Dinner with her family (12)


It was nice of Alex's family inviting me for dinner, but she seemed uncomfortable about it. I was making her uncomfortable. Again. Why do I always have to make her uncomfortable? What the hell is wrong with me?

"Hon' what pizza flavor would you like to order?" Alex's mom asked.

"I'll get a Pepperoni." I responded.

"Ooo that's my favorite!" Alexis' sister winked at me. Then Alex whispered something at her and they started fighting.

"Sheesh everyone, I'm calling them right now!" Alexis mom stared at us with a deathly stare.

"Hello, we would like to order..." she said nicely. "What do you mean by you're not working today?" Her tone changed in angry at the second. "ISN'T THIS YOUR JOB? WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO EAT? I'M NEVER BUYING FROM YOU AGAIN! BYE!"

"What happened?" Nicky said.

"Broccoli muffins for dinner"

"NOOOOOOOO!" everyone shouted.

"What are broccoli muffins?" I asked.

"I'll cook some so you can try..."

"NOOOOOOOO!" everyone shouted again.

"If you don't like my cooking, then cook by yourselves!" Alex's mom yelled at them.

"Can I cook something for you all?" I asked smiling.

"No hon', you're our guest."

"I insist miss."

"Okay then, prove yourself!"

I decided to cook some of my favorite dishes that I created by myself. I saw Alexis coming near to me.

"I'll help you," she said. "Just you to learn how to orientate in our kitchen, I'm pretty sure you know what you're doing."

She told me where every kitchen ornament was and went across the door, but I grabbed her by her hand.

"You said you'd help," I said wanting her to stay.

"I don't know how to cook anything except cereal," she awkwardly responded.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you,"

She opened her mouth ready for an argument, but then closed it again and quietly came next to me.

"So what should I do?" she asked.

"You'll cut the vegetables," I told her. "Just grab a knife, and try cutting them as small as possible."

She was holding the knife in a very dangerous way, and probably she would cut herself before cutting the vegetables, so I went to help. I got right behind her back, holding her hand and putting the knife in a safe position. Then I was moving my hand and hers together in a way she could learn cutting. I felt like a teacher learning his students how to write.

"This way you won't cut yourself," I said in a soft voice. "We wouldn't like that, wouldn't we?"

Suddenly Nicky came in the kitchen.

"Ooo, am I interrupting something? Last time I was here, you didn't even know how to hold a knife sis. How come you're cooking?"

"I'm learning" she responded instantly.

"Sure you aren't doing anything else?" Nicky kept bothering her.

Alexis just gave him a death stare, just like her mother's (that's why they're family) and he knew he had to go.

"K I'm leaving," and he left.

Alexis kept cutting carefully.

"You're doing great!" I comforted her.

As I continued on frying and boiling some stuff, Alexis kept doing her job until I heard an "Ouch".

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I got a little cut, nothing to worry about" she tried to hide her pain.

I didn't listen to her, as I saw lots of blood on the cutting board. I left the sink water run, as I carefully put her hand in there to clean. Then I sticked a band-aid, from a pack that I always carried in my pocket, in her hand. At last, I kissed her hand and said:

"It's gonna be okay,"

I saw her blushing, and then I realized I actually kissed her hand. Kissed. Her. Freaking. Hand. What the hell is wrong with me? (you'll start seeing this often)

I started blushing too.

"I'm sorry... it's just something my mother used to do to make me feel better," I apologized.

"It's ok" she whispered. "It worked."

We didn't talk until we both finished cooking. I was totally embarrassed by what I said earlier, and I didn't dare to say a word, or I could probably end messing things up even worse.

The final dishes were some salads, fried chicken, baked vegetables and a variety of sauces. I tried making them look as fancy as I could, so I could leave a good impression on her family.

"It looks so awesome that I'm almost sorry to eat it," Alexis said. "But im'ma eat it anyways."

Her face wasn't embarrassed anymore like before, which relaxed me.

As we were taking the dishes from the kitchen to the dining room, I heard Alex say in a funny voice:

"Dinner is served madame!"

All of us laughed. Alexis was back to her "I don't care about anything" personality. No red pigment could be seen in her face, so she totally got over it. Thank God.

"It looks amazing" her dad said. "I can't believe my little piggy started learning how to cook"


"What? I'm just being honest."

"Is everyone in the table? Let's start the prayer, so we can eat." her mother saved her from the argument.

"Our dearest God, we're thankful of this dinner we're eating tonight together," her mother started.

"With all this delicious food, we don't get to eat every day," Alex's little sister continued.

"With this delicious...*cough*.. handsome boy, that Alexis doesn't get to invite home every day" Nicky said on purpose.

"Nicky!" Alexis responded angrily.

"That probably will become part of our family very soon" her dad finished.

"DAD!" she blushed. But it was very different blushed from earlier. If I had to compare, earlier it was a very light blush, like peach colored, but now her face was all as red as a tomato.

"Amen" everyone except her said in the end.

"Now let's get the party started!" her dad said in a funny voice.

"What?" I said confused.

"Dad likes to say weird quotes from movies" Alexis explained.

"They're not weird, they're /legendary/!" he responded.

All of us chuckled. Then everyone started eating. After the first bite everyone froze.

"OH" said Nicky.

"MY" shouted their little sister.

"GOD" Alexis finished.

"This is the best bite I have ever tasted in 42 years of my life!" Alex's father shouted.

"Is this another quote?" I responded emberassed.

"No, we mean it." Alexis said. "This food even makes our mouths happy."

"Really?" I scratched my head. "Glad you like it."

"We don't like it. We love it"

The only person who didn't say a word about the food was Alex's mom. She was just eating quietly and looking at the plate like there was an insect.

"Are you enjoying your food too ma'am?" the curiosity in me finally turned into words.

"Yes it's tasty. Too tasty."

The rest of the night was quiet. Everyone seemed to enjoy my food.

I was just about to leave when Alex's dad said:

"A word with the chef please,"

I went right after him.

"Listen young man, " he started. " I like you. I like you a lot. But if you dare break my daughter's heart, I'll break your bones one by one, got it?"

"Got it sir." I responded.

"Good. And don't call me sir. My name's Michael. Sir's too formal."

"How about Mr..."

"Mr. Hollister. That works too."

Then I followed him back to the dining room.

"Oh no it started raining outside," Nicky said.

"Then you'll have to stay here for the night, my boy" said Alex's dad.