Chapter 6



"Are you serious??" Tyra asked looking directly at Marcus who was still looking at Keira "she's 17 years old and still in high school".

"Well you said no to me and I really like your dad let's just say I wanna join your family so bad" Marcus smirked at Tyra and turned back to Keira "so does that silence mean yes Keira?".

"Absolutely not!" Tyra stood up "dad are you just gonna sit there and do nothing while this happens?".

George laughed so hard, Marcus smiled making Tyra and Keira confused and wondering what the hell was going on.

"I told you she would get jealous and she liked you" George said.

"I guess you did" Marcus smirked looking at Tyra

"What the hell?, Where you seriously playing a joke on us?" Tyra asked all furious and stuff.

"Yes your dad told me that you liked me and he gave me permission to prove it" Marcus said casually.

"So you proposed to my sister and my dad let you?" Tyra asked her arms waving up.

"Pretty much yes" Marcus said casually again.

"DAD!" Tyra and Keira said at the same time both with their eyes wide open.

"Oh come on girls you have to admit this dinner was kinda fun than our usuals" George said all excited.

"OK that's it you have to go to bed right now, let's go upstairs so you can take your meds and sleep I think you have had enough fun for a night" Tyra said to George as if he was her son "let's go right now".

"Oh fine I know am not gonna win this argument anyway, Marcus thank you for coming I hope you come again soon" George said as they shook hands then George and Tyra went upstairs. Marcus looked at Keira who was furious as hell she got the plates and headed to the kitchen and started to do the dishes then Marcus followed her.

"Get away from me" Keira said still doing the dishes not turning to face Marcus.

Marcus leaned on the kitchen zinc obstructing her " you really need to loosen up sometimes you know, a girl your age should not be this boring".

"Am not boring I just happen to be very busy with my life OK now get out of my way" Keira said not looking at him.

Am sorry" Marcus sighed and Keira stopped washing her plates and faced him hoping she heard him correctly "yes I said am sorry don't rub it in" he continued "I like your sister and am just trying to impress her".

"Well go propose to her then and not me" Keira continued to do the dishes.

"I already did once and it was awkward but I want to do it the right way, I want to take her out on a date and I need you to tell me what your sister likes to do, please!" Marcus pleaded, Keira sighed and faced him.

"There you're all done now sleep, my number is on your speed dial so call me if anything happens" Tyra said stroking George's hair.

"Am hypertensive I don't have cancer" George said all grumpy.

"I know dad but we can't take any risks".

"I like that Marcus guy his a good guy and he seems reliable".

"Dad...."Tyra tried to interrupt him but failed.

"I have never wanted to get involved in your lives but Marcus his just one of a kind give him a chance for me please". George squeezed her arm hopefully.

Marcus and Tyra went on a few classic dates that well Tyra was impressed with, courtesy of Keira. Marcus took Tyra on a helicopter ride, a private jet and all the other places she had ever dreamt of going she was having the moments of her life it wasn't long before her and Marcus well finally made it official. She didn't know how it happened but her dad was right he was a great guy despite all the jokes he played on her and how they usually disagreed alot she saw what she never saw in any guy before. Keira graduated high school and went off to college so Marcus hired a retired nurse to live with George and help take care of him since Keira moved. Tyra got her promotion Marcus and Keira stopped hating each other, it just felt like the world was in order for the browns.


Keira was running through the hallway of the church out of breathe it was like a life or death situation she rushed into a small room just behind the chapel holding a small box of earrings. Tyra was standing in front of a full length mirror looking at her really expensive wedding gown all anxious the day had finally arrived.

"Am here am here" Keira said all out of breathe "I got your darn earrings" she placed them in Tyras hand and sat down trying to catch a breath.

"Thank you Keira I owe you one" Tyra said while wearing the earrings.

"You're just lucky it's your wedding day Tyra and why didn't you just wear the ones your boyfriend bought they cost him $50,000 you know?" Keira stood behind her watching her in the mirror.

" I know OK, but these are special they were mum's" Tyra said all emotional "she gave me these before you were born".

Keira cuddled her sister knowing perfectly well she would probably cry "I bet mum is so proud of you right now just like I am and don't you cry because if you do I will cry too and it'll ruin our really expensive make up that your absurd husband to be paid for" they both laughed trying really hard not to cry.

"Am so glad you're my maid of honour" Tyra added and hugged her.

"Are you kidding me I was born for this role now come on let's do this" Keira said fixing her hair.

George walked Tyra down the aisle where Marcus stood smiling like a lovestruck fool, Keira couldn't help but see her mother in Tyra it always felt like she never left with Tyra around. Tyra and Marcus finally tied the not and left soon after for their honeymoon, Keira got a job at Tyra's company and well Mr Sinclair was already in her business.


Tyra opened her eyes the first thing she saw was a tray of breakfast beside her, she sat up and Marcus was on the other side of the bed wearing only sweatpants without a shirt on.

"What's this for?" Tyra asked all sleepy.

"Well I thought I'd spoil my wife alittle this morning" Marcus kissed her on the forehead and placed his hand on her tummy "and the little one in here".

Tyra giggled at how sweet he was and got up "you didn't have to baby I would have asked Consuela to do that".

Marcus walked up to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips "I love you".

"I love you too now let me brush my teeth and feed me and the small person what you made us" Tyra smiled while rubbing her belly.

She took a few steps to the bathroom and stopped before she went in her heart was racing then she could only see blurry visions next thing she remembers is everything going dark while her body slowly lost consciousness, she landed in Marcus's arms who was panicking "TYRA! TYRA WAKE UP, TYRA!!!!".

episode 7 loading.....