Family meeting (10)


When I arrived home I was super hungry, so I went straight to the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as hard as I could so everyone could hear. And by everyone I mean mom, dad, and my little sister. I also had a big brother, who was also my favorite family member, but he worked in Washington DC. And we lived in NY.

So, when I went to the kitchen I saw the note that I hated the most sticking at the fridge:

"Family meeting today at lunch, Mom ♡︎"

To the people who don't know what family meetings are: Family meetings are the most DISGUSTING WAY to ruin your lunch. During this family meeting, we must discuss about all of our problems, and then propose solutions to them. But the biggest problem is that NO ONE CAN EAT TILL LUNCH IS READY ON A FAMILY MEETING. Plus YOU MUST EAT ALL OF YOUR FOOD ON A FAMILY MEETING, which is never possible because our mom's cooking isn't always edible. And if you forget to discuss one of your problems on family meeting days and remember it later YOU WILL HAVE TO EAT LEFTOVERS FROM THE LAST FAMILY MEETING FOR A WEEK. The problem here is that this was the day I told Jonathan that I'd ask my parents if he could come over for some mathematics extra lessons, just like the teacher told me, BUT if I discuss in the FAMILY MEETING about a boy, they surely would make everything bigger than it was.

And once again, fate wasn't in my side. I had to tell my WHOLE DAMN family that I was bringing a boy over, without telling them that I was bringing a boy over. And I had to think about that with an empty stomach. WHY DOES LIFE HATE ME? WHYYY?

So I waited for about an hour until my mom finished cooking. I had just a simple plan. I wouldn't mention Jonathan, I'd just say I was bringing over my math tutor. If they'd ground me later, it'd be better than eating mom's food for a week or gossips flying around the neighborhood or even school.

"Mom, what did you cook today? I'm HUNGRY!" I heard my little sister yell.

"Today you'll try my new creation," Mother yelled from the kitchen. "I bet you'll love it."

Oh no. That meant I had to wait till tomorrow to eat some cereal at the morning, because new means non- edible. And my stomach was growling already.

Dinner was served. Broccoli muffins. Even our dog went away from the awful smell of that food.

"So anything special you want to share with us?" Mom started the family meeting.

"I got an A+ in Maths!" My 8 year old sister (Kattie) said.

"Great KitKat" continued mom. "Alexis you?"

I pretended to not hear so I could make the situation a little dramatic, so I could be believable.

"Alexis? Are you hearing me?"

I looked my mom and then looked back to my plate. I must say my acting was so good I must've won an Oscar.

"To be honest mom... my Math grades aren't very good. They aren't good at all. So my math teacher helped me, by some extra classes I'm gonna take with a tutor."

"Last time I checked you were going pretty well in Maths" my dad intruded.

"Do you even remember when you last checked me dad?"

"A few months ago?"

"Last time you checked I was in third grade dad. Now I'm in last year of high school."

"Oh. Ok then. But you know that these tutors cost a lot of money don't you?"

My dad seemed to be against the tutoring, but I wasn't gonna give up that easily.

"Dad, school offers them for free. It's just that I need a place to study with my math tutor. Can I do these lessons in my room?"

"Yeah, of course honey. Everything for your grades."

"Thanks mom!"

And once again, my acting didn't let me down.

"Mom, I'm feeling kinda dizzy, is it ok if I don't eat this?"

"Yeah, sure honey," my mom trusted me. "You can eat it once you feel better."

"Ok, I'm going to my room."

I turned my back, and when I thought I saved myself from an explanation, my dad called me:

"Alexis?! You didn't tell us the gender of your tutor."

"Why does life hate me?" I thought.

At first, I pretended I didn't hear him, but he knew I was acting this time.

"Alexis! I'm waiting for your response."

I took a deep breath, and looked my dad straight in his eyes. He kept staring at my mouth, like he knew what I was going to say. My mother stopped eating, while Kate already had finished her lunch and brought some popcorn. (Even my sister thinks my life's just like a (Nattlex) movie...)

"Jonathan's... a...he..." I said in a super low voice, hoping they wouldn't hear it.

My mom gasped, my sister started making annoying kissing sounds, while my dad just said:

"Hahaha. I KNEW IT! You are not allowed to see him anymore young lady.


I just stood there, in the middle of the room, like a cactus in the dessert, like a Christmas tree in the City Square, like an Angel that accidentally has been sent to Hell.

"Aren't you going to say the next line?" My dad stared at me angrily.

