Chapter 2-The New Westfall City

An hour later Crimson and Rose are spotted driving into the newly built Westfall city.

"Wow! We haven't been here since-."

"I created evil clones of you and Okara and tried to take revenge on the world for the death of my ex-husband?" Roses says as she finishes Crimson's sentence.

"Y-Yeah!" Crimson and Rose both laugh at the past and Rose quickly pulls into a parking spot before shutting off the car's engine.

"Finally we're here, so what's on the agenda?" Asks Crimson as he steps out of the car.

"Well I figured we'd buy some new clothes, I've been dying to find something for spring fashion week and then go from there."

Crimson looked around at the reflective buildings with multiple stories of glass windows. The prosperity of people walking and chatting, while cars drove past In an orderly fashion.

"It's weird being back in this city, but I'm glad it's prospering. Especially after that hellish fight against Arako."

"Come onnnnn, that was ages ago. We're here to have fun! Not remember the dark past!" Rose said with a bit of sass as she locks the car and begins walking towards the shopping district.

Crimson smirks before shouting.

"Wait for me, Rose!"

Crimson rushed to Rose as they began their midday adventures in the New Westfall City!

As they walk past people talking, Crimson notices eyes glancing at him.

"Uhhh, people are staring at us."

Rose notices as well.

"I'm sure they're just happy to see their hero!"

They continue onwards and began shopping at a few stores. Rose picked up vegetables and fruits from a store vendor. She gives them to Crimson for him to carry while they continue to shop. Next, they hit a luxury clothing store where Rose begins looking for spring fashion. However Crimson wasn't about the type of clothing in here. So he waited and just help Rose sort through her options. Eventually, they picked out a lovely pink dress with black and purple roses on it. It held her body in all the right ways and Crimson agreed. As they leave the clerk sends them off with an invitation to come back anytime. Though Crimson wasn't planning on it anytime soon.

As they walk along the sidewalk, Crimson hears people chattering among themselves. Is that him? Yeah that the hero! He's so hot. Who's he with? No way! That's the evil scientist lady who tried to take over the world. Wait didn't that turn out to be false rumors? I mean I guess so.

Crimson's right eye twitched until Rose grabbed his left hand with her right.

"It's okay(She smiled as she held his hand.) It doesn't bother me when people talk about me. That's all in the past."

Crimson looked at her as she smiled widely.

"After all, you're the reason I was able to find peace again." Rose pulled herself onto his arm and they continued walking. Causing the looming eyes to stray away. As they reached a small cafe Rose pulled away from him and stopped before the entrance.

"Hey, could you do me a favor? (She pulled in and kissed him on the cheek). I need to run somewhere you can't go. Could you wait in here till I get back?"

Crimson seemed confused and worried.

"Where are you going?"

"Just somewhere to get a few more things, I promise I won't be long okay."

Crimson held onto the bags she had and she kissed gave him a goodbye kiss on the cheek again before heading off.

"Wait for me okay?"

"Yeah, I will." Crimson slightly smiled with fake intent.

As he walked inside he took a seat in a red booth with a big window beside him. Giving him one last glimpse of Rose before she vanished from his sight.

"Where could you be going all alone..."

Outta nowhere a waiter appeared and spooked Crimson who was spaced out.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, sir. Could I get you something to drink? Perhaps something to eat?"

"Uh, yeah I uh."

Crimson quickly looked through the menu seeing numerous options for drinks. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, ice tea, boba, and so on.

"Could I get a hot chocolate?"

"Absolutely anything else?"

"No thanks."

Crimson handed the tiny menu to the waiter and the waiter left. As he stared out the window and continued wondering where she went.

Suddenly a commotion began to pursue as people noticed Crimson. Sitting alone, some of the same people from earlier actually. His ears picked up on the chatter once again. Oh, he's alone now, what do you think happened between them? Maybe she dumped him and now he's sulking. Poor guy if he needs someone to love I'll love him. Shut up like you're even good enough for him. Oh yeah? Well, you aren't either!

Soon enough the waiter returns with his hot chocolate and sets it in front of him.

"Sorry about the other patrons. They don't really know when to stop talking."

The waiter smirks gently and walks away. Leaving Crimson to continue staring out the window. Now with a hot chocolate beside him.

"Rose, where could you be..."

An hour passes by and within that hour people tried to talk to Crimson. Which he responded to their questions and interests. Like his fight against Arako, or what Okaras like. He gently responded without giving off his own aggravated emotion. But eventually, people began to leave him alone, and finally, she appeared in his window. Rose had returned and Crimson watched as she walked in.

"Hey! Sorry about the wait honey. I had to get some things ordered to the house."

"Like what?"

Rose looked at Crimson and took a seat.

"Crimson there's something we need to talk about actually, and I've been wondering if I should tell you to wait. But I figured if I waited any longer it'd kill me."

Crimson's heart began beating in worry as she continued talking. Slowly she inhaled before locking eyes with Crimson.

"Crimson, I..."

Suddenly she was interrupted by the waiter who appeared to see if she wanted anything as well.

"N-No thank you."

The waiter understood and left with the words well if you change your mind I'll be over there.

Rose exhaled and complained about the moment getting ruined.

"Rose, it's okay... You can tell me what's going on."

"Well, Crimson I-."

Suddenly a group of girls appeared wanting to talk to Crimson. With so much excitement and curiosity. Can we have your autograph?! We're huge fans! Thank you for saving our city from that scary guy! Rose was getting irritated.

"Can you see we're trying to have a conversation here! Can you please leave us be!"

The girls shot back in confusion and shock. Who's this old lady to tell us what to do?! Who does she think she is?!"

"Rose, it's okay."

"No! I'm tired of this, I've been holding it back but we keep getting interrupted, and all I'm trying to tell you is... I'm pregnant!"

Suddenly the whole cafe went quiet, people invested in the conversation and at what Crimson will respond with.

His eyes glistened at the thought and understanding.

"W-We're having a, I-I'm gonna be a!"

"You're going to be a father." Rose said with a tilted head and heartful smile.