Mega Chapter 39-Outer World Finale

"He doesn't have it, so let Harmen go." Kytel demanded as his newly colored eyes focused on Kessa.

Kessa released Harmen and turned towards Kytel, his lizard tongue moistening his teeth as he examines Kytel standing healthy.

"This is phenomenal you're still standing even after holding onto the amethyst for so long. You're even clean of the disease, how is that even possible."

Kytel looks at his hands, twiddling his fingers as his vision is slightly sharper.

"Y'know I can't answer that either, I'm just as shocked as you. I thought I was gonna die for sure. But it just seems the world ain't ready to give me up just yet."

Kessa stood watching Kytel's resolve, yet his aggravation was resurfacing as his patients wore thinner.

"Give me the amethyst or suffer a fate worse then death." Kessa snarled as he raised his left hand and aimed his palm at Kytel. Generating an atomic shaped dark purple Ki blast.

"Hey hey! Calm down I'll give you the damn thing okay, j-just put that away."

"NOW!" Kessa demanded as the blast got bigger.

"Alright! Alright!" Kytel began searching his body, patting multiple areas for the gem. A slight smirk appeared on his face as he began searching the floor from where his body was a moment ago. Suddenly the smirk morphed into a worried grin as he couldn't find it.

"Yeah so, small problem there lizard guy. Uh I don't know where it went..."

Kessa's eyes widen and Harmen's mouth dropped at Kytel's laid back nervous laugh. While he scratches his head with concern.

Without hesitation Kessa fires his Ki blast and at the last second Kytel dodges... But barely as he lands on his butt from the surprise attack. As he turns to see the damage he notices the wall the blast had hit, was turned to dust within seconds. The wall was blown away by a frosty chill that entered the room, everyone's breath appearing visible.

"Oh my lord, it seems the freezing cold has entered the building. Shall I encase this place in a protective bubble?"

"No, Cinthea that's quite alright... I am cold blooded after all."

In an instant Kytel feels pressure wrap around his neck and suddenly his eyes see nothing but white. As he recollects his thoughts he immediately notices that he was outside. In the icy wasteland of their planet. The sky pure white, a constant breeze of frosted wind that could freeze anything in moments. Snow everywhere inches upon inches, mountains ranges that path a barrier around their small kingdom. But before he could think about anything else, Kessa appears before him his hand around Kytel's neck and eyes locked on him intently.

Kessa drags Kytel through the snow, using him like a snowboard as they slide miles and miles away from the village.

"Give me the amethyst!!"

Kytel couldn't speak as Kessa continued hold his throat viciously. So as an attempt to break free Kytel grabs hold of Kessa's arm and begins squeezing with his grip strength. Kessa feels nothing as Kytel squeezes harder.

"Bold of you to assume you can break free from my grasp!" Kessa snarled as the snow began piling high like a mountain from the constant dragging amongst the snow. Kytel getting buried as it continues. As the snow mountain begins to collapse, Kessa releases Kytel and back dashes out preventing himself from getting stuck under it as well. The monstrous cool encases Kytel's body within seconds. Like chains of ice holding onto him, drowning him within the snow.

"What a waste, he seemed to have potential. But he fell to stupidity and ignorance..."

Kessa looks around examining the mountains and snowy area.

"This place is truly a home for me, but it's of no use to settle in such a deserted winter wonderland... What a shame, what a shame indeed."

From within the snow, an encased Kytel falls unconscious to the cold darkness, his body reaching a deadly point in temperature. As he floats within a void he's suddenly brought back by a light. Finding himself in a bricked room with purple flamed torches bolted into the wall. The room was square, no doors, no windows, just the walls and torches. Kytel looks around his enclosed around finding nothing but brick and stone. Even upon touching the walls it felt so real to him his fingers caressing the rough texture of the brick. It dumbfounded him as he was unknown to such a place. But just as he turned to look around more his body stops and he finds himself face to face with another. A shadow figure sits across from him leaning against the wall.

"How's it feel being buried alive? Chilling? Crushing? Maybe lonely?" The shadow spoke while it stayed in place.

"Buried alive? What the hell are you talking about?"

The shadow said nothing it just sat still.

"Hey! Can you hear me?! I'm talking to-!"

Kytel's vision shrunk, his body shaking as he felt a cool substance leak from his gut, feeling weak he struggles to look down. But as he's finally able to see it... His eyes widen, suddenly blood spurts from his mouth and he gasps for air.

"W-What the hell is this!"

A hand had pierced through his stomach, a hand with claws as sharp as a dagger. Blood dripping from the nails, as Kytel tries to turn his head, his eyes lock onto a sudden portal appearing before his face. Staring deep into it before-.

A hand pierces through it and impales through Kytel's skull. Shards of bone, portions of brain, and a copious amount of blood. Spatters against the wall behind him painting it brutally.

Then suddenly it all replays and Kytel stands once again in the room with the shadow.

"W-What the hell was that?! What did you do to me."

"So you are here... My new host, it seems you stand before I."

"Yeah! I've talked to you multiple times now!"

"You must be shouting at the top of your lungs, what's happening to me, where am I, who are you?! Well that's the ones I'd take a gander at."

"Uh yeah! I've asked multiple times dammit!"

"You see, I cannot hear you... Nor see you for I, am blind and deaf beyond repair."

Kytel stops screaming and stares at the shadow. Slowly noticing one of his hands are placed against the ground, and the other against the wall.

"You must be questioning what had just happened a moment ago, yes? To put it simply I felt you and killed you at the same time. To see if you had arrived. Then as I confirmed it time reset and you stand before me alive once again."

It was unclear to Kytel, but the Shadow was grinning evilly as he continued talking aloud.