"What line?"

"But dad...I love him!" Dad tried to copy my voice (and failed).

"But I do not love him, why would I ever say...OHHHHHH."

ONCE AGAIN, I forgot that my dad loved to bring TV dramas to real life.

"Alexis, you ruined it again! How can you possibly forget this scenario, it's so popular?!"

"Sorry, dad." I tried to look disappointed in myself, but actually I was holding a really hard laughter inside.

"Dad, so can I do the actual Math tutoring?"


"Why not?"

"Because your tutor is a... he."


"You think that I'll let a boy go in your room, pretending he's giving you math lessons, while you two are actually having s*x?"

"Michael!" mom looked at him angrily and than at the little sister.

"I'm sorry... while you two are having a conversation in your bed?"

"DAD?! ARE YOU SERIOUS? That is not going to happen."

"You think you can fool me with my own lies young lady? Do you know that you were born because of the Math lessons I gave to your mother?"

"Ewwww! What the hell?" I said and I wanted to throw up.

"MICHAEL! She didn't have to know that!" mom raised her voice at him. "It's ok sweetheart, you can bring your friend over."

"Thanks mom!" I hugged her.

"BUT..." dad protested.

"No buts. We'll discuss about this tomorrow too."

And that's why I always asked mom for stuff, and not dad. Then I went straight to my room. A minute later my door knocked. It was my sister.

"Soo...Is your friend hot?"

How can an 8 year old girl be so dirty minded at such an young age?

I locked the door again.

"Can you at least ask him if he has any younger brothers my age?" She whispered by the door.

"NO!" I shouted.

"God rescue me from this depressing family I have" I prayed in my mind.

Then I texted Jonathan:

"Tomorrow is good for math tutoring. Sorry for late response, had to convince my parents. 😔"

"At your place after school?"


"See ya.🤓"

It's good to have someone understanding in your life, when all of your family is crazy.

1 minute after thinking that, I get a text from my big brother (Nicky).

"So you're bringing a boy at home huh?😏"


"So is he hot? 😜"

"What are you, dad's secret agents?🤨"

"What 😳 "

"KitKat just asked me the same 2 seconds ago"


"WAIT? How did you know I'm bringing a boy over?"

"Because of dad's story on Facebook, obviously.🙄"

I quickly opened his story and saw:

An essay for my daughter

My dearest Alexis...

I remember your first step, almost 19 years ago. I remember when you first called me, by my name, only you changed it to Mi-Chi, because Michael was too hard for you to spell. I remember when you needed my help for your Math homework.

Now you are all grown up, and you don't need my help on anything. You just feel the moment, live your life. You walk and run by yourself in your life path. You probably call me old fart when you're with your friends. And you don't need me to explain your Math homework anymore, because now you have your own "Math tutor".

I know this is the age where you are supposed to have fun and make out with strangers, but in my mind you're still a baby girl.

I bet in some months, I'll see you with a white dress, getting married, with a man I don't even know, without my approval or anything. Mabye, you will even have a baby with him.


To me, you're still the baby girl I used to learn how to walk.

With love,


"How can this people even be so dramatic? I AM NOT GOING TO GET MARRIED." I thought.

Then Nicky texted me again.

"Did you read it?"

"Yes, he's crazy. If I had a doubt till now, now I'm sure about it."

"And you aren't asking him to remove it?"

"Thnx for reminding, cya."

I runned to my dad's room as fast as I could.


"Why? I'm just an old man expressing his feelings..."

"Please dad, if you love me put it down."

"No way."

"Okay just let me see how many views you got."

I got the phone from his hands to see this:

"1000 views already? Dad, you haven't even got 1000 friends on Facebook! Don't tell me you made your story PUBLIC!"


"Dad why are you doing this to me?"

I checked the views and searched for Jonathan. There were over 50 results. I scrolled:

- Jonathan Hunt

- Jonathan Lisbon

- Jonathan McDonald

- Jonathan Long

- Jonathan Jonathan

- Jonathan Jo

- Jo Jonathan

Dang! Why in hell didn't I ask for his last name? There was no chance I'd recognize him. So I just texted him:

"Hey, have you seen this?" And I sended him a screenshot of the story.

"Nope, not yet. Why?"

"It's my dad, please don't freak out if you see😭"

"It's ok, my dad's more crazy than that 😜"

I didn't think there was a person crazier than my dad at the moment, so I just let crazy thoughts run through my head.