Chapter 45-Kytel And Agony

Everyone looked at each other in concern as Kytel broke down in despair.

"I couldn't save them, and he relied on me so much. I couldn't fucking! Save them!"

"Kytel, we can't help understand what you're talking about if you don't talk to us. I get we just met, but you gotta understand. That we can't help you without information and ideas." Crimson explained as he waited on Kytel to respond. As Kytel slowly looked up his puffy face returned and soon enough he began slowly explaining.

"I come from a harsh world which I called home. It was known as Yivis a cold wasteland, that had a wicked beauty to it. I was suppose to be the protector of it when Carden the king and my father in law passed. Due to the family heirloom's curse, however he also told me a god would come for it. Which so happened on that very same day, a god appeared while Carden was falling from the line of living."

"Wait, wait... A god? A heirloom? You're telling me you come from royalty? But more importantly you're telling me there is a god on the look for your families heirloom?" Arako asked in curiosity.

"Yes, that is correct."

"What exactly is this family heirloom?" Crimson asked in curiosity.

"Well I would show it to you, but I don't know where it went. Whenever I was knocked unconscious by the god, I just happened to wake up and it was gone."

"Do you remember what the heirloom was like an item of some sort?" Cassa asked.

Crimson looked intensely at Kytel's eyes and suddenly noticed the odd color from a normal Saiyan's, then looked at Arako's.

"Kytel, would this heirloom you're talking about so happen to be a gemstone? Perhaps, something powered by a mysterious power?"

Kytel looked surprised at Crimson like he hit it right on the nail.

"Y-Yes, that's exactly what it is."

"I see, so that means you're an even worse danger than what we originally thought you were."

"Wait, do you mean he has a-."

"Lyrx gemstone within his possession, yes... That's exactly what I mean Cassa."

Everyone's guards were up because they didn't know what to expect.

"Wait, I'm confused what do you mean a Lyrx gemstone?" Kytel questioned

"I shall summarize it for you. Long ago an ancient demon race was defeated by an unknown anomaly. As a last resort seven legendary Lyrx implanted a bit of themselves into different gemstones. Then scattered along the universe for centuries to millennia. Days, weeks, months time went by as they attached and merged with multiple hosts, being used for wars, world domination, massacres. Nothing good has ever came from these gems, but good can happen if the wielder can control the demon within. That is what you have in your possession, that is what is inside your very body." Crimson stood up from his chair.

"You may not know it, but that thing inside of you could wake up at anytime and cause destruction beyond anything you've seen. We must remove it from you before it too late."

Kytel looked down at his hands and grit his teeth.

"Destruction beyond anything I've seen? Seriously?! I was on my planet while it was on the brink of blowing up! If this Lyrx gem or whatever inside me can do that! Then I'd rather master it to get revenge for those that were killed!"

"No! You don't understand the hardship this thing comes with. All the possibilities for bloodshed and accidents. You have to understand I'm trying to help you! You don't want what I've been through! Trust me it never gets better! Things go to shit sooner or later!"

"Crimson! What's going on?" Rose asks as she walks in looking at Kytel then everyone else in the room.

"R-Rose you're back already?"

"Of course I am, I wasn't gonna be out all day. But what did you mean when you said it never gets better?"

"W-Well I-I, you see, I was just trying to explain to Kytel here that..."

"That everything we had and did together wasn't good? It didn't change you or make you see things different?"

"Of course it did... I didn't mean it like-."

"How did you mean it then?"

Crimson just stared into Rose's eyes as they became glossy. But before she could reveal her tears she burst out the door.

"Wait! Rose! Shit..." Crimson shouted as he chased after her. Leaving Kytel, Cassa, and Arako left in the room. But in just the nick of time Okara comes walking out of the bathroom in casual clothing with a towel around his neck and slightly wet hair. He looks around at everyone to see the gloomy room, but continues to smile.

"I feel and smell much better... What did I miss?"

Okara notices Kytel's awake and begins questioning him.

"What's your name? Where did you come from? Are you here to-."

Cassa appeared behind Okara and knocked him against the head. Causing him to pull back and grab the top of his noggin.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"We've been through all this already!"

"Well how was I suppose to know that I was in the shower for most of the-."

"Will you just shut up and sit down!" Cassa screamed causing Okara to rightfully shut up and sit down.

Cassa picked up Ru and placed him in Okara's lap. This time Ru sniffed his father and hugged onto him.

Outside in the cold, Crimson rushes as a sad and angry Rose.

"Rose! Rose wait! Please!"

"Why? If everything we do doesn't make anything better than what's the point of thinking we'd be happy together!"

"No, please! Hear me out!"

Rose stopped and turned around angerly.

"Fine! Then explain! Make it quick."


"That's what I thought!"

Rose turned back around and continued walking away angerly.

"I killed my last lover! Okay!"

Rose stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around as Crimson continued revealing parts of his past.

"I lost control, because of this damn demon inside me. I was angry and tried to kill someone, but she... She stepped out in front of me and I gained control for a moment. But I blacked out again and all I remember is waking up to see my hand through her stomach... Ever since than all I could remember is the sight, I don't even know if she said something to me before she died by my hand. Because I wasn't there, I wasn't in control."

Rose looked worried and felt pity for Crimson. Causing her to rush up to him and wrap her arms around her. He embraced her and held her tightly.

"It haunts me everyday and I don't know if I can ever let go of it."

"Crim, it's okay. I know you have things from the past that still haunt you and I know I overreacted. But I want you to understand, I am not scared of your Lyrx or the power it possess. I've studied them for years and I know what I need to null it away. So you don't have to worry about losing me too, okay."

Crimson pulled back and looked into Rose's eyes.

"I just wanted him to know this power might be strong, but it's evil and scary. I want to save him from himself before it's too late. But I guess that just caused me more problems too huh..."

"Look, If you're really worried about this guy. Then why don't you train him show him how to control this power so he can be prepared. I'm sure with someone guiding him he can become really strong and disciplined!"

"Y-You're right... I think you're absolutely right."

"Well shall we go back and tell him?"

Crimson inhales and exhales the chilling wind.

"Yeah, Yeah."

A few minutes later Crimson and Rose walk back through the door, their hands interlocked.

"Oh! Thank goodness you guys are back!" Cassa said with a smile.

Everyone was still gathered in the living room and so Crimson made his request strongly.

"Kytel, if you really want to get vengeance for your lost planet, family, and friends. Then I will train you on how to use and control that power you possess within you. Let me show you how to control it and not let it control you."

Kytel was shocked, but a slight smirk appeared on his face as he agreed to the proposal.