone.

"T-That's impossible! W-Where are you getting all this power from! All this energy?!" Flyro was in shock as he watched Crimson rise from his knees to his feet in seconds.

Okara notices Crimson's ruby.

"A-Are you in control?"

Crimson slowly turns his head towards Okara and looks him dead in the eyes.

"S-So far yeah, but if you keep distracting me. I might lose it."


Okara looked up at the top of the arena to see Arako and Cassa.

"Okara! We've managed to save up a bit of energy! Take it and end this fight!"

Okara smiled and gave a big thumbs up to Arako and Cassa.

"You betcha!"

He smirked as he looked back to Crimson.

"Hey, give them hell while I take in their energy."

Crimson only looked back at him, before smirking. Revealing one of his two fangs.

"Let's finish this son of a bitch." Crimson said as he launched off the platform strongly, causing Okara to smartly balance on it while it held its self afloat.

As he watched Crimson start clashing against Flyro, he sat down slowly and crossed his legs. Positioning into a mediation pose. He too began remembering some of his lessons back when he was training with Master Kal.

"Now, Okara. I want you to sit here and just meditate."

"Meditate? What's that?"

"Well to put it simply, it's when one clears their mind of thoughts, whether they're positive or negative. They just sit there and clear them out to focus on the more important stuff. While also training the mind and body to synchronize with one another."

"Ohh! So like sleeping?!"

"Well kinda, but you wanna stay awake for this so you can concentrate on generating Ki within your body."

Okara slowly inhaled as he held his hands together.

"That's good, continue to inhale and exhale slowly. Control your breathing and you'll learn to clear your mind faster."

Okara slowly exhaled as his mind slowly cleared of anything happening around him. Allowing him to focus on just his body and the points around him.

While Arako and Cassa held their hands out to Okara, giving him their bit of energy. Crimson and Flyro were going at it. Attacking, interrupting, dodging and parrying one another's attacks. Flyro's platform swaying and wobbling as they exchanged steps and balance at the same time. Lava splashing against the sides of the platform. As it slowly swum around in the lava.

Crimson grabbed hold of Flyro's face, but instantly took a blow to the sternum. As he leaned forward, Flyro shifted his right knee upwards, but Crimson placed his left forearm between his face and Flyro's knee blocking it before it could connect. As he shoved Flyro's leg back against the ground, he lifted his head and slashed diagonally with his right hand. Flyro shifted his weight unbalancing the platform, causing Crimson to stumble backwards. Nearly falling into the lava, but as he almost regains his balance, Flyro grabs hold of throat and kicks his feet from under him. Holding him over the ledge of the platform, the weight tipping it slowly, causing it to slowly be engulfed by the lava.

"What's a few burns, just to take a life."

"You're psychotic Flyro!"

"I'm a lot of things, Crimson."

Crimson could feel a slight sting start emitting from the heat's range to his ankles.


"Does it hurt?! Come on you can tell me! Let me hear you!"

Flyro was no longer the absolute, and mighty leader. He's much worse now, he's become a psychotic killer, aching for the genocide of earth's heroes.

"You're going to get us killed! Do something already host!"

"I-I'm workin on it, just shut up and watch, Crisma!"

Crimson grabbed hold of Flyro's wrist with both of his hands, instantly digging his black claws into it. Piercing flesh and causing his arm to begin bleeding from multiple wounds. Crimson felt Flyro's grip getting loose, so he took advantage of it in mere seconds. Instantly pushing Flyro onto the opposite side of the platform, immediately rebalancing it.

"Smart move, for a Saiyan."


"Come on, let me at him. I can take him."

"And cost you my body? Yeah, I don't think so!"

Crimson gripped the air and raised his fists in front of him angerly.

"Like I'd let you finish my battles! Don't you know who the hell I am! My name is Crimson, and I will be the one who puts an end to your plans!!! Flyro!!!!"

Crimson's ruby aura expands as he syphons more energy from Crisma without realizing it.

Flyro's expression turns cold, as he steps back from the shock.

"How do you have, so much power! Why do you have so much power!!"

He looks up at his companions.

"All of you! Give me what little energy you have! NOW!"

Flyro demanded his crew to start giving him energy.

As they slowly complied, Crimson stepped up to intervene, as he approached Flyro. Flyro started demanding more and more.


But as he watched, he noticed the hooded woman step forward. Slowly removing her hood once again.

"You're too late, they aren't under your control anymore."

"W-What do you mean! What did you do to my crew!"

"They're under my control now."

The woman turned to look at Crimson.

"Tell me do you need the energy?"

Crimson shook his head no, as he suspiciously continued watching the woman.

"Shall I give it to him then?" She pointed at Okara, and Crimson looked over at him, as he was still meditating.

