Chapter 41-The Winter Proposal

In Westfall city in the middle where the battle between Arako, Crimson, and Okara took place. Was completely fixed and better than ever. Allowing Rose to even purchase the land and build a giant home for her and Crimson to live in. With space for a new lab, a garage, and living area. It was perfect for the both of them. While Crimson even got his own training room that used gravity to increase his overall effectiveness while training alone. While he's doing one finger push ups, he has the gravity setting set to his max so far.

Pushing his limits further beyond his current ones. As his body drips of sweat while he struggles pushing himself up with his finger. His training clothes drape forcefully, revealing his shredded body and veins from his struggle. His training clothes comprised of a black tank top, black fingerless gloves, black shoes with white outlines, and lastly purple gi pants with white strings to tighten them around his waist. As the gravity strained his finger slipped, Crimson was instantly slammed to the floor and held there, before a safety mechanism activated. Turning off his gravity setting and changing the color in the room back to it's normal lighting.

Crimson laid on the ground sweating profusely and breathing heavily. His body aching as he's unable to move for a moment. As he lays there a voice comes over the intercom and begins yelling at him.

"Crimson! Are you dumb! I've told you a hundred times not to do two hundred and fifty times gravity! You're gonna get yourself killed I swear! You Saiyans are crazy sometimes!"

Crimson quietly chuckled as the intercom turned off and a metal door opened. Allowing the person who spoke to walk in, quickly rushing to his aid. As the stranger pulls him up. Her face becomes visible instantly.

"Sorry Rose, I just wanted to get stronger." Crimson said letting out another little chuckle.

"You can't get stronger if you die dummy." Rose slightly smiled as she patted Crimson's face with a dry towel.

Crimson gently grabbed Rose's hand as she continued patting his face. Before pulling it aside to look at her.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost eight, why?"

"J-Just wondering how long I've been in here for."

"Well there's a clock installed into the computer to tell you how long for things like that silly."

"That might be the case, but as you see I currently can't move to check the time."

They both look at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter.

"C-Could I get some help out of here." Crimson asks as his laughing calms down.

"Oh! Yeah, yeah! Lets get you out of here and into a shower."

As time passed Crimson regained the ability to move and took a shower. Before telling Rose to get dressed and dressing up himself. As he gets dressed he puts on a black and purple flannel, a pair of black jeans, with his favorite pair of black combat boots. Lastly he throws on a jacket that reached his thighs, with a white fluffy interior and a sleek black exterior with it's collar forced up protecting his neck from possible cold winds. While he was checking himself in the mirror to make sure he was ready, Rose appeared within the mirror causing him to turn around. Astonished by her beauty and elegant look. As she approached him he was stunned, her body fitting well within a black dress, holding a window to the top of her cleavage and shoulders while it holds her neck down to her feet. Her arms covered with long black gloves that cut off at her forearm, lastly her black flare heeled boots complimenting her dress.

"So, are you ready dear?" Rose asked as she began putting on a blue jean jacket with a fluffy inside like Crimson's jacket.


As they get outside to the car Crimson walks to the drivers side and Rose to the passenger side.

"You still haven't told me where we're going mister."

"Come now, I said it was a secret. You'll see once we get there."

"I'm guessing it's somewhere fancy." Rose lightly smirked and chuckled at the hopeful wish of the possibility.

"You'll see, I promise you'll love it."

Crimson walks over to open Rose's door and allows to step in before closing it. As he rushes over to the drivers side. He pats his jacket pocket to make sure it, is there. He smiles when he feels the box and enters the car. As he inserts the key and turns the car on. They buckle up and Crimson pulls off towards their destination.