"I could kill you over and over, you'd be stuck in an infinite loop until someone saves you or wakes you up."

Suddenly the shadow begins laugh maliciously filling the room with his laughs. Sending chills through out Kytel's body.

Until out of nowhere it got quiet and the purple lit torches began flaring wildly.

"Something is not right, no, no!"

"W-What's happening?!" Kytel shouts forgetting the shadow was deaf.

"Something big is coming! The planet is going to die! You're going to die if you don't awaken!"

The room began shaking furiously as the shadow began screaming harder

"Wake up! Wake up host! Or we'll die!"

Kytel was stuck within the room, unknowing of what's happening or what to do.

"How! How do I wake up!"

"Wake up! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!"

The room was filled with screaming back and forth between Kytel and the shadow, the torches flaring and as the room shook violently.

Till it all stopped, and suddenly the purple tinted room vanished and darkness began to light. As Kytel slowly opened his heavy eyelids. Finding himself being held by a warm body and warm lips pressed against his, giving him hot air. As his vision enhanced, he found himself held by Yoppa.

"K-Kytel! You're okay, t-thank god. I thought I lost you."

The world was shaking just like the room and as Yoppa embraced him Kytel saw it. A giant ball of energy heading towards the planet, it flared wildly like the sun. It's size rivaling that of Neptune.

"W-What is that..." Kytel asked weakly.

Yoppa placed her finger over Kytel's lips and shushed him. A sad smile covered her face.

"It's nothing you have to worry about, everything is going to be okay."

Yoppa slipped her right hand into Kytel's left and held it as the area around them began to deform. The mountains shook snow off their peaks causing avalanches to happen every minute, the mountains themselves shattering as the stone breaks apart and boulders begin falling against the ground causing tremors. The ground begins to crack as the giant energy blast got closer.

"Yoppa! Kytel! There you are!"

Yoppa and Kytel looked over to the voice to see Harmen standing with his hood up.

"Harmen! What are you doing out here?!"

"I came with news, good and bad..."

"What could possibly be worse then our world ending?" Yoppa questioned as she continued holding Kytel.

"The bad news is there is no way to save this world, it is as good as gone."

"Well, wasn't that already obvious... I mean look at the size of that thing!" Tears began filling Yoppa's eyes as the realization seeps in.

"The good news however is... I can save two people from this planets fate."

Kytel and Yoppa's eyes lock onto Harmen as he explains.

"I have enough materials to conjuror a teleportation spell. But it will only work for two, if I had more I could save more people, but as you can see we don't' have time for that."


Kytel and Yoppa didn't speak as Harmen pulled out his satchel, and began handing out the materials. He hands a small red crystal, a small yellow ice sickle, and a two small lily like flowers to Yoppa.

"Hold on tightly to them."

As Yoppa holds onto the materials, Harmen begins handing Kytel his. However as he feels the crystal and sickle enter his hand. His numb body begins to twitch for a moment then it stops and Harmen hesitatingly hands over the flowers.

"Kytel will you be able to hold these?"


Kytel was completely numb, but Harmen places the flowers into his hand, and closes his fingers into a fist. Holding it tight to make sure Kytel doesn't open up and the flowers go flying away.

"Alright Kytel I'm gonna let go now. Please be careful with your grip."

Harmen pulls out an ancient book and begins flipping through pages. Searching for the teleportation spell he leads years back. As he reaches a third of the book he finally finds it.

"Here it is! The spell will only work if the teleported is holding the required materials. Once the materials are held, recite these words in the ancient text... Of the Lyrx."

As Harmen studies the words and the blast inches closer, Kytel feels his body slipping slightly. Slowly his numbed hands begin cracking open, the breeze seeping slightly through his fingers. Until Yoppa places her right hand back over his fist pressing down to keep them shut.

"T-That was close, I-I'm s-sorry."

"I-It's okay, Kytel."

The cold was overwhelming their bodies reaching levels of potential freezing begins worrying Harmen, causing him to begin the chant sooner.

But as he begins chanting a piece of shattered mountain lands near them almost crushing them. As the ground shakes from the tremor, the three breath the chilling air and restart the chant. As Harmen looks up from the book slightly he notices something immediately.

"N-No, K-Kytel..."

Harmen and Yoppa's eyes widen as they see Kytel's hands were sprouted open and the flowers were gone.

Kytel didn't notice it as he can't feel his entire body.

"O-Oh no... I-I-I'm s-sorry..." Kytel's eyes begin filling with tears as the ground around them breaks open and fire erupts intensely. The giant blast was covering the entire sky, and the world was about to end.

"I-I didn't mean too."

Yoppa and Harmen look at each other, Harmen seeing the worried sorrow look on her face. Tears slowly try to fill her eyes, but she fights them back as she nods to Harmen and places the flowers into the numbed Kytel's hands. Keeping them closed while he chants.

"W-W-What are you d-d-doing! W-Wait!" Kytel tried to move and stop Yoppa from saving him. But he couldn't she overpowered him and he fell victim to the cold. Keeping him from stopping her.

"You h-have to live Kytel, r-remember us..."

"Asbondo Kytel au o noa gaia!"(Transfer Kytel to a planet called earth!)

As a ball of black surrounded Kytel, his eyes registers one last image in his mind. A sad tearful smile from Yoppa's face filled his mind as her last words hit him.

"Remember me..."

Suddenly the orb of black shrinks and Kytel vanishes along with it. Leaving Yoppa, Harmen and the rest of his home world behind.

Yoppa bursts out into tears as pillars of lava fire into the cold skies. Lava melting snow as it rains from the sky, while the planet rips itself apart, before becoming nothing, but a massive explosion of space dust. Eradicating all the life that once lived on it.