Chapter 46-Wedding Prep

A few days have passed and the wedding is upon us with Bell working on the wedding prep, and everyone else chipping in, in some way. Even Kytel who literally just met these people. What a nice guy!

"Uh scoot it to the right a bit more... Yeah just a bit more... Almost there... Stop! Perfect! Leave it like that." Bell steps back and admires the beautiful ice sculpture of Crimson and Rose.

The wedding décor was winter wonderland, white trees, winter themed lights, beautiful sets of flowers set along the arch where the wedded are to be wed. Heaters for those who might get cold during the marriage, a giant cake with tiny figures of the bride and groom. Everything was here and being setup correctly all thanks to Bell herself! As she checked her list things were going great. People were showing up that were invited, food was being served around to guests while the bride and groom were getting ready with their best men and best women.

"Arako! Arako! Sweetie, I need you to reframe from eating all those okay, there's gotta be enough for everyone to at least have some."

Arako was stuffing his face with some of Bell's specialty foods. Like fruit salads, Jelly filled sweets, fish and chips, tiny snack foods like vegetable trays and sauces and more!

"Mhm..." Arako mumbled with his mouth full.

Bell quickly walked up to him and ripped him away from the food.

"Here you can help me with something."

Bell pulled Arako over and pointed at a lot of unset chairs.

"Our guess need places to sit, so I need you to set these tables and chairs up around the heats. Can you do that for me?"

Arako looked Bell in the eyes and saw she was not messing around.

"Please?" Arako asked.

"Pretty please." Bell replied as she walked away leaving Arako to his tasks.

"Yes ma'am..." Arako began putting up everything.

Bell continued looking around to make sure everything was in order and quickly ran into Kytel.

"Ah! Kytel, you seem to need something to do too! Come, come."

Kytel reluctantly follows Bell. As she's checking through her list she notices the gazebo isn't properly set right.

"Kytel can you reposition that gazebo and make sure the heater is close enough for the band members and their instruments to not get freezing cold?"

Kytel looks at Bell confused and uncertain.

"Good! Glad I can count on you." Bell walks away leaving Kytel to his tasks as well.

While Bell checks the list, she notices everything is checked and or set to be finished soon.

"The band should be arriving soon to set up and people are still coming in. We're all set! Yay! Go me for being awesome at doing these kinda things!"

Bell examined her work and felt happy allowing her to finally sit down and breath.

While in the changing room, Okara and Crimson stand ready and dressed in strong and appealing tuxedos.

"Wow, these suits look amazing!" Okara admired himself in the mirror.

"Haha, we do look good..." Crimson looked at himself in the mirror as well.

"Hey, what's with that grim look. You're getting married! You should be happy!"

"Yeah, I know it's just... Bad memories are creeping up on me and I'm scared I'll repeat them."

"Oh, buddy..."

"Bad things always happen when I'm happy... Always."

It went quiet in the room while Crimson and Okara stared in opposite directions.

"You know, if Rose heard that she'd beat you up then kiss and hug you and tell you it's okay. Things will be different. Because that's the kind of person she is. I'm sure whatever happened in your past won't happen again. Because she is strong and so are you. You've grown so much from before and now that both of you will be together. I'm sure you guys will be unstoppable!"

Crimson's eyes lit up as he thought about Rose and all their times together. Their moments in the bedroom, their fun night time dates and day time adventures. When they first met to when they ended that battle against Arako. Things have definitely changed and so has he!

"You know what Okara! You're absolutely right! There have been tons of terrible things in my past. But I'm in control now, and I have someone who is also strong just like me. I haven't felt like this in a while, this feeling they call trust, respect... Love."

Okara smiled as Crimson hugged him like a brother.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, but I'ma go check on Bell and make sure everything's good. So stay put!"

"Of course! I wouldn't want everyone to see me yet."

Okara leaves the room and makes his way to the main event area. As he arrives he see's Bell stressed and quite the opposite of happy like she was.

"Bell how is everything going?"

"How's it going?! How's it going?!! The band is gonna be late! Arako hasn't finished putting up the tables and chairs, and Kytel... Kytel doesn't even know what he's doing! So we're behind schedule severely!"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here now and I'm sure I can quickly get these tasks finished up. Let me go help Kytel real quick and then I'll zoom over to Arako and finish up those things as well. You just sit here by the heater and stay warm."

Okara floated into the air and began zooming around instantly helping Kytel setup the gazebo correctly then took Kytel and had him follow to help Arako set up the remaining thirty chairs and six tables. As the heaters were set up and the warmth could be felt at almost any table. Things were set, except the band who still haven't arrived.

"Well, the tables and chairs and the gazebo are set. But I don't know what to do about the band... Sorry Bell."

Bell inhaled, then slowly exhaled.

"No, no. That's okay, you managed to finish everything so fast we pulled back way ahead of schedule. So don't worry about the band they'll get here when they get here... I'm gonna dock their pay! But it's nothing for you to worry about now Okara."

Finally things were set and the wedding has begun. But something is coming, something unexpected and powerful.