My Enemy (8)


While my mind was trying to process "the double date that we were obligated to go, otherwise they'd think that we're a couple and spread out the word", I see Vicky Hamilton coming to the direction we're walking.

(The whole conversation is in whispers, till Vicky arrives)

"Hey, Nattie: You see that blonde over there? That's Vicky Hamilton."

"Okay, so what now?"

"I bet she's gonna come here and ask you out. And if you reject her, she'll tell the whole school that you're gay."

(Author note: I have nothing against LGBTQ+, it's just that usually people don't like hearing fake news about their selves.)

"Ooo that's harsh."

"So can we change direction now please?"


"NO?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? DO YOU WANT THE WHOLE SCHOOL TO THINK THAT YOU'RE GAY? WAIT... Are you gay?" Somehow I was screaming in whispers.


"Then why bother reject her, when you can just CHANGE DIRECTION?"

"I'm not going to reject her. I'm going to give her a lesson."

Jonathan looked to calm about it, while I totally started to stress out.

"I'm outta here," and I tried to turn where I came from.

"Too late, she's already two steps away. If you leave, you show her your fear."

"Alright then, just don't do anything stupid."

After that, I left Jonathan take lead of the conversation. And just as I predicted, Vicky came to us.

"Heyyy!" she said in a flirty way.

"Hii!" Jonathan pretended to be excited.

"You must be the new student. I'm..."

"Vicky Hamilton. You're pretty famous around here. I've heard so much about you."

"Good words only, I hope..." and she gave me a look like she wanted to say: "Don't dare to say a bad word about me you b*tch, or otherwise I'll kill you."

"Yeah, good words only."

"Anyways, why I'm here is to ask you: Are you free this weekend?"

And then I gave Jonathan a look saying: "Guess who called it..."

Jonathan looked like he was thinking. I must say, he was a pretty good actor.

"Mhm. This Saturday I already have plans. How about this Sunday at the pizza place near the mall?"

"Sounds splendid!" she said while rolling a bunch of hair in her finger.

Splendid? BAHAHAH that b*tch surely couldn't hide her interest and she was being way too flirty.

"Yeah, we three are going to have so much fun!"

"WE THREE?" Vicky and I screamed surprised at the same time.

"Yeah, Alexis you're coming too right."

He said that sentence in a ordering form, even though it should've been a question instead.

"I sorta have plans this Sunday..."

"No, you don't," he sounded so sure in himself. "This Sunday we both had Math tutoring together right? We can reschedule for another day..." and he gave me a look saying: Accept and don't leave me alone with this b*tch please?

"Oh...right. I guess we can just reschedule" I gave Vicky a look saying: "I ain't leaving you alone. I'll let Karma treat you nicely." and then winked at her.

"Bye, Vicky!" I said. "See you there at 7 o'clock!"

And she kept looking at us angrily until we disappeared from her horizon.

After that, I made sure that no one followed us this time, and we went to our secret spot. I started yelling at Jonathan:


"Well what did you think, that I was going alone in a date with her? Of course I was bringing you too. If you didn't want to come, why did you approve with my plan in the first place?"

"I DID NOT! You remember I was the one saying that we should change direction?" I started lecturing at him.

"Oh... I ... forgot about that," he said scratching his head like he actually forgot. "But at least we know it's gonna be fun," he defended himself.

"FUN? Spending hours hanging out with my enemy? Going out twice this week with you? THIS IS THE OPPOSITE OF FUN! How did you even get me to go out with you twice this week?"

"I have no idea, and no, there's no fun in hanging out with your enemy, I know. The fun is in "The revenge" we're gonna take for everything she's done to you."

"You have a point," I agreed.

"And about the part where you said we're hanging out twice this week, you're wrong. We're hanging out three times," he said.

"WHAT? Goddammit it's the first week of school, what's wrong with you?"

"So you don't want Math tutoring?"

"Oh... that!" I said relieved. "I actually thought you were planning another of these "crazy dates" haha."

"Do you want me to invite you in another crazy date?" he provoked me.

"NO!" I said before he even finished his sentence. "I mean I'm alright with three times, I don't need a fourth one," I explained. "Three times are enough for the first week of school, plus I don't even know you that good."

"Oh alright then. Is tomorrow good?

"For what?"

"MATH TUTORING? Did you forget again, even though it's been a minute since I last told you?"

"My brain gets older every day, what do you expect from me?"

"So yes or no?"

"It depends on my family's mood... I'll text you..."

"I'll be waiting. Even at 4 am, I'm used to it now," he said smiling.