Chapter 42-Progression To The Next Level

Rose sits reading a book on biology feeling a slight rumbling coming from below her. As she carefully sips a cup of hot cocoa. After taking a drink she sets it down and glares at it while it ripples. Then goes back to her book with a smile.

"Seems they're making good use of the chamber, that's good."

Down below we find ourselves within the gravity chamber once more. This time with two Saiyan warriors battling it out in order to get stronger. As we find ourselves focusing on the fight we see both warriors in different outfits, training outfits. Letting them focus more on fighting and less on their clothes. Due to the gravity they're unable to fly leaving them grounded. The gravity set to four hundred times making it intense on both fighters. So as they both fall back, they look up at each other sweating and panting. But determination in their eyes kept them alight and they continued onwards for progression.

"A Saiyan's potential is almost unlimited! That just mean's we still have a long way to go! Okara!!" Crimson rushes as fast as possible at Okara.

"Then don't stop, and give me your all! Crimson!!" Okara matching him as he rushes at Crimson. Both taking a moment before truly meeting.

As their fists clash, the room shakes harder. Gravity gripping at their bodies as they move at high speeds. Getting faster with each attack, adjusting in mere minutes due to their Saiyan genetics. This was the distinction of a Saiyan's will to a humans. It's almost terrifying as they begin vanishing with each movement their bodies appear for a few seconds before completely evaporating. Soon enough their fists began breaking the sound barriers with each hit they cause a thunderous crash. Unable to be heard from outside of the room due to Rose's scientific studies and abilities to create such a room where sound is nullified even with sonic booms.

"GRAAAAAAHHH!!" Okara screamed as Crimson lands a blow to his diaphragm causing him to gasp in pain immensely.

"Felt that one huh?" Crimson said with a smirk as he tries to pull his arm back. However Okara had other plans as he held onto it and drove the side of his head into Crimson's face.

"AH! FUCK!" Crimson is let go as he floats backwards holding his face. His eyes blurred and teary.

Okara takes advantage of this moment and charges towards him and drives his arms into Crimson's body shoving them back and into the walls. Causing an increase in the gravity instantly pulling them down to their knees.

"The hell!" Okara said as he forced himself up, he couldn't fly due to the sheer gravity's power. But could still move slowly.

"Rose designed it to increase it if we try to damage it. So, now we're even higher in gravity!"

"So, now we just gotta slug each other harder."

"I mean if you can even move that far before being pulled down."

"You doubt my will to progress friend!"

Crimson laughs hysterically as he gets up, able to finally see again.

"That was a cheap shot, so I'll be sure to return the favor."

Crimson begins walking slowly towards Okara, the gravity only slightly affecting him. Okara was smiling slightly as he realized Crimson's been at this longer than him.

As Crimson gets closer he grabs hold of Okara's face and push's him back. Causing him to be yanked onto his back.

"Oops, my bad friend." Crimson laughing as the gravity began decreasing and their bodies got lighter.

"W-What the hell man, that wasn't fun at all."

"Who said it was gonna be fun, after all you bash your head into my face." Crimson holds out at hand to Okara and he just continues laying on the ground.

"I don't wanna get up yet hang on."

Crimson continues holding it out with a bored look on his face. Finally after staring at him for a moment Okara takes it and is instantly pulled up.

"I feel so light, and so tired... Lets go get something to eat and a nice shower!"

"You're telling me, this stuff is no joke, Rose did a really good job with it." Okara said as he grabbed a towel and wiped his sweat away before tossing it to Crimson.

"Bro, that was my towel, the hell."

"Oh come on a little sweat won't hurt you, I mean hell you've been bled on before by many other people." Okara shrugged as he walked with Crimson while they left the gravity chamber.

Before they exit the room, Crimson stops and grabs Okara's shoulder to stop him.

"Okara, there's something I need to tell you."

As Okara reaches for the door he stops and looks at Crimson.

"What is it, Crim?"

"So, well, I uh... I proposed to Rose and she said yes."

Okara's eyes widened in surprise as he continued listening to Crimson.

"I was wondering if you'd tell everyone else and tell them the wedding is being held in a week..."

"Oh yeah of course, I'll make sure everyone knows."

"I also wanted to ask if you'll be, my best man?"

"Y-Y-Your best m-man..." Okara was stuttering with tears in his eyes.

"A-Are you crying?!"

"N-N-No! I just got chamber dust in my e-eyes."

"Well okay whatever, do you want to?"


Okara instantly man hugs Crimson while they're both in pain. But to make it better the gravity chambers door opens and Rose appears on the other side catching them in the moment. Yet Okara didn't let go.

"Oh! I'll uh, I'll let you guys have your fun. Don't do anything to bad kids!" Rose maliciously smiled as the door closed.

"WAIT! No! It's not like that! Rose! HELP! PLEASE! HEEEELLPPP!!!!"

A few hours pass and Okara has told every about the wedding soon to be held within a week. So thanks to Bell, they were informed on how they should approach this.

"First! We'll want the guys and girls to have solo parties to celebrate their last few days of being unchained. Okara you and Arako will take Crimson and get something fun and exciting set up, Cassa, Rose, and I will do our own thing."

"But, what about Ru? Who will watch him while we're out?"

"Oh that's easy I'll just have my grandfather watch him. So he'll be in safe and strong hands!"

Cassa thought about it for a minute then finally smiled at the idea.

"Awesome! Alright that settles it! We're gonna party!!"

Arako and Okara stood beside each other while Bell and Cassa jumped in excitement.

"So, what exactly are we suppose to do for these wedding parties?"

Okara looks at Arako and Arako looks back.

"I, have no idea."