Side Story Chapter 33-Experiences Of High School

Two months... Two months since the attack of the Royal Saiyan's, over those two months the city has been fixed up, and things have begun starting back up. School, jobs, markets, anything they originally had, was rebuilt and made even better. Sadly it also came at the cost of many. But things must continue like they were if the people of Eastdawn were to advance in more ways than one. But enough about them, we've got some experiences for our heroes to well, experience.

"So, wait. You're telling me neither of you have been to high school? Let alone a school in general?" Bell asked quite surprised at that fact.

"Well, of course not. Neither of us knew school existed on this planet, let allow considered going." Crimson replied as he pulled a cold orange soda from the fridge.

"Hey Crimson, could you get me one as well?" Okara asked politely

"Yeah, sure."

Crimson tosses Okara a cold orange soda as well, and plops onto the nice soft light gray sofa he was sitting on. As they drank together, Bell sat thinking in one of her three love seats.

"Wait, that's it!"

Bell suddenly sprung from her seat, and rushed to the phone.

"W-What is it Bell?" Okara asked as he sip more of his orange soda.

Bell ignored Okara and began dialing up a number from her landline. After a bit of waiting someone finally picked up on the other side.

"Hey! It's me, so I was wondering if you still had that friend who worked for East dawn's high school. Yeah... Well, I thought maybe we should do something about the few that have never stepped foot in a school before... Yeah, no I think that's a wonderful idea. Really? Tonight?! You think they'll allow us in on such short notice? Well, alright then, thanks yeah just give me a call back when you get a answer. Yeah no problem, of for sure I'll tell him. Alright now, bye."

Bell smiles as she rushes back to the love seat and plops herself into it.

"So first things first, Crimson. Rose said she needs you to be home in a few. For something very important."

Crimson looked paused for a moment before.

"Oh! Oh yeah, I uh. Yeah no I better get going. Don't wanna make her mad, forgetting about the important... Thing." Crimson got up leaving his open orange soda. Rushing for the door, however.

"Now, hang on a moment. At least let me finish before you go leavin so fast."

Crimson stopped at the door, and impatiently waited for what Bell had to say.

"Second of all, there is a school dance tonight at the high school, and a Rose is gonna see if she can get us in. So that means, we need to go tuxedo shopping for the both of you."

Bell looked at Okara, who sat there confused. Until Cassa and Arako come together with groceries.

"Wonderful timing you two."

Okara looked at Arako and Cassa as they laughed together with Bell. He didn't understand what he was feeling, but it wasn't something he liked.

"Well, I'm heading out now!"

"Okay! Just tell Rose to tell me about tonight, and don't forget to be there if we're going!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Crimson left in a hurry.

"Where's he off to in such a hurry?" Arako asked

"Oh something important with Rose, or something, I don't really know."

"Huh, well okay then."

Arako looked over and saw Cassa putting up some of the groceries.

"Hey, need some help?"

Cassa looked at him with a smile.

"Yeah that'd be great, thanks."

As Arako walked over to her, he grabbed some of the food and began putting it up as well. Okara just watched feeling shattered and confused about what was happening. Till Bell walked over to him, and started nagging on him.

"Okay, so just in case we are going to this thing, we need you to be prepared. So you and I are gonna go tux shopping later okay?"

"Tux shopping? What's that?" Cassa asked.

"Oh that's right! I need to catch you two up as well. Rose is getting us set up for a High school dance, so we need to get formal wear."

"Oh, a high school dance? Why would we need to go to something like that?" Arako asked as he was carefully putting up the milk and cheese.

"Well first of all, it'd be a good thing for Okara and Crimson to experience a high school moment. Since they've never had one. Second of all, it'd be fun. I mean yeah we're a little old to be going to a high school dance, but it's not like anyone's gonna notice we're even there."

"Yeah, okay." Arako laughed at the idea as he closed the fridge.

"Dislike the idea all you want, we're still going."

Arako and Bell locked eyes, but not in a seductive way. It was a battle for dominance, which lasted way to long to begin with.

"Well... Why don't we finish putting up the rest of the food, and we'll go take care of our formal clothing was it?" Cassa said with a sweet smile.

Bell and Arako broke from their battle of dominance, and decided to just go with it. Okara sat looking at his hands, thinking of the last time he's hugged or kissed Cassa. Which makes it worse when he looked back up to see Arako and Cassa high fiving each other.

After a couple of minutes, everyone else got ready. Cassa grabbed Ru and dressed him. While Okara put on some casual clothing as well as Arako. As they all leave and pack up in Bell's truck, the drive begins to East dawn, Bell, Cassa and Ru in the truck. While Okara and Arako sit in the bed.

It was a nice day, the sun was shining, clouds floating lazily, the sky clear bleeding a beautiful light blue. Even the breeze was nice every now and again. Keep them cool and warm, crops were growing, farmers were out farming and plowing their soil. While animals run wildly living their own lives as well. As Okara watched the sky, he saw two birds flying side by side, never leaving from one another. But for some reason it wasn't making him smile, if anything he was creating an even bigger hole. Then he looked at Arako, who was distracted on the environment around him, and all he could think about was. This bad feeling inside of himself.