Chapter 4-The New Possibility

Back on Kessa's planet, we see that Kessa and Cinthea are eating and talking about a situation.

As Kessa devours meat ranging from different species unknown to us. Cinthea begins displaying past events along with the destruction of Kytel's world, and... The destruction of Escar. The homeworld of Cassa and Okara.

"So it seems the same blast was used on both of these worlds. To think they'd finally start showing themselves after all these years."

"My Lord, would you like to inform everyone?"

"No! We mustn't let them know yet. If we do their eager and vengeful selves will take over and get themselves killed."

"As you wish my Lord. Shall I prepare them for their arrival?"

"We must, they are far from ready and if I'm being honest I don't believe they'll stand a chance against both of them."

"Just remember sir, no matter what I cannot interfere. If I were to it would most unfortunate as I would be destroyed without a second thought."

"I know Cinthea, don't worry about that now though. I've already got enough to worry about."

Cinthea continued examining the past events, something catching her eyes on the destruction of Escar.

"My Lord, look at this."

Cinthea began enhancing visuals to show another space pod that shot from Escar as well.

"It seems our two Saiyans from Escar weren't the only ones who managed to escape."

Cinthea begins following the pod eventually speeding it up to show where it landed. As it lands on a new planet.

"It seems this pod landed on a planet called, Vageen. A small yet desolate planet. I doubt any singular person would survive on that planet."

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to look. Let's go Cinthea. It's time to meet this new Saiyan."

As Kessa stood up he swung a drumstick-like piece of food. Holding it up as he's ready to depart.

Shortly after departing, Kessa and Cinthea arrived within a five-minute span. Landing them in a village of a new race. Known as the Vignums, small ball-like aliens with tiny limbs and big faces. As they roll around and stop and surround the god and angel out of curiosity. A tall stranger appears however, it's not who they thought it was. As it was a green being with plant and slug-like qualities appears before them.

"Oh my, I never knew a Namekian lived on this planet." Kessa seemed interested, but the namekian did not like that arrival of the god and angel.

"What can we do for you, God of Destruction Kessa."

"Intriguing so you know who I am?"

"Yes, you destroyed my entire race, leaving me as the sole survivor."

"So you're from that namekian planet. Oh, what was it called again." Kessa couldn't put his finger on the name which irritated the namekian.

"That planet's name was Satir, and my name is Orn. I last survive of that sole planet. The one you mercilessly destroyed."

Kessa clicked his tongue. At the namekians sharp tongue.

"Well, you have no need to fear I'm not here to destroy this world today. I'm just looking for someone, and you're gonna help me find them."

The namekian Orn was hesitant yet, he knew if he got Kessa off the planet soon enough. Then the anxiety of him potentially destroying it would vanish. So he reluctantly agreed and began asking for information.

"We're looking for a Saiyan space pod. One that could have housed a being of immense power."

"Follow me, I can show you where the Saiyan pod is."

Orn began leading them deep into the forest. It was swamp-like, yet controlled and lush. Orn leads Kessa and Cinthea on a clear and controlled path. Where they won't be stopped by potential danger. After a bit of walking, they finally arrive at the crash site. Yet the destroyed around was overgrown with moss, weeds, grass. You name it and at the center of it all was the Saiyan pod. Covered with vines, dirt, moss, and more.

"It's been here for years. Yet I never saw or felt anyone come from it. It's almost like it was an accidental launch which caused it to come to whatever planet was in its way."

Kessa and Cinthea examined the pod and Cinthea tapped her staff causing her projector to begin playing footage of the space pods landing. As it shows it crashing it also shows the door opening. However, nothing ever appeared from it.

"It seems we fell for a blank... Damn, I thought for sure we could build our power against this upcoming threat."

"Upcoming threat?" Orn was interested yet concerned.

"Nothing you have to worry about namekian. We respect your help and we shall be taking our leave now."

Orn felt curious and pushed harder.

"Please sir Kessa, tell me what threat you're talking about."

Kessa glared back at Orn fiercely and instantly shut him up. His body shook at the very glare he was given.

"Let us go Cinthea. We are done here."

As Cinthea and Kessa begin to depart, Kessa gets a glimpse of a shiny purple object within his peripheral.

"What is that?"

Kessa walks over to the glowing object and picks it up, instantly realizing what it was. His eyes glowing at the sight of it.

"You namekian! Did you make this?"

Kessa held up the purple orb that held two yellow stars within its shape.

"Y-Yes sir, I did. My grandfather had taught me how to do such things. So when I was forced to this planet I created four of them, and when all four of them are gathered the legendary Mandoleon. Who grants two wishes to whoever gathers all four. I like to call them Dragon Balls!"

Kessa was interested and so he held onto the ball and walked up to Orn. Giving it to him to hold onto.

"Orn, was it? I would like you and me to find all four of these Dragon Balls."

"I-I, if I must I will help you. However, I don't have any sensing skills when it comes to them. I will not be able to tell you where they are directly but I can slightly feel their directional positions."

"Wait, so can you? Or can you not?"

"To an extent, yes, but I cannot pinpoint their locations in any way."

"I see, what about these wishes? What kind of wishes can it grant?"

"Well, I'm not very strong and I don't know if I'll ever be any stronger. But whatever is within my power, Mandoleon will be able to grant it."