"Why are you helping us now?" Crimson questioned with an evil glare in his eyes.

"Don't give me that crap, you didn't seem to be a bit interested in me till now. I was held captive this entire time. So be grateful I'm even aiding you."

Crimson looked surprised a bit as he wasn't expecting such sass to come from the woman.

"What's your name?"

The woman looked at him and grinned.

"They call me Para, and I'm just like you."

"Just like me? In what way?"

"Well Saiyan genetics obviously, but can't you tell?"

"Tell what? I'm a bit confused?"

Para scuffed at Crimson's obliviousness.

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell you more later. Just tell me if I should give him the energy."

"Yes, give Okara as much as you can. Drain those guys of every drop they have."

Para chuckled at Crimson's remark.

"Wow, you're ruthless we just met and you're already assuming my occupation."

"N-No, I didn't mean it like-."

"I'm just messin with you.(Para looks at Flyro's crew.) Well you heard the man, give that Saiyan every bit of Ki you've got!"

As they aimed their palms at Okara, Flyro's world begun crumbling down around him.

"This is preposterous! I'm absolute! I'm an elite! I am... The most powerful Royal!!"

Flyro bursts into the air at a godly speed, once he passed his crew mates. He crumbled up in the air, and burst open. Unleashing a bright glowing sphere of light. As everyone watches from below, a spectacle emerges once again. From the sphere Flyro appears relit in his Super Saiyan God form. Once again awakening the power just from per resolve alone.

"You think I'll just let you take my crew, and my power without putting up a fight!"

Crimson looked up in disappointment as he realized what he must do.

"Para, Arako, Cassa, together at once. Give Okara all the energy you've got!"

"Wait! Do you have some kind of plan Crimson?!" Cassa asked.

"I do, but if we don't do it fast. It won't be possible!"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, Crimson even looked at Asha who was still holding on.


Flyro grit his teeth as he positioned downwards and bursts off towards Crimson.

Crimson held his left palm at Okara, and shouted for everyone.


At the same time, everyone poured what power they had into meditating Okara. As his blank mind filled with multiple colors of energy. He slowly begins to stand, his eyes still closed, as an aura erupts around him... An aura of different shades of green, his hair spiking like Super Saiyan, but staying his dark black. Crimson switching his view between the incoming threat and Okara's awakening.

Okara's hair began flashing just like Super Saiyan, but it was different, instead of golden it was changing to a light green color, as it flickered back and forth, Okara spoke a single word.


Suddenly from his platform with his eyes still closed, Okara burst towards the incoming threat, shattering the platform and appearing before Flyro, headbutting him head on. As Flyro pulls his head back, Okara floats between him and the ground. His aura flaring, breezing around him as his hair appeared fully changed. However once Flyro shot his head back in anger, Okara opened his eyes, revealing his pupils were gone.

"W-What is this?! You gain power from everyone here, and suddenly your hair is a different color! What the hell happened!"

From below Crimson smirked as he fell to his butt, slightly looking to Asha, but something threw him off, as he looked back at Asha, he realized.

"Mr. Crimson! I'm up here!"

Crimson looked up by Arako and Cassa, seeing Asha safe and sound.

"Holy... Shit."

Okara appeared in his new form, his new found power. Ready to face Flyro once and for all.

"It's just you and me now Flyro. I hope you're ready for the hell I'm about to deliver upon you."

"You forget I have the power of a-!"

Okara delivers the first attack, driving his right fist heavily into Flyro's gut, causing him to lean forward. Allowing Okara to deliver another strike with his left fist, driving it across Flyro's face, as Flyro shoots to the left, Okara rotates counter clockwise with a roundhouse to Flyro's head. While Flyro retreats, Okara chases after his stunned body. Catching up in a mere second, quickly barraging his body; face; arms, and head.

Teleporting around him from every angle, with some kind of attack that leaves Flyro paralyzed. As they approached maximum height, Okara got bored and delivered one more powerful attack, Okara teleports ahead of Flyro's body. Preparing a powerful punch, as he pulls back his right arm, encased in green Ki Flyro approaches, a sudden flurry appeared from Okara's elbow, the aura bursts like a rocket engine firing off. Once Flyro was within reach, Okara unleashed it driving his right fist downwards into Flyro's ascending body.

Holding it in place for a few seconds, till a powerful shockwave evolved into a thin beam, shot downwards into the ground below, along with Flyro who was laid in a small crater where the lava separated for a moment. Leaving him visible to everyone, his godly aura gone, along with his godly red hair which dissolved to his weakened black. Flyro was done for, and the battle seemed to finally be over.

As Okara deformed, he quickly descended to a small boulder with a view over Flyro's body.

