A non planned sleepover (13)


I was fine. Perfectly fine. Trying to have a normal math tutoring. But no. That's not possible when you live in a house full of animals. They had to spy on my math tutoring. They had to invite him for dinner. THEY HAD TO INVITE HIM FOR A SLEEPOVER.

"Then you'll have to stay here for the night, my boy" I heard dad say.

I googled: 100 ways to kill your dad just by staring at him, screenshoted it and sent it to him. A few minutes later he replied with an article that said: 200 ways to make your daughter love the boy you chose for her.

LOVE? CHOSE? When did he even choose Jonathan? He just met him few hours ago!

I was laughing with the thought of my dad as a king and me, his daughter, so he had to choose a prince for me to marry so that when he died, he could rule our kingdom and become king, with me, his queen.

And then my dad saying:

"Sir Jonathan Blah Blah Blah from the Kingdom of Washington DC , you are chosen to marry my daughter and become the crown prince"

And while thinking that, what my dad was actually saying was:

"Mr. Jonathan, you're invited to visit our house as many times as you want. And now I declare you our king, because you won our hearts through food"

"My thoughts are cursed" I thought. "Does my father have mindreading skills, and he does everything I don't want him to do?"

So back to the actual conversation, Jonathan finally said:

"It's not necessary Mr.Hollister. I can go home even though it's raining."

"No son. We don't want you to catch a cold or something because our daughter is so stupid that she can't even learn math by herself."

This was the second time today being called stupid by my parents in front of Jonathan.

"I don't think she's stupid sir. She just needed better explanations of the lessons than the Math teacher gave her. I don't think anyone in our class understands a word that old woman says."

"Thank you! " I agreed.

"Plus a little cold wouldn't do anything to me." Jonathan added.

"Of course it could do something. A cold can get so bad, that you can get to the hospital, stay there for months, lose your immunity and die."

"Dad, I think we both know science has evolved enough to prevent dying from a simple cold."

"Who knows what happens these days. Or maybe it can be even worse: after staying for months in the hospital, he falls in love with the blonde nurse who treated him. "

"How's that worse?" I demanded.

"Because you died."

"I died?!" I replied worried. "But why me?"

"Because you didn't want to live your single life anymore." Dad said dead serious in his face.

However he was dead serious, everyone in the table burst out in laughter. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt.

"Mr. Hollister, since this is a life or death situation, I'm going to stay here for the night, but I can assure you: I'm not ever falling for a blonde nurse." Jonathan finally said to break the laughter in the table. "And Alexis isn't going to die alone, because she's good enough to win all the guys she wants to."

"Awwwwwww..." Katie and Nicky grinned.

"Shut it you two!" I argued.

"So where am I going to sleep? " Jonathan asked.

"You can stay in my room... " Both Katie and Nicky started.

"IN MY ROOM!" argued Katie " I'm the small one AND I decide everything in this house."

"HE'S MY FRIEND! " replied Nicky angrily. "I've known him longer than you anyways."

"Since this non-planned sleepover happened only because of Alexis' stupidity" dad started.

"3rd time today being called stupid" I thought.

"Jonathan's going to stay at her room."

"WHAT?" Katie and Nicky cried.

"WHAAAAAAATTTTTT?" I shouted so hard that I thought my neighbors heard me.

But then I realized this only happened in my head, as I was daydreaming.

"You can stay at Nicky's room" dad actually said.

"Thank God." I whispered as we all went out in the hall. "Thank God, thank God, thank God 1 million times."

"Haha sis!" Nicky laughed at Katie. "Jonathan's staying with me!"

"So what?" Katie bragged. "It's not like he wants to. I bet he'd rather stay with Alexis than with you. Right Jonathan?"

I looked at Jonathan, who didn't say a word but just looked at me, and then suddenly winked. I didn't seem to notice at first because Katie and Nicky were fighting so loud while going upstairs, that I couldn't help it but laugh.

"No response means no!" Nicky shouted as he was in the second floor.

"It means yes!" Kattie argued trying to kick him. "He just didn't want to hurt your feelings!"

I giggled saying "Children".

Then I noticed I was left only with Jonathan in the hall.

"I'm sorry about my family" I broke the silence. "They're not used with guests around the house. They can be a little childish or weird... "

"Yeah, but they're good-hearted and so fun to hang around with. Each of them has a unique personality I have never seen before at another person, they're not fake, they're honest."

"Hell is filled with people like you!" I pushed him jokingly. "With your talking skills, you could sell a donkey to a zoologist and pretend it's a dolphin, and they'd believe you. I have lived with these people my whole life and never noticed any of these qualities you listed."

"Well try to look more carefully" he said touched. "You're the Pegasus in "the zoo" you just mentioned. You just haven't realized it yet, haven't found your wings to fly away. "

As my dumb ass was trying to think what these words meant, Jonathan had gone to Nicky's room, so I had to realize it myself.

I went upstairs to the room I had to share with Katie, because she usually stayed at Nicky's room while he was away.

"Hioooo sista" she started her usual "How to annoy Alexis" therapy while jumping on the extra bed. And as usual,  I wasn't paying attention to her, until she started speaking like a grown-up about me and Jonathan.

"So you two a thang now, huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

"We all saw the way he was looking at you during dinner" she said making a funny but serious face.

"He wasn't staring at me!" I blushed.

"I didn't say staring, I said looking."

"But you implied that."

"But I still didn't say that. Plus, can you explain the wink when I asked him if he'd rather sleep with you than with Nicky?

"What wink?" I whined full of curiosity.  And then I realized.

"OMFG. HE WINKED AT ME" I screamed as I was putting my head under the pillow to hide my turning red face.

"So does it mean he wants to smash you?"

"WHAT THE F...?! Where did you even hear that word?"

"At school."

"Which one of your friends told you that?

"The teacher."

"I'll have a word with your teacher for sure." I added worried. "Do you know its meaning?"

"No" she tried lying to me.

"Then don't use words which you don't know the meaning of." I finished my lecture.

Then I tried to find the meaning of that wink but I couldn't.

"I could really use Daphne's help right now" I thought.

I waited till Katie fell asleep to text her, but then I realized I was only going to make things worse if I called Daphne, cause the last time I called her, she set up a date for me, so it was better not to text her.

Plus everyone in my family had started talking just like her: shipping people, talking only bout romance, using bad words. And the only thing that they didn't give me was the love advice, which ironically it was what I needed at the moment.

But I really needed to solve this mistery, so I thought for as many options as I could:

1. He winked accidentally

2. He was daydreaming about his hot ex- girlfriend and thought I was her so he winked.

3. He winked to be sarcastic

4. He winked because he didn't want to make Katie feel bad

5.. He wanted to stay with Nicky but he didn't want me to feel bad.

6. He'd actually rather stay with me than with Nicky.

7. He actually wanted to... (as Katie said)

"No that can't be it" I thought. "Jonathan's such a nice guy. He would  never... would he?"

I was hoping that it was one of the first five options. And then I thought about the quote that he said at the end. About me being a Pegasus. Was that a secret phrase I didn't heard of before, meaning what I didn't want it to mean?

I was the bad girl of the school, I only cursed all the time, and I still couldn't find an answer to an easy question my 8 year old sister made.

Thinking of Jonathan's two faces, these thoughts kept me awake.

Until I couldn't anymore. I went outside to take a breath as the rain had stopped. This was my stress-relieving therapy. I loved staying outside at late nights, staring at the starry sky and overthinking.

"Why can't I get him of my head?"

"What is this boy doing to me?