Chapter 38-Outer World Part Three

The room was tense, as Kytel, Yoppa, and Harmen just watched the new arrivals. The ones that called themselves Kessa and Cinthea. Unknown beings to the these three.

"Come now, no need to be so frightened." Kessa said as he moistened his lips with his lizard tongue.

The three got even tenser as he began shaking his body awake. Kytel the most distressed, remembering everything Carden spoke of. Ones that would bring destruction in search of the heirloom. So with a simple inhale and shaky hands, Kytel spoke with pride.

"What's an amethyst?!"

The room was silent as they all stared at Kytel. Sweat slowly drifting down his temple. Then without sudden notice, Kessa burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! That's comical, absolutely gold. You sir are either a comedic genius or just purely stupid!"

Cinthea cleared her throat while Kessa continued cracking up.

"My lord."

"Oh, I know, I know." Kessa waved Cinthea down as he slowly stopped laughing.

"While I love a good joke, I do simply have to go on about my day. But for that, if you hand over the gem, I'll gladly let your planet live."

Anger seeped within Yoppa as she heard those words.

"Let our planet live?! Just who do you think you are!"

"Yoppa! Stop!" Kytel yelled, but she ignored him.

Yoppa approached the strong looking reptile as his angel watched. Getting close to his horrid snout.

"Do you know who I am! I am the princess of this planet and you are trespassers of the my kingdom!"

While Yoppa distracted Kessa and Cinthea, Kytel quickly snatched the amethyst from Carden's hand, suddenly feeling a sick pulse of power rush through his veins. Carden's parasite started losing it's size and the faint glow of purple vanished.

"Enough of this!" Kessa shouted pushing a rancid breeze of his breath into Yoppa's face.

His teeth visible as his jaw opened wide and his tongue swung to the opposite side, drool retracting as he closes his mouth.

"I came for one thing, and you manhandle my patients! Now give me the amethyst or let your planet turn to dust!"

In the background a strong grunt was heard. Causing everyone to jerk their attention to it.

"Kytel! What are you doing?!" Yoppa shouted.

Kytel was shaking as he held the amethyst his body rotting from the parasite.

"You damned fool, you didn't listen to your own advice and took the gem into your hand!" Harmen watched respectfully as Kytel struggled to hold onto his life force.

"Damn brats! Look what's happening to you! You're corroding from the parasitic monster! Your life slipping from your fingertips as you hold on so desperately to that gem! It's nothing but bad news! That's why I came, to save you from it and your power greedy selves!"

Kytel dropped to his knees as his vision began to blur.

"Quickly child hand over that gem! I can save you!"

Memories began rushing through his mind as he remembered what Carden spoke of.

Destruction, a pair looking to destroy the heirloom, the family heirloom. It's our only salvation the only one who can save us is you.

Kessa stepped forward trying to get closer to Kytel, but Yoppa intervened.

"Stay away from him, and our family gem!"

"Move child! Can't you see your friend is dying! He could kill over in a matter of seconds!"

Yoppa looked back at Kytel and began worrying. But at the same time Kytel looked up and locked eyes with her. Mouthing a few words in his last few seconds before passing out.

Yoppa's eyes widened as she stepped back in from of Kessa.

"No! I believe in him, he won't die on me or this planet! He's helped us countless times and the world gave him nothing at first! So we gave him everything! Because we saw what kind of person he'd become!"

"Compelling story, but I don't have time for it! So move... Now!"

Kessa tried stepping around Yoppa, but she blocked him once more.

"You test my patients girl!"

"I won't let you take the amethyst! Not while I'm still standing!"

Kessa's eyes sharpened as his anger surfaced.

"Standing... Huh?"

Suddenly Yoppa's eyes whitened and enlarged as a swift and invisible blow collided against her right temple. Causing her to fall unconscious onto the floor.

Kessa stepped closer to Kytel, watching Harmen closely to make sure he doesn't get in his way as well.

As Kessa reached Kytel he grappled his left arm and jerked it to reveal the amethyst. However the gem he was looking for was gone, he began searching around his unconscious body and still nothing. Even his pockets and hidden pouches. The amethyst was gone, until he began noticing the parasite that ate at the host was gone. Like it didn't exist.

"Impossible, could he have slipped it somewhere, could someone have snatched it from him while I was distracted?!" Kessa looked over to the unconscious Carden, no sign of it on him, then over to Yoppa, she was to far and was the distraction. So his eyes narrowed to one person.

The only one out of the three still conscious.

"You, you have it don't you!" Kessa was pissed, the line had been crossed.

"I tried being reasonable with you mortal brats! Even when you declined my generous offer! Yet you continue to deny me the one thing I came for!"

Kessa rushed over to Harmen in a second. Standing face to face with him. Eyes dead set on retrieving the amethyst.

"Give it or die..."

"I-I don't have it! I swear!"

Kessa wasn't playing these games anymore. He grabbed hold of Harmen's left arm with his right. Holding his left hand opened, palm aimed at his body.

"You're gonna give me what I want or you'll die along with its destruction."

Harmen was frightened, due to his old age you'd believe he was use to all kinds of emotions, but the pressure, the fear this, this deity created. Overwhelmed him greatly, his body was shaking harshly as Kessa's glare over took him.

"So be it..." Kessa said agitatedly ready to kill Harmen until.

"He doesn't have it, so let him go."

Kessa turned slowly to see Kytel standing his black eyes a new solid purple color.