Expected Doom.

Colene was competent.

As Esme was being helped into her gold and white bejewled Otunarian dress, her guards men bundled about eighteen people into her backyard from a hidden door.

All eighteen people looked so panicked and confused that she felt sorry.

'Colene', Esme called stretching a piece of paper towards her. 'Have them make this dress and provide them with anything they may need to make it'.

Colene took the paper and was amazed at the detailed ball dress her mistress had drawn. She had even labeled what fabrics and materials were to be used in certain places. For example the sleeves were to