Chapter 43-Party Party!

As Crimson, Okara, and Arako enter the city through the breezy night time. They path forward along the sidewalk, while cars breeze by them. The operators warmly inside their comfortable transport. Street lights lighting up the white snow along the ground along with the lights from inside the buildings. As they walk past a lit up tavern with strung Christmas lights along the cold iron barring and gates. It's brick exterior holding true while it's inside is a nice mixture of punk and classy décor. The three take a few steps back to look up and see the giant lit up sign with the title, Party Party Bar and Lounge.

"Huh, this place looks interesting. What is this place Crimson?"

"It's where we're gonna enjoy my last few days of being single! Come on!"

As Crimson rushes towards the door, Okara and Arako follow quickly. Once Crimson opens the entrance to Party Party, his face smirks strongly. Stepping in with confidence while Okara and Arako follow curiously. Their eyes appealing instantly to the buildings strong and wild surroundings. A mixture of booths and barstool tables, giant flat screen televisions with a variety of sports and shows. The news was even playing on multiple which was recapping a past event known as the The Five Invaders. A giant stage with a six person band performing some of their own original music. With two singers, a strong drummer, a tall and jamming bass performer, along with two guitar players. As they play some strong rock music. The atmosphere began setting in for Crimson even Okara and Arako felt excitement start bleeding into their bones. A crowd of people drinking and cheering at the band while they rock on.

It was unreal to them, a place for different kinds of people to enjoy themselves and get along existed and they never knew.

"Remember guys, we're the reason places like this still exist! But who says we can't also enjoy them!" Crimson cheers out loud as he fades deeper into the crowded bar. As Okara and Arako follow with struggles, Crimson finds himself in the cosmic looking arcade. Different sounds and players everywhere. Games of different variety to play.

"Oh man it's been too long!!"

Crimson rushes around watching other people win some and lose some. As he's running through with a smile on his face he stops to see someone beat one of the high scores on one of his favorite games.

"No way! You actually beat that?!"

The player turned around and his face lit up instantly.

"Yeah! The high score was so easy to beat, I mean only five hundred and forty six thousands three hundred and twelve. Come on you've gotta suck at this game to not be able to beat that."

Crimson's left eye twitched as the snarking guy continued blabbering on about the "loser" who originally held the high score for that game.

"Crimson! There you are! We've been looking all over for you." Okara and Arako appeared forcing the other guy to stop talking.

"I think I need a drink." Crimson sighed as he walked past Okara and Arako.

"W-We just got here! C-Crimson come on!" Okara as he followed along. Leaving Arako stuck with the blabbering man.

"You look familiar, I swear I've seen you somewhere before."

Arako's expression stayed strong trying not to give any clues away.

"I just can't put the tip of my finger on it."

Before the blabbering man could figure it out Arako walked away quickly.

As he walked past everything trying to catch up to Okara and Crimson. The blabber mouth instantly thought of it.

"You're that hero! Aren't you the one who saved us from the evil invaders! O-O-Okara! Yeah that's it! You're him!"

Arako stopped and looked around, seeing eyes locked onto him. People smiling and chattering amongst themselves. It really is him, wow he's really built, yeah he's built different. Crowds started swarming around Arako and instantly he became swept into a stampede.

While at the bar counter, Crimson orders two drinks and hands one to Okara.

"W-What's this?"

"It's called whiskey, it's a big boy drink." Says Crimson as he smirks and takes a swig of his glass.

Feeling the burn down his throat he exhales and says cheers to Okara with an evil yet light hearted grin.

As Okara takes a swig he instantly regrets it. Forcing himself to swallow yet cough harshly.

Crimson laughs along with the bartender.

"First timer?" The bartender says.

"He sure is."

They laugh together as Okara continues coughing.

"W-What the hell is this!"

"It's called alcohol Okara, it's some strong stuff."

Okara looked at it with disgusted, yet took another drink. Once again dying from a harsh cough.

"Why'd you do that?" Crimson asked dying of laughter.

"I-I thought, it'd taste better."

"Well, maybe whiskey just isn't your thing. Why don't you try something a little less strong."

The bartender handed Okara a lemonade mixed with a bit of whiskey.

Okara hesitates to drink it, but accepts it none the less. As he takes a swig, he tastes the lemonade and still feels the effects of the whiskey quickly kicking in.

"Oh? I think he's already feeling it barkeep."

"You think so?"

Okara began spacing out and his face turning slightly red.

"Hey now, Okara you good buddy?"

Okara looked at Crimson as saw he was dancing like a worm. Suddenly causing him to burst into a laughing state.

"C-Crimson y-your dancing like a worm!"

Okara looked at his drink and felt the need for more. As he drank more the effects got even better for everyone else and worse for him. Everyone was enjoying the show, not just the band playing. But also drunk Okara.

While he began dancing on a table, Arako appeared finally escaping all the chasing fans and slumped into a barstool.

"One bourbon on the rocks please, extra bourbon."

Crimson looked at him confused yet intrigued.

"I'm surprised you knew what that was Arako."

"I don't I just heard some guy talking about it."

The barkeeper sets a whiskey before Arako the glass filled to the tippy top.

"Uh, I don't know if you should try and drink all that."

"Please, Okara seems like he's having a good time. Might as well join him."

Crimson watches as Arako knocks the drink back chugging it till the glass was empty. As he leaned far enough back he shot forward and tapped the glass against the counter.

"That, was gross."

Arako said as he belched. Okara dancing on the table as people surrounded him dancing with him.

The night was still young, and apparently so where the guys.

"This one goes out to you dancing drunk man on the table!" The lead singer with glasses says with a smile.

Suddenly they began jamming to even more of their own music and the night continues.