Chapter 5-The Hunt

On planet Vageen, Kessa and Orn begin searching for the Vignum Dragon Balls. Four balls with four different amounts of stars. Once all gathered a dragon can be summoned this dragon is known as Mandoleon. A wish-granting dragon that grants the gathers two wishes within its power. So as Kessa and Orn search, Cinthea waits patiently for their return. While she hangs out with the Vignums.

"You are some interesting-looking creatures aren't you." Says Cinthea as they roll around her.

Out in the forest, Orn and Kessa walk through the dark and spooky area. Kessa wondering when they'll stumble upon the next ball.

"Out of curiosity how long have you been on this planet Orn?"

Orn looks at him intently.

"Ever since you destroyed my planet, with the help of the namekian dragon balls back on my Satir my people sent me off and to this planet."

"Why this planet specifically?"

"Because it was something we had found out long before you arrived. That this planet would work as a secondary place to live."

"Why not transport your whole race?"

"Well, the power of the dragon balls back then wasn't strong enough for multiple people. Because they were connected to my great grandfather who was on the verge of death that same day."

"I see so they used what little power they had to save what little of a race they had left."

"You could say it with more care you know."

"If I cared for every little thing in this universe, I wouldn't be a God of Destruction."

"So why'd you do it? Why did you destroy my planet?"

"Because with destruction, can bring about a new creation. Or something along those lines."

"So you did it because you weren't satisfied with how we were?!"

"I guess if that's how you want to see it then yes. Exactly."

Orn felt anger swell up, until the presence of the next Dragon ball connected with him.

"We're close..."

"Good which way now?"

Orn pointed towards a split tree area that held a dark orb between it.

"Ah perfect!" Quickly Kessa went for the Dragon ball. Instantly grabbing it and holding it up.

"Three stars, how interesting that must mean these balls range from one to four?"

"That's correct, I thought a systematic order was the best approach."

"Wonderful, come now. let's resume the search."

They began heading west further into the forest, however, to hurry things up. Kessa began flying. Causing Orn to lead.

As they flew west, Orn quickly landed within a swampy area, its water-like sludge bubbling as oxygen left it.

"It's close, I can feel it."

Suddenly a gurgle came from the sludge and Kessa watched intently.

"What kind of creatures are on this planet?"

"Many ranging from poisonous to corrosive. Ferial to tame. However, this area is unexplored by us. We aren't sure what lives within these parts."

The gurgling got stronger and suddenly.

"Get behind me namekian if you value your life!"

Orn jumped behind Kessa as a giant slug with a giant mouth of teeth leaped out at them. Its body was slimy and released a horrid stench. As it was about to land on Kessa, Kessa noticed the glowing yellow stars within its mouth. The ball was stuck between the rigid teeth of this monstrous worm-like creature.

Kessa turned and grabbed hold of Orn, only to toss him out of the way. As Orn flew out of the way. The giant slug consumed Kessa whole.

"Oh, dear..."

Orn watched as the mouth of the slug closed like it was puckering. To prevent Kessa from escaping its mouth. While its teeth grind him down. However, the worm monster sits for a moment waiting for Kessa to be finished. Orn watched as it began to struggle. Being thrashed around from the inside. Shards of its teeth began piercing through its weak slimy body. Causing it to bleed its green and dirt-like blood. Then out of nowhere, a claw ripped through the top of it. Protruding before completing ripping it in half. Its head landed beside Orn and the other half landed back into its surprise attack spot. Leaving Kessa standing and covered in green blood, holding the newly acquired ball.

"That's three now. This one is shining brightly with four stars."

Kessa looked at the spooked Orn, who just stared at the dead slug monster.

"Where to next Orn?"

Orn closed his eyes and tried to pinpoint the direction. However his eyes shot open, quickly he stood up and turned.

"The last ball is near my village!"

"Wow, that's a spot-on idea of its location. I thought you couldn't pinpoint directly?"

"I meant it's close by, but I can hear the voices of the vignums talking about it with your Angel."

"You mean, Cinthea has the last ball?"

"I believe so."

"Well, that makes this last one easy to find. Come now, I'm tired of waiting!"

With haste, Kessa and Orn rushed back towards the village arriving back within a very short amount of time. However, as Kessa lands, he notices Orn left behind.

"Give him a bit he'll be over here in a moment."

Due to the god's speed. He didn't realize he left Orn behind. After an extra five minutes. Orn finally arrived, panting and wheezing.

"I could never be that fast." Orn said as he fell onto his back. Quickly the vignums surrounded him and began cushioning his head. Like tiny pillows merging into one.

"Cinthea, do you have the final ball?"

"Oh! You know that I have it?"

Cinthea pulled it out and held it to Kessa. It shined with one singular star. Kessa's eyes glowed at the sight as he quickly placed all four down on the ground.

"Alright, Orn what do I do now?"

"Make sure the balls are bunched up together. Ranging from one to four. Once positioned correctly they should begin to glow and at the words of Mandoleon arise! The legendary dragon shall appear."

"I see, now then." Kessa planted the balls close to each other.

"Mandoleon! Arise!!" Kessa shouted as the balls lit up brightly and began firing a bright red light that morphed in different directions.

It flew high before stopping at a certain point in the sky. Quickly forming into a slender dragon with stubby arms and back spikes along with certain parts of its long body. As its head formed it represented that of a dragon, but its mouth had blades that pointed towards the ground, like an ax blade. Its eyes glistened a bright royal purple, with an underside of light gray and its primary color that of a dark crimson red.

"I am the legendary dragon known to the Vignums, Mandoleon! I shall grant any two wishes that are within my power. So! Speak your wishes!"

"Quite a rude dragon."

"Come now My Lord, he hardly knows who you are."

Suddenly from above Mandoleon speaks.

"That is incorrect as I am aware of who and what you are. God of Destruction Kessa and the Assistant Angel Cinthea of Universe eight! Beings that observe, destroy, and repeat."

"My, my I stand corrected... However, if you are aware of who I am. Why do you resist holding your tongue?" Kessa hisses as he curiously observes the dragon.

"I simply do not fear destruction, for my creation is that which came from such a thing. If I am destroyed then another will take my place eventually."

"You are quite smart for a dragon. That's for sure. Alright, then it's time to see these wishes. What is beyond your power dragon?"

The dragon's purple eyes brighten and suddenly begins listing off wishes that are not within his power.

"Immortality, resurrection, creation of a being stronger than any god, Long-distance transportation."

"I see so anything to give someone an edge is out of your power."

"I did not say I couldn't make someone stronger, I am just not able to make someone as strong as you, or any other god for that matter."

"Most impressive... Then dragon I have my wishes, first I would like to know the locations of a pair, another god, and angel within this universe."

"As you wish!" The dragon's purple eyes glow bright and suddenly.

"The two you are looking for appear to be close to the planet known as earth. Wait for no... It seems they to reside on earth."

"Well, that isn't good at all... Cinthea, be ready to depart after this second wish."

"Understood my Lord."

"Lastly dragon! I wish to know the location of the Lyrx gemstones within this Universe!"

"As you wish!" Once again the dragon's eyes glow and quickly the information is revealed.

"There are seven gemstones that match this Lyrx power you speak of, as of now one resides with on this planet, five reside on earth, and the last one resides within space itself."

"They're mostly gathered on earth... This isn't good." Kessa worries as the dragon begin's to vanish.

"Your wishes have been granted and my job here is done! Farewell!"

As the four balls lift into the sky they stop then shoot off into multiple directions. Leaving the area completely.

"Quickly now Cinthea we must leave."

Orn watches as the two immediately evacuate the planet and head back to earth in despiration.