While on the road Crimson listens as Rose scrolls through the road stations as she hitting different frequencies. Crimson recommends on specific station as she turns the station on it's a news reporter on about the weather. Confused Rose leaves it and explores the outside through the window. Crimson peeking over at her feeling a bit unease, but keeping it hidden as he continues driving. After about fifteen minutes they arrive at a parking lot and Crimson parks the car. Quickly getting out before Rose could open the door herself. Startled yet happy, she sees Crimson sticking out his hand and she takes it. They smile at each other as Crimson locks the car up and they walk away. Crimson leading Rose on a specific path. The winter night amazing Rose and even Crimson from how beautiful the rebuilt city turned out. As they walk along the sidewalk Rose notices a very fancy restaurant up ahead and smirks. Without saying anything they get closer and her smile gets bigger. But just as Crimson continues leading her smile fades as they pass it.

"We're almost there, I promise." Crimson says as they continue walking. Rose saying nothing, but continues being patient. As they turn the corner and walk into a public park close by. Lights start to fill Rose's eyes as a giant white tent is set up with a table for just two under it. Along with two heaters nearby for a source of heat. They stop so Rose can admire the beauty of the snow and décor meshing well. The lights lit up the area like a star making it magical.

"Come, come. Let's sit Rose."

As Crimson and Rose rush over to the table Crimson pulls out the chair for Rose and allows her to sit before pushing it back into the table. Before taking his own seat, the table was decorated with a three prong candle, and black décor fabric with designs cut out of them.

"T-This is wow, it's amazing-."

Rose was stopped as a man dressed up appeared with silver trays, placing them before both Rose and Crimson. Before pulling the cover off to reveal a beautifully dressed meatloaf, with basil garnish. The man also brought wine glasses and poured red wine for the both of them. Rose was in awe at what was happening. Crimson was smirking happily as her reaction was pleasing him.

"It's all for you. Every bit of it Rose." Crimson felt his right jacket pocket once again. Making sure the thing was still there, and it was to his joy. So he smiled at her and picked up his wine glass.

"This, this is incredible." Rose watched Crimson hold his wine glass up waiting for her to join him.

As she picks up her glass they cling them together before drinking and eating. As they eat together laughing about old times. Things were going smoothly and Crimson felt like his heart was ready. So he looked over to the waiter and nodded. The waiter understood and soon enough soft music started playing. No words were being sung just wonderful sounds of instrumentals hitting the air as Crimson puts down his wine glass. Rose smiles watching him as he sticks out his hand and invites her to dance.

"Care to join my malady?" Crimson gently asks as she takes his hand instantly.

Instantly they begin dancing, pulling each other close and pushing each other away. Crimson and Rose stepping in sync as the instrumental increases in intensity and calms in tranquility. Their movements matching that of the music and finally as Crimson spins Rose, he releases her hand and quickly knees, pulling out a ring and waiting for her to face him. The moment she stops spinning her eyes light up before Crimson. Crimson held the black ring with a rose diamond on it out to her. Causing her to step closer. As she was close enough Crimson stared into her eyes, and she stared back.

"Rose, these last few years have been life changing for me. Fighting alien invaders, meeting you, meeting Okara, Cassa, and everyone else. It changed me it showed me I have a purpose and that purpose was to find you and everyone else, to protect you and everything on this planet. I couldn't ask for anyone better to be in my life. So... Will you do me the pleasure and be with me forever?"

The music stopped and the musicians and the waiter watched as Rose just stared at Crimson and the ring. Thinking... accidently making the pause long before finally speaking up.

"C-Crimson, I-..."

Rose covers her face with her black gloves trying to hide her emotions. Crimson feeling a deep pit form within his stomach until. Rose pulls down her arms and her face is beat red, tears filling her eyes as she says.

"Yes!... Yes!"

Crimson's pit instantly vanished and his face slowly morphed into happy tears before getting up and instantly embracing her. As the newly engaged couple hugs Crimson pulls back and begins kissing Rose's cheek viciously. Making her giggle in happiness, instantly the music starts back up and Crimson pulls the ring from the casing, putting it on her finger.

They stare into each others eyes and Crimson begins laughing.

"What is it." Rose asks giggly.

"I'm just so happy I can't stop laughing uncontrollably."

"I feel it too!" Rose jumps into Crimson and the two hug even more.