Serving the King is what Esmeliyahs family has done for generations.
This is the reason why their family name has been stamped in history year after year.
Growing up as a member of one of the kings right hand families is not always a life of privilege.
Not wanting to be married off like her sisters and without the correct genitals to qualify for a general or an officer in court like her brothers, there is only one position Esmeliyah can occupy to fulfill her duty and serve the king.
Becoming a member of the Kings secret calvary.
This position would require her to leave behind her family, her friends and everything she has ever known to serve in wherever and as whatever the king needs her.
And to Esmeliyah that's fine...that is until she discovers that she is to serve as a spy to the king in the harem under the guise of a tribute woman from a faraway land.
She has spent all her life running from the competition of affection that goes on between wives and concubines for their husbands attention only to be placed smack in the fiercest battle of wives and concubines.
The Prize? The kings affection.