Chapter 48-Super Saiyan's Against A God

It's four against one, moments ago an unknown being appeared and crashed Crimson and Rose's wedding. Bringing a small trail of destruction with him. As he had thrown Kytel through many tables and chairs. Leaving the guests terrified while the warriors stand their ground and get ready to fight.

Holding Kessa at multiple angles. Crimson, Okara, Cassa, and Arako prepare to attack all at once. All closing in at once attacking in a off beat pattern. However as they attempt to hit this new threat. Kessa is weaving between their limbs with no intent to attack back. It became visibly clear he was fine with entertaining these mortals if only for a moment. As they're fists swung past, and the breeze from their high speed kicks phased through him. Okara and the others find themselves to be unable to even fight against this Kessa fellow. All four pull back breathing from exerting themselves.

"This guy isn't even trying, yet were already feeling tired..." said Crimson as he deformed from Super Saiyan along with everyone else.

"Tell me about it, he's just standing there and it's pissing me off!" Arako gritted as he inhaled through his teeth.

"You should now know that I, am not here to fight you. I simply came to retrieve an artifact from that mortal over there." Kessa points to the original spot he tosses Kytel, however Kytel was nowhere within that area.

Frustration sunk in as he realized he let Kytel escape again.

"I've had enough of that little pest escaping my grasp! Cinthea! Prepare to leave, destruction is imminent."

Kessa's yellow eyes flaring as he raises his left arm to the sky and points towards it. Creating a tiny atom like Ki blast above his fingertip.

"Destruction?!" Okara questioned

"Imminent!" Cassa exclaimed

"Say goodbye to this space rock you call a home!" Kessa's tiny blast began enlarging into a giant orange fiery sphere. As it consumed anything above it before reaching half it's size.

"Wait! Don't do this!" Rose screamed as Crimson stood by her to keep her from being sucked into the blast.

The blast was consuming at a rapid pace that even the guests had to grab hold of something that was stuck into the ground. While Kessa and Cinthea ascended further into the sky. Tables, Chairs, the food, and even the ice statue took longer to close in on the blast. The wedding was ruined by none other than this God of Destruction.

"Obliterate into the endless darkness of space mortals!!"

Kessa pulled back his arm then with no hesitation he launched his massive sphere of destruction at the earth.

"NOO!!" Okara screamed as he awoke once again into a Super Saiyan!

Following his lead Cassa, Crimson, and Arako all awakened as well. They're golden light and emerald green eyes flaring together as they create one massive aura.

"Everyone we can stand a chance if we combine our energy! (Crimson said as he pulled back his right arm.) So pile all you can into my right hand and lets push this guy back!"

Okara, Cassa, and Arako created large amounts of energy within their hands and aimed them all towards Crimson's right hand. As waves of flowing energy merged into Crimson's right hand. The blast continued getting closer causing the planet to shake.

Suddenly within Crimson's hand a ball of Golden energy generated with a black center flowing around within it.

"It's almost ready!"

Arako's green eyes began brightening along with Crimson's red eyes. Slowly submerging his Super Lyrx form as black smoke begins floating around his golden one.

Out of nowhere Okara, Cassa, and Arako deformed back to base. Leaving Crimson standing alone in his Super Lyrx form, however it was different the was stronger. As he held the golden sphere with black energy. He looked up at the incoming attack.

"Here goes nothing then!"

Crimson rips back ready to unleash his new attack as he stomps his left leg forward and bends his knees just a bit. His right arm launches up and over causing his body to step forward onto his right leg, leaving his right arm aimed down at the ground while his giant golden and black energy blast launches at Kessa's. He quickly pulls his head up to watch the clash of giant blasts, the size differences were worrying however as Kessa's still overwhelmed Crimson's, but the density of his attack kept it from being absorbed instantly. Which creates the massive clash of Ki within the sky.

"Stay strong! Full Power!!! Devil's Bane!"

Crimson's favorite technique powered up to new levels. This gave everyone below hope that they could win against this monstrous being. However something unexpected happened before they're eyes. Even Kessa was shocked to see it, but the moment he realized what it was his tongue moistened his teeth. A giant purple portal appeared between their blasts consuming only Kessa's surprisingly. Which allowed Crimson's Devil's Bane to fly freely towards Kessa.

"Oh I see, so you finally found that blasted amethyst! Kytel!"

Everyone's attention locked onto Kytel who appeared in the air his purple eyes growing strongly.

"Are you finally going to cooperate?.. Better yet."

Kessa vanished from everyone's eyes and appeared behind Kytel, grabbing the back of his neck and hold him close.

"Why don't I kill you now and take it, since you've been giving me so much trouble."

Kessa presses his left index finger against Kytel's back. While Kessa was distracted with Kytel he vanished and in a burst of speed appeared on the other side of his hasty attack.

"If it's not gonna hit him then!"

Crimson held out his left arm and waited for his Devil's Bane to collide with him.

"I'll just!!"

Crimson stuck out his right arm and held both arms in front of him. In that same moment Crimson's Full Power Devil's Bane collided with his hands.

"Crimson! What are you doing?!!" Rose screamed causing Kessa and everyone else's attention to lock onto him.

As he struggled to hold his own attack in place his sweaty face slowly turned into a strong grin, and slowly his blast began shrinking before his fingers. Particles and waves sunk into Crimson's fingers. Everyone watching in shock as Crimson's body encased within a golden shell that shined for miles within the sky. This peeked Kessa's interest causing him to release Kytel and watch excitedly.

Crimson's golden shell held strong and slowly showed glowing red eyes just a bright as him.

"What a fascinating sight! Could this be the legend spread amongst the gods?! Could this be!"

instantaneously before Kessa could finish his words Crimson's golden shell broke and shattered around him. Revealing a strong crackling Super Saiyan aura, along with his red Lyrx eyes and second layered black smoke like aura. His power had increased undoubtedly and he was ready for one hell of a fight.