Chapter 25-Crimson Unleashed

On Kessa's world, Cinthea and Crimson begin training to unlock his latent power. As Crimson attacks Cinthea in his base form. Cinthea causally dodges preventing him from hitting her. After countless tries, Crimson stops and breathes.

"How am I supposed to get stronger If I can't even hit you?!"

"Crimson give it time, for this process takes time to achieve your newer heights."

"But I can't wait! We don't have time, Okara and the others are fighting for their lives right now!"

"Believe in them Crimson, as they are believing in you coming back with a new power."

Crimson inhales and slowly exhales calming his nerves and instantly resuming his training. That's it.

"Concentrate on where your opponent will be. Not on where your opponent is... Feel the shift in the wind as your opponent goes for an attack and move or counter. The choices you make are what alters a battle." Cinthea instructs as she continues dodging Crimson's punches and kicks.

Back on earth Okara, Arako, and Kytel rush from different directions fighting in their newly gained Lryx forms. All similar to Crimson's just different colors. Okara pounces at Salas while Kytel and Arako attack from the sides. Unable to stop all three of them, Salas manages to halt Kytel and Arako, but Okara latches onto him and digs his claws into Salas's body. Keeping him attached. Salas quickly tosses both Kytel and Arako away, then grabs hold of Okara's head with both of his hands. Causing him to release instantly and be slammed headfirst into the ground.

Arako slashes at the air creating slash attacks that fire like Ki blasts. As Salas deflects the attacks, Kytel comes in from behind and grabs hold of Salas's left arm keeping it restricted down. Salas's attention switches to Kytel, but Arako comes in closer and grabs hold of his other arm, and restricts it downwards as well.

Causing him to fall to his knees. Struggling to free his arms as they begin charging up mouth blasts. Then facing him directly Okara stands also charging a mouth blast. Purple, Green, and Red waves are unleashed in multiple directions consuming Salas's head. But as they dissolve it is revealed he had leaned his head back just enough to suffer minimal damage. However, the damage had indeed been done. As half of Salas's face had been burned by the energy.

The pain increases Salas's anger and instantly his power began to explode breaking free from the three lyrx that held him down. As all three flies in different directions. Salas stands up and shakes as he reaches for his face. Slightly, feeling the burned half of it. Pisses him off completely. His power explodes and it seems this God of Destruction is done messing around. As the three approached him, a barrier erupted around him knocking them back once again. But as they all flew back Salas teleported between them dealing deadly blows that caused colossal damage. All three fighters lay battle-beaten in the ground. While Salas's anger continues to erupt.

We return to Crimson and Cinthea and notice Crimson's fighting has slightly changed. He's attacking in the direction of Cinthea's movement. Getting closer to hitting her, as she raises her right hand Crimson connects against her index finger.

"You're learning quick, that's good. Maybe you'll be able to do this after. Come, I won't dodge anymore. But I will block you. So try your best to land a hit."

Cinthea smirks as Crimson begins unleashing multiple attacks on a moving target. Her index finger blocked every attack he threw at her. Each attack made him feel stronger, as his fists connected against her finger until something clicked. After the last contact was made Crimson's body felt a rush of something. It was different, but also similar. It felt strong and protective.

Cinthea smiled with a proud nod and waved for Crimson to calm.

"You've just unlocked the final stage of the training process. Now comes the last bit of training I can give you. Your god form is a form that works single handled. However, have you ever thought of mixing it with your Saiyan abilities?"

"I've never thought of doing that no, I always thought I would only be able to use one form at a time."

"Then that is the final key you must use to unlock this power. I've given it to you, all you have to do is learn how to use it."

"Learn how to use it..."

Crimson inhales and holds it for a moment his moment clear and the area around him darkened to black. He finds himself in a void all alone, his eyes closed. As he concentrates to unleash this new power granted to him. He remembers the feeling of Super Saiyan then the feeling of Super Saiyan God. But he wonders what would it feel like together. Then it came to him! Simultaneously Crimson's eyes opened and exhaled as a sudden light blue energy swirled around him. His body becomes encased within it as it consumes him. While it shines brightly, Cinthea smiles at her success.

"He's finally done it."

Crimson's bright blue light begins to dim and pieces of the blue encasing break off like flakes. Revealing a new Crimson a blue Crimson. His hair shined a bright blue along with his eyes, and eyebrows. His aura flowed majestically around his body. As he stood ready to return to battle.

Crimson looks down at his hand and admires the new powers bestowed on him.

"Cinthea, this... It's incredible! I've never felt anything like it."

"Precisely why, I have helped you unlock it. Crimson you have dove deeper into the realm of the gods!"


"Now why don't we fix up that outfit of yours."

Cinthea taps the ground twice and repairs the entirety of Crimson's clothes. Freshening him up for his return.

"Shall we get back to it then?" Cinthea asked as she's ready to take Crimson back.

"Yeah, let's do this Cinthea!"

Back on earth, the three managed to get back on their feet and fight a bit longer. Trying with what little effort they had left. To buy time for Crimson's return. As Okara and Arako held onto Salas's left arm Kytel went for his right.

"What is it with you pests, and my arms!"

Salas swipes Kytel away easily and lifts the other two with his left arm. Throwing them off once again. As they land near each other. Salas approaches and raises his right hand.

"I've grown tired of these tactics. It's time I destroy you and take those gems!"

It was hopeless, the three couldn't hold on any longer and no one knew how long it'd take for Crimson to get back. A massive blast appeared before his hand.

"Say, goodbye Mor-!"

In the blink of an eye, Crimson appears with a trifling attack! That saves his friends once again!