Chapter 1-Casual Casual!

It's a peaceful day with an adoring aroma to compliment it, flowers are blooming and the clouds are lightly floating in the air; allowing the sun to shine down and warm the ground. Giving it the beautiful day of springtime. We find ourselves on Bell's farm, while she's handling the animals with none other than Ru.

"Now Ru, you've gotta be gentle and careful when you feed the chickens. You don't want them coming after you because you jolted or spooked them."

Bell places a handful of bird seeds for the chickens to eat.

"So what happens if I move?" Asked Ru who was grown enough to talk.

"Well, you might get pecked so you want to avoid that."

"O-Okay!" Ru's face lights up in excitement as he waits for the chickens to start pecking at the food in his tiny hands. As they approach they surround him and Bell.

"Here they come Ru. Get ready and remember, just breathe."

Suddenly the flock closed in and began pecking at Ru's hands. But only hitting the bird seeds. Each one getting a peck before backing away. However as a few of them begin to back away, Ru feels a slight fuzz in his nose, and suddenly.

"ACHOO!" Ru sneezes loudly, his eyes closed and his breathing adjusting before he realizes what's about to happen.

"Uh oh..." Bell grabs Ru and lifts him to the air before the flock could attack him. However, Bell was the one in danger as they began pecking at her feet and shins.

"Ow, ow! Stop it! Nugget! AH! Ay Biscuit quit that!" Bell's legs were suffering from chicken pecks. Causing her eyes to water and close up. However, suddenly the pecks stopped, and Bell opened her eyes to find herself floating.

"W-What the hell!"

Bell looked up to see Ru flying upwards, then looked back down to see the chickens attempting to fly by jumping.

"R-Ru, c-can you put me down please!"

Bell was shaking while she held onto Ru.

"But the chickens are down there! What if they attack again!"

"Well, I don't mean in the chicken pit!"

After a bit, Ru was able to land and put Bell back onto her feet. Allowing her to breathe and calm down.

"T-Thank you, I'm sorry I yelled but you gotta understand Ru, heights scare me badly." Bell said as she fell to her knees in relief.

"Why?" Ru asked.

"It's just how it's been for me. Ever since I was little."

"Why?" Ru asked again.

"B-Because I don't wanna die."

"Why??" Ru asked for the third time.

"Why do you wanna know why so badly?"

Ru shrugged with a smile.

"Hey! You two! What are you guys doing over there?" From afar a male voice shouts out in curiosity.

Both turn to see Okara himself along with Crimson, Arako, and Kytel. All returned from Kessa's planet.

"Daddy!!" Ru rushes to his father to be instantly lifted into his arms.

"Hey, kiddo! Whatcha been up to?"

"I was helping Bell with the chickens, but then! We got attacked and she was protecting me!"

"Oh yeah? Did you check to make sure she was alright?"

Ru looked blank-faced at the fact he forgot to even check on Bell. He turns his head to look at her and sees her waving him with a smile.

"Yes, Ru I'm okay, haha!"

Arako quickly rushed over to her and kneeled to match her level.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Bell looked into his eyes.

"I'm better than okay now that you're here."

Arako's face turned beet red as he picked her up and walked past everyone into the house.

"Alright then, I'm gonna head out. Rose and I are gonna go shopping for some things in the city. So I gotta make it back in time for a shower."

"Oh okay, enjoy the rest of your day brother. Don't get into too much trouble now."

"Me? Get into trouble? Ha! That's usually you."

"Hey now! The trouble usually comes to both of us."

"You got that right!" Crimson says as he walks away with a chuckle.

Leaving Kytel and Okara to enter the house. As they walk in, Kytel goes for the fridge for a snack and Okara takes a seat by Cassa who was watching television.

"Hey." Okara says with a smile as he looks into Cassa's eyes.

"Hi hun, how was training?" Cassa asks as she kisses him on the cheek.

"It's going great, every day I feel like I'm getting a stronger grasp on this Super Saiyan God power."

"That's great, it must feel weird being a god."

Okara looks at his hands with a slight smirk.

"It does feel weird, haha."

"It almost feels like yesterday you were a worker on Escar and we were barely making it by, both of us struggling to make it through the days... But here we are we have an adorable little boy, and power that sorta rivals the God of Destruction! I mean our lives have changed so much from before and I almost can't believe it."

"Yeah, it's completely different now and honestly I never want it to go back to those days. Because if I were to ever lose you or Ru. I'd never be the same again." Okara looks over at Cassa as she places her right hand on his left.

"You won't lose us, we're stronger than ever before. We even have friends just as strong! There's nothing that can stop us no matter how hard anything pushes, we always push back harder!"

Kytel appears with a bag of chips, snacking while he tries to speak with a fullish mouth.

"She's right you know, you fought a God and kept the planet from getting destroyed. What's to say anything can even beat us now? We have a freaking god on our side!" Kytel continues crunching on the chips as Arako appears behind him and taps his back.

"Stop speaking with your mouth full or you're gonna choke." Arako says as he walks past him and sits down in his favorite loveseat. With Bell appearing after him.

"He's right you know." Bell says with a smirk as she takes a seat on Arako's lap.

"No, he's no-!" Suddenly Kytel began coughing, his eyes squinted shut as chips spat from his mouth.

"Eww!! Ay, go get water and stop coughing chips onto the floor Kytel!!"

Everyone began laughing at Bell and Kytels interactions. As she quickly got him water then started scolding him with words, to the point she even took his chip bag away and made him beg for it.

"I'm sorry!!!" Kytel screamed causing everyone else to continue laughing.