Chapter 15-The First Confrontation

The group breaks off, Arako taking Bell with him while Cassa takes Ru and Rose back home as well. Leaving Kytel, Okara, and Crimson to rush to Para's homestead. Hoping that she's okay. As they begin approaching a distant smoke could be seen from afar.

"I knew it! Somethings off! Hurry you guys!" Okara shouts as he bursts off towards the smoke.

"Okara wait! It could be a trap!"

However, he didn't listen as he quickly reached Para's home, which was being burnt down by another figure before him.

"Who the hell are you!" Okara shouted as the other two landed behind him.

"You idiot what are you..." Crimson saw it too the man standing before them.

As the figure turned we see them holding Para by the throat.

"I-Is that a god attire?!" Kytel asked damn well knowing it was.

"Yeah, it is... It's him guys, the one called Salas!" Crimson confirmed it and the others agreed on the spot. Salas had appeared before them and they were far from ready for this fight.

"Ah, it seems that fake prophet was able to lore you over here after all... I was getting bored of holding onto this one. I mean she can't even transform into a god!"

"Let her go right now, you bastard!" Okara shouted.

"I'm afraid I can't do that... You see when something is in my grip... Well, it's better to just show you." Salas's right hand, the one that held Para's throat lit up with energy.

Silence filled the air giving us only visual imagery of the coming event. Salas releases a giant orange blast that consumes Para whole. Completely turning her to ash from his grip. Okara is on his knees screaming in anger at not being able to save his friend. The anguish gets to him yet you can't hear him. Kytel shakes furiously as he watches the evil god emerge from the dust of the explosion. Crimson stood his eyes closed trying to remove the image from his mind. Then slowly the sound returns and Okara's screaming could be heard. Yet a burst of evil laughter mixes sourly with it as Salas overlaps Okara's screams.

"That weakling turned to dust instantly she didn't even attempt to fight against my weakest attack! What a disappointment! You should be glad I got rid of her, I mean, after all, you can find more strong people to take her place."

Okara reached out at Salas his hand trying to close into a fist yet he couldn't stop furiously shaking. But the more Salas talked the more Kytel and Crimson noticed Okara's willpower taking over.

"Okara don't!"

"This planet is only comprised of weaklings after all so you guys shouldn't have any trouble finding a replacement right?"

"Y-You bastard... Stop talking about our friend's life like it meant nothing!!"

Okara's god form activated from rage his fiery aura surrounding his body as his god hair, eyes, and eyebrows appeared fully. Vanishing from Crimson and Kytels location. Okara appears before Salas and attempts to land a hit. His fist jammed against Salas's chest yet, Salas didn't budge and yet with a simple backhand from Salas. Okara went flying like a bug being swapped away.

"Well that's one of you so-called Super Saiyan Gods, aren't there three more of you. Why don't you bring the other one and fight me all at once?!"

"As if! We're brave, and Okara's slightly dumb. But we aren't stupid!" Crimson attempted a crack at humor to lighten the tension, however. It did not help him or Kytel one bit.

"Crimson, I don't think that's gonna work. We need to grab Okara and scram like now!"

"Do you think we can even get away, he's bound to be faster than us... Better yet I'm sure he already knows what we're planning."

"That's true, but what can we do??" Kytel asked wondering if he really has to fight a God of Destruction again."

"It might not sound like much, but we've gotta hold out hope for a miracle! Come on Kytel let's go!"

"You've got to be shitting me!"

Crimson transformed into a Super Saiyan God and Kytel followed right beside him.

"You know we're about to get rocked right?!"

"Yeah! But if we don't fight we're still gonna get rocked!"

"I hate it when you're right Crimson!"

Kytel and Crimson burst dash at Salas, approaching him from both sides.

"A pincher attack, not a bad idea. However-."

Crimson and Kytel vanish and trade places to try and mix up Salas's planning yet. Salas held out his hands and caught both their attacks. With his arms crossed, Salas's held Crimson's knee with his left hand and Kytel's left foot with his right hand.

"It seems you think you can fight for a miracle!" Salas shouts as he uncrosses his arms and slams Crimson and Kytel together.

"But you don't understand that a miracle won't be able to save you from me!!"

While Crimson and Kytel are pressed against each other. Salas swings them downwards like a hammer into the ground. Causing them to deform instantly.

"Pathetic, I knew you three wouldn't be much of a fight yet I thought one of you would land one attack at least!"

Suddenly Salas raises his left arm above his head and holds his hand open. Instantly catching Okara's incoming downward strike. This scared him immensely as Salas decided to add a third body to the pile before him. As Okara collides against Crimson and Kytel they dig deeper into the ground. Okara also deforming...

"Three Super Saiyan Gods and all they can muster is a bit of wasted time."

Suddenly before Salas, a bright pillar of light appears and Kessa comes barreling out of it. Crashing into Salas, pushing him back, and defending his students.

"You dare touch my students! I'll make sure you pay with your life!" Kessa grabs hold of Salas's hair and throws him into the air.

"Cinthea! Quickly get these three out of here now! I'll buy you as much time as I can!"

"At once my Lord." Cinthea taps the ground with her staff and suddenly the three unconscious saiyans are teleported from the fight.

"Now it's just us old man Kessa! I hope you know what you're doing because. I might just get to kill you sooner than expected!!"