Chapter 47-A God Comes To The Wedding?!

The time has come, both the bride and groom are ready. The guests are seated and waiting, and finally the band arrives ready to play music. As Okara stands up by the Father, Lily stands on the other side of the father. Both waiting for the bride and groom. As Crimson appears he smiles as he walks up to Okara and Lily. His unique winter tux appearing to everyone, it's a light gray plaid with a purple secondary color vest and tie.

"Thanks for doing this guys."

"Oh don't thank us, it's our honor to be up here as your best man and best woman." Lily says as she looks towards the doors where Rose appears in a beautiful white dress that covered her legs and feet, she had long white sleeves and a beautiful turtleneck like undershirt allowing her to stay warm while she walked in the cold. A tiny Ru walked behind her with Cassa as Ru and her tosses yellow petals to compliment the colors. As she reached the alter, Cassa and Ru took their seats beside Bell and Arako.

Crimson smiled as Rose faced him, she smiled back then both turned to the father as he began reading out the tradition.

"We have all gathered here to day to celebrate the uniting of love between these two beings. Their love has brought them here so that they may live together and experience life together. No matter the good and bad, they're ready and so begins the vows from both. Sir if you'd go first."

"Rose, you know me like no other... Things about my past and things of my future. You give me hope that I will have a strong and beautiful person beside me no matter what happens, like a rose that bloomed through hell. It's amazing I was able to find you and get you all to myself. I do so solemnly swear that I will protect you and keep you safe. With my love and power."

"Madame your vows as well."

"Crimson, you saved me from a big criminal organization and even saved this world from even bigger threats. While I might not have powers like you or the abilities to get stronger like you. Don't think I'll just fall behind and let you get so far ahead. I will get strong in my own way so that I can do my best to also protect you with my love and strength. Because I don't want you going anywhere."

"What strong and fiery vows, to see such love blossom sure is beautiful. I am happy for both of you. So lets bring out the rings and get these two together for eternity!"

Cassa stands up with Ru and brings the rings up to the alter handing them off to Okara.

"Thanks honey." Okara says as he kisses Cassa on the cheek as she goes back to her seat.

Okara holds up the rings between Crimson and Rose as they look into each others eyes.

"Now then! If anyone would so object or deny these two lovely people a happy marriage then speak now or forever hold your-."

Suddenly a bright pillar of light strikes down between tables and chairs. Shocking people instantly, as people get up and back away. Crimson, Okara, Arako, Cassa, and Kytel stand ready for whatever is coming. As the bright light disperses, Kytel's eyes widen and his blood runs cold.

"Y-You! Not... Not you!" Kytel screamed.

Everyone looked at him then back at the reptile being.

"Cinthea it seems your calculations were right, it lead us right to him."

"Of course Lord Kessa, my calculations never fall short."

Kessa's tail smacks against the ground.

"Come now, don't flatter yourself to much Cinthea."

"Well that was just rude Lord Kessa."

"Don't dodder now, we're here for a reason... Wait."

Kessa looks at Crimson who is angerly staring at him.

"You there, what is the meaning of this event?"

Crimson's veins were popping and his teeth were beginning to show.

"Sir, I believe this is what humans call a wedding. It's where two people swear to be with each other till death."

"Now why would you go and do something stupid like that? Ha! Guess the mortals gotta do what they gotta do."

Crimson was about to explode. But before anything could happen Rose grabbed his right fist causing him to look over at her. Mouthing words to him, it'll be okay.

As Kessa looks around he instantly locks onto Kytel.

"You there, you already know why I'm here! So hand it over!"

"N-No! Why would I even listen to someone like you! You destroyed my planet over a gemstone!!"

"I didn't come here to cry about something that I didn't do."

Kessa steps forward once and already appeared standing before Kytel, before he could jump back, Kessa grabs hold of him and pulls Kytel close.

"You're not getting away from me again. Now give me the gem or perish into nothing!"

"I can't give it to you because I don't have it!"

"LIES!" Kessa lashes his tongue out as he snarls terrifying the guests.

"Let me go! You, you monster!!"

"Me? A monster? That's just rude, I simply come to retrieve a highly dangerous item and you refuse to give it up. If anyone's a monster... It's you."

Kessa wraps his right hand around Kytel's throat and lifts him into the air.

"Now hand over the gem mortal!"

Kytel grips onto Kessa's wrist, but Kessa will not release. Kytel begins kicking at Kessa, but his kicks feel like nothing to the ancient reptile.

"Come now! Don't be so petty! Your squirming will only make it a worse sight when I kill you. So stop struggling mortal."

A Kessa snarls once more multiple hands appear gripping onto the arm that holds Kytel up. Before both Kytel's and Kessa's eyes. Okara, Arako, Cassa, and Crimson have appeared between them. Ready to take on this mysterious stranger.

"I see, so you've made some new friends. Well, I wonder if they'll last longer than the last ones." Kessa's tongue swings with him as he turns and launches Kytel, while the rest of the group hold onto him.

"This guys strong! He just threw Kytel like it was nothing and we were attempting to hold him down while he did it!" Okara exclaimed.

"No point in holding back now!" Crimson released his grip and jumped back along with every else. As they surround the stranger all four of the Saiyan's transformed into Super Saiyan's and prepared for a fight.