Chapter 24-Buy Time Okara! Arako! Kytel!

"C-Cinthea you're back!" Okara exclaimed at the sight of her.

"Lord Kessa has sent me to take one of you back to his planet and awaken your latent power."

"Wait! Lord Kessa's awake?"

"Sadly no, while in his coma he was able to muster a sentence. Ever since then he hasn't spoken since."

"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, who are you taking?"

"I thought I'd leave that up to you four to decide."

"Well, that's kinda hard when..."

Suddenly at the tap of her staff, Cinthea rejuvenates the four Saiyans. Causing Kytel and Arako to shoot up awake and healthy. Even Crimson, who was barely on the edge of consciousness.

"W-Whats happening? Cinthea? You're back!" Kytel shouted as he tried remembering what was going on.

"You four need to decide on who is coming with me. The faster you choose the sooner we can prepare you guys for a better future!"

"What the hell is this! An angel helping mortals! It's unheard of! No, it's immoral!"

"Whether it's immoral or not you have brought this upon yourself! Kessa and I will create a mortal strong enough to beat you once and for all!"

Salas left eye began to twitch in anger at Cinthea's comment.

"You lowly angel! You don't understand what you're doing!"

"Sure I do!"

Cinthea looked back at the four saiyans.

"Quickly who's coming with me!"

Kytel, Arako, Okara, and Crimson looked at each other. Then in a hasty decision, everyone pointed at Crimson.

"It is settled then, Crimson you will come with me. We must leave at once."

"Hold on Cinthea, I can't just leave them behind! What if they get killed!"

"That's not something you should be worrying about Crimson, they chose you to go and become stronger. Believe in their decision. Now we must leave now! I sense Salas isn't willing to wait anymore."

Cinthea prepares to tap her staff until.

"Wait! I have to do something."

"What now?! Do you not see we are on limited time!"

"I know I just want to make sure they stand a chance..."

Crimson looks at Okara and approaches him.

"Okara I want you to hold onto the Crisma and the Ruby gem."

"Whoa! Wait Crimson what are you talking about?"

"Indeed Crimson what are you planning?!"

"Hear me out both of you. If I give you Crisma you guys will be able to stand a better chance until I get back. Once I return I will take Crisma back and be stronger than ever."

"Crimson, I-I don't know if I can do this."

"Okara everyone here has experienced the power of a lyrx gemstone. You originally used the emerald and felt its power. I promise you'll be fine."

Okara hesitated for a moment and began thinking about it. While Crimson talked to Crisma.

"Crisma, I know you don't trust anyone. But we've been together for many, many years. We've even gone through good and bad together. Even after all those times you took control and went berserk I never once thought about getting rid of you. I only thought about how to bond with you and change you. To control you and grow with you. I'd never been okay with giving you up forever. But if it was a for short period to make sure someone I care for stays alive then I'll lead you to aid them. Because I trust you!"

"You are a strange one I'll give you that, over my time with you, I never thought we'd reach a point where you'd rely on me and not despise me... Even after all those times, I took control you're still willing to give me your trust. Yet I don't feel as though I believe you... So you better come back for me if you really want me to trust you! You hear me Crimson! I will await your return if that's what you truly want!"

"Of course it's what I truly want! But for now! Protect my friends Crisma!"

Suddenly a bright light shines from Crimson's chest and creates a sphere of scarlet around Okara and Crimson. As they ascend Salas gets a bad feeling and decides to stop waiting and charge in.

"Kytel, Arako! Stop him from reaching Okara and Crimson! NOW!" Cinthea commanded. Charging them up with rejuvenation as they charge in to stop him. Colliding against him in their god forms. Slightly holding onto him like monkeys.

"You won't get to them you damned God!" Arako shouts as he begins flying in the opposite direction of Salas flight path. Kytel joined him giving them the strength to slow Salas down a little bit. Yet he still went forward strongly.

"You insects, let go of me!" Salas shouts as he begins bashing on them to get off.

However, within the scarlet sphere, the ruby began leaving Crimson's body and floated between them.

"Lyrx Transfer"

A voice filled the air, as Crimson and Crisma's voice fused for that moment. Simultaneously being the merge into Okara's body. As the process takes a second the ruby gem fully merges into Okara's chest and appears visible to everyone around them. As they land Crimson rushes to Cinthea, at the same moment Salas launches Kytel and Arako back into Okara's location. As they slide on the ground and stand proudly the transfer was a success, Crimson's eyes returned to a regular Saiyan black. Showing it was complete and Crimson was off and ready to achieve new heights.

Okara stood in front of Arako and Kytel, his black eyes gone and replaced with red.

"You must be Okara, I can sense you aren't as strong as Crimson. But when it comes to someone specific your willpower far exceeds his."

"An you must be Crisma, it's finally nice to meet you. I've seen and hear so much about you."

"I could say the same thing for you. But I must ask before we do this. Do you believe we can withstand this monstrous being alone?"

"Not at all..."

"Then allow me to awaken the other two with us."

Suddenly the ruby began to brighten as it spoke loudly in Okara's head.

"Orthos, Aoa awaken and fight alongside me once again!"

Suddenly from behind Okara heard Arako and Kytel finding themselves surprised and shocked at the voices that woke up inside their heads.

Not only that, but their gemstones had emerged from their chests and became visible. Arako had the emerald appear once again its rectangular shape bright and vibrant and for the first time, Kytels amethyst appears its oval shape standing strong from his chest.

"It's nice to meet you Orthos, I hope you understand what we're about to do!" Arako says taking to the lyrx inside his head.

"Hey what do you mean you don't wanna fight?! Did you wake up because we needed you?" Kytel shouts speaking to his lyrx Aoa.

"Enough messing around he's coming! Aoa, Orthos grant these mortals your powers so we can hold this guy off!"