Chapter 5



Marcus stretched his arm further as if he was going to hold the back of keira's head while she was still in that position unsure of whether to scream or just let the crazy guy do what he wanted. He reached for her seatbelt pulled it and secured it then he comfortably sat back in his seat, he looked at her and she was speechless for a moment there she thought he was gonna kiss her or something.

"That always shuts them up" with that remark Marcus started the engine and they were off to the hospital.

Keira was sitting at the bedside of George holding his arm and squeezing it.

"Dad you really gave us a worry what happened?" Keira said while stroking his hair.

"Relax honey am fine, Mrs Johnson had come over and we were chatting then I felt kinda dizzy the rest is sort of blurry I really can't remember I just found myself here the next time I woke up". George added while he faced the entrance "where's your sister?".

"She'll be here soon, am just glad nothing bad happened I was so worried sick I thought that....." Keira was still talking then Marcus barged in as usual not knocking Keira stood up surprised and wondering what the hell he was doing he walked towards them walking past Keira he stood on the other side of the bed.

"Mr Brown am Marcus Waters, um your daughter called my phone saying she wants to talk to you and I don't know why she did that" Marcus said handing his phone over to George.

"Um OK" George got the phone equally surprised "hey honey" he said with the phone at his ear.

Keira was looking at Marcus kinda furious wondering what the hell he was still doing in the hospital, she grabbed her phone on the locker and stepped out the room to the hallway then started typing Tyra a really long and angry text she had her mind on her phone she didn't even notice when Marcus stood behind her.

"Those are a lot of harsh words" Marcus said right over her head.

Keira quickly turned around and bumped into his chest "can you back off you are really pissing me off".

Marcus smirked and took a step back "ill take it you're the serious and boring one and Tyra is the loud and bold one".

"Excuse me!" Keira cut in hold her finger up as if correcting him.

"Despite the resemblance you have Tyra has quite the edge that you don't have although you both are stubborn" Marcus added with his hands in his pockets still with the smirk.

"Hey am 17 OK you should stop flirting with me" Keira said defensively.

Marcus chuckled and started to walk ahead towards her while she moved backwards hitting the wall then he leaned forward bending a little till his face was straight with hers "you think am flirting with you?",he said with his neutral look again.

George was talking to Tyra on Marcus's phone seeming excited "so this guy is he your boyfriend?".

"What? No dad he isn't my boyfriend OK I just met him I barely know him" Tyra's voice burst through the phone speaker, "listen I'll be there soon I need to get back to my meeting love you Dad".

George hung up and called Keira who was stuck in that awkward position with Marcus for the second time in one day " away? my dad is calling me" she said In a really low voice.

Marcus smiled and stepped back she quickly ran in while he filled right behind her.

George handed the phone back to Marcus and asked him a few tricky questions about his relationship with Tyra which he answered casually, soon enough they were having a conversation about everything they could.

George felt good to have a man he could talk about anything with it felt like

forever for him all he ever had were his daughter's his family was a little too complicated. Hours went by and George and Marcus talked about everything they laughed, high fived and chatted more this pissed Keira off cause it was like she wasn't there at all.

Tyra rushed into George's room and came to a stand still when she found Marcus still there, she darted her eyes from the guys to Keira who was angry as hell.

"Look who finally made it" George said not looking sick at all.

"Hey Dad, um Marcus what are you still doing here?" Tyra said her eyes glued on him.

"I made him stay I really like this guy his great" George answered before Marcus could say a word.

"Um excuse me for a minute" Tyra said and walked toward Keira who immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her outside " what he hell is going on?"

"You tell me after all you're the one who sent the crazy guy to kidnap me and now he stole Dad" Keira said all angry.

Tyra laughed at how ridiculous Keira sounded "kidnapped? Really Keira?"

"Yes isn't taking someone against there will kidnapping?" Keira said all serious.

"He brought you here OK don't be ridiculous I was in a very busy meeting and he happened to be near your school so I asked him to come get you" Tyra said all defensive.

"I cannot believe you right now" Keira said and walked in as Tyra followed her surprised at why she got upset.

Marcus got ready to leave he was invited to have dinner with the Browns by George himself and Tyra was not sure what to say about it but Keira was definitely upset about it. Days flew so quickly George was discharged and Marcus came for the family dinner one fateful night. They all say at the table having dinner while George and Marcus kept chatting it put even Keira and Tyra could admit it was while since they saw their father that happy, they talked about every thing from girls to cars and any other thing that men and well Tyra could say one or two things but Keira spaced herself from the drama.

"OK now let's get down to business" George said surprising all of them " when are you going to marry my daughter?".

Tyra choked and Keira laughed for once since the dinner started.

"DAD!" Tyra exclaimed so uncomfortable on her seat.

"Well I was kinda hoping you would give me your blessing before I did that" Marcus said trying to sound like a gentleman.

"Dinner just got awesome" Keira thought to herself while she pulled out her phone hoping to capture the moment.

"Well you have my blessing" George added. Tyra clenched her fists were she sat she just wanted the ground to open up this was not her thing.

Marcus chuckled and looked at her then he turned to Keira looking at her all serious"so here's the deal I want you to marry me"

Keira dropped her phone on the table while Tyra's eyes were stuck on Marcus and well George was just wondering what the hell is happening.

Episode 6 loading.....