"It's over, I'm done fighting you, and you seem to be done fighting me too. So this is your last chance, take your crew and never come back to this planet."

Flyro didn't respond he just laid there looking at the raining sky. The lava around them cooled enough to slow it's flow. But still hot to the touch.

"How... Did I lose to someone like you. I had the power of a god."

"Power of a god or not, it was obvious once I appeared before you. You're resolve had faltered and in that moment, no matter what power you had. The fight was over."

Flyro just looked at Okara, his pride shattered and title ruined.

"Now, leave... I won't ask again."

Okara turned and floated over to Crimson. Who was still sitting, regaining all his lost energy.

"I'm exhausted... Sorry, but you're gonna have to carry me out of here."

"Aw, come on. I'm tired too Crimson."

"Sh, sh, sh. Who gave you the final moment power."

"Y-You did, but that doesn't mean I-."

"That's what I thought."

Okara and Crimson looked at each other, before slowly breaking out into laughter. Slowly Okara helped Crimson up and floated up to everyone else, dropping him the moment they land.

"Hey, careful!" Crimson shouted as he laid on pointy rocks.

Okara laughed as he hugged Cassa, then he felt a tug on his shred pants.

"Okara, sir... Is it finally over?"

He looked at Asha, with a sweet smile.

"Yeah... Yeah Asha it's finally over."

Asha's face slowly filled with a tearful smile as he realized what it meant.

"About time, I thought you were gonna toy with him a bit longer." Arako said with a smirk.

"No, the fight was pointless the moment the first strike was thrown."

"Yeah, yeah. We get it hero." Cassa pressed her hand against Okara's mouth, before quickly removing it and pulling him in for a kiss.

Everyone's eyes widened in uncomfortableness.

"Get a room you two! Damn!!" Crimson said as he shielded his eyes.

Okara and Cassa continued locking lips, even after Para appears above Crimson.

"My congratulations, on defeating Flyro and his crew. I'm sure it was no easy task... But I do wanna ask. Why you let them live?"

Crimson sat up and looked across to the other side, watching as Flyro crawled slowly out of the arena.

"They're shattered now, we destroyed their reputation, and pride. They're completely ruined."

"Well that's obvious, but what if they just continue destroying other planets, and killing weaker beings."

"After today, I don't think they'll be much of a team anymore. Especially after what they've learned about each other."

Para looked a bit more understanding, but still felt a bit of disagreement.

"Anyway, you said you had something else to tell me, uh Para was it?"

"Yes, I've got quite a bit to discuss with you actually, but..."

Para looked at everyone as they watched her, waiting for her to explain.

"I'm not sure if now is a good idea."

"Really? Well, whatever I guess it can wait, I'm dead tired."

"We all are, Crimson, sir. But we've gotta make sure they're gone, then we gotta help find survivors, then-."

"Yeah, yeah, hero boy. I get it, you wanna find your brother, and all. But you don't feel entirely broken."

Okara looked at Crimson with a really face, and Crimson looked back with a raised eyebrow.

"Come on, the sooner we do this the sooner we can go home." Okara said as he reached a hand out towards Crimson.

"God... I hate when you're right."

Crimson reaches out and takes it, allowing Okara to pick him up.

Finally the fight against the Royal Saiyan's has come to an end. After the long and dangerous battles, the heroes of earth can finally begin cleaning up the mess. First starting with the five Saiyan's retreat from earth, after sending them off for good, the group began searching for survivors. Even Para and Asha. Following soon after the rain cleared up, and the sun of a new dawn appeared rising from the ground. Marking the end of a chaotic battle.

Though many survivors were found injured, most were also found dead, or brutally hurt to the point of death if they even attempted to move. Many lives were lost that day, over ten thousand people. All met with a tragic end. A memorial was held for all the lives lost, all the known victims names were placed on a giant wall.

A few days have passed since the battle, Okara and Cassa brought Asha and Para back to Bell's house. Bell was welcoming, but she realized she'd need to renovate a bit to fit the amount of people that now lived there. So they did, over a few weeks, with the help of Rose, and Crimson. They were able to make Bell's house even bigger.

"Well, that took some time, but it's finally done." Bell said with a smile.

"Yeah, it looks great, Miss Bell. We did a good job." Asha said as he holds onto her sleeve.

"We sure did, Asha, we sure did."

"Why don't we go inside, I'm sure everyone's ready to celebrate!" Okara shouted.

"What a wonderful idea!" Cassa said

"Oh what the hell, lets do this!" Crimson shouted as he followed Okara and Cassa into the newly furnished house.

"W-Wait, guys! We just finished building it! Please don't make it a mess now!! Guys? Guys!!"

End of Arc One-The Royal Saiyans!