Chapter 14-The Storm That Approaches

"Bell I didn't know you knew the owner of this place!" Okara exclaimed

"Well, you could say we're family friends. I mean after all my grandfather and I would come here almost every day to eat. It was always our special place."

"Yet this is the first time we're being brought here."

"Well we never really get the chance since we're all busy or the fact the place was under reconstruction due to someone's chaotic tendencies." Bell says with a smirk looking over at Arako.

"I-I'm not like that anymore!" Arako exclaimed as a giant flame shot from the chef's area.

In their eyes, they were watching a master at work. He began boiling a monstrous amount of noodles. At the same time, mixing up spices and herbs for the broth. Next, he sliced, seasoned, and cooked different types of meat, and just like that. The wait for thirty minutes turned into five. From the mesmerization, they just went through. Suddenly the giant bowl required six people to carry over to the table and set gentle into the middle. It towered nearly to the roof. With over three to four hundred pounds of noodles. All covered with different sections of steak, chicken, beef, and shrimp. Each noodle is as long as the one beside, in front, behind, and above it.

"Amazing! This guy actually did this all by himself! You can't tell me this is real!" Kytel shouted as he looked ready to dig in.

"Oh, it's real alright! Mall has been working here for over forty-five years and has mastered everything on the menu and his skills to make the menu items."

"Bell you're too kind! I may be skillful, but I can never truly be a master. I was never born with this talent. I worked hard for it. But those who are born with the talent for this stuff. Well, they deserve the master title way more than me."

"Mall, I'm sure you can beat anyone who was born with the talent. You're a godly chef!"

"Wow I'm honored, why don't you enjoy your food. I'll be ready to prepare your next bowl whenever you're ready!" Mall smiled as he walked off. Leaving everyone to commence feasting. As everyone began devouring different amounts of noodles and meat. The first bowl quickly started to vanish and Mall was shocked by the astonishing sight.

"In all forty-five years, I've worked here. I've never seen a super mega ultra gigantic family meal bowl vanish that fast! You people are a rare sight, and I am honored that you wish to challenge my will to make as much as I can for you!"

Here came the second giant bowl the group consumed more and more and it vanished just as quickly. Next was the third bowl this one caught people's attention as the patrons began watching the group devour it completely as well. Three bowls down and Mall had many more to go. Onto the fourth bowl this time Bell, Rose, and Cassa dropped out. Leaving only Crimson, Okara, Kytel, and Arako to finish it, and just like that, it was gone. The patrons begin wondering if they'll eat out the entire shop. Some worried others were curious. Next the fifth bowl this time Arako dropped out after getting through a quarter of it. Leaving the big three. As the sixth, seventh, and eighth bowls came out. It was apparent the three were running out of space for the reason. Eventually with one last strong bite. Crimson finished the ninth bowl and that ended the noodle crusade of the noodle shop.

"Incredible! That was incredible! I've never seen anyone finish nine bowls of my biggest menu item! You know what! As a reward for such an achievement! I will have a custom plaque placed on the wall with a group photo that says you guys hold the world record for the most Super Mega Ultra Gigantic Family Meal Bowl ever consumed! Not only that I'm making your bill on the house for this mondo achievement!" Mall was ecstatic his best customers had finally appeared and he would never forget them.

Even the patrons began clapping in excitement. The group smiled and laughed as their stomachs were full and their hearts were happy. As they left with people waving them farewell, the group breathed in the spring air and decided to take a walk around. While they walked a fair amount of people gathered around at the park, as someone was giving out a speech about an apocalypse. One where the human race will be extinguished like a flame. Visions of hellfire and demons roam the lands as people are slaughtered. Men, women, children! They all die! Eventually, the group gets closer to stop this false rowdy prospect.

"Where exactly did you see these visions?" Cassa asked provoking the prophet.

"In my dreams, a pale green being showed me the future. Said It's caused by those who carry the demons inside them. The ones we call heroes!"

The group's eyes widen at these words.

"You believe these words?" Crimson asks.

The prophet continues speaking as he looks at Crimson.

"The world will burn in crimson hellfire with a ruby, an emerald, a topaz, an amethyst, an opal, tanzanite, and a sapphire floating around the one who is destined to save it! But those gems they're evil! They cause nothing but chaos! You cause nothing but Chaos Crimson!"

"W-What the hell... Who the hell are you!" Crimson's eyes turned sharp along with the rest of the ground. They were ready because something wasn't right.

"I've been told about you... Heroes! In my dreams, the pale green man told me that you, Arako, and Kytel are the ones who possess the three he needs. Because he's already got the sapphire from the one you called Para."

Okara's eyes widened.

"What did you do to Para!"

The ground formed around them as the prophet continued his speech.

"Take the gems from the heroes! Save the word from burning! Take the gems from the heroes! Save the world from burning!" Suddenly the crowd began mimicking the same words as the prophet slowly advanced inwards on the group.

"We need to get out of here and find Para... I'm afraid something has happened to her." Okara said worriedly.

"Okay, Arako grab Bell and get ready to fly out of here as fasts as possible." Crimson said with a short breath before shouting go causing a chain of events to occur. Arako grabs Bell and bursts into the sky with Crimson, Rose, Cassa, Kytel, Ru, and Okara right behind them. Cassa carried Ru while Crimson carried Rose. As they flew together Crimson began giving off commands.

"Cassa! You take Rose and Ru home! Arako! Take Bell with you if anything happens. We need to keep at least one of the gemstones away from them. I fear this is much more than what we're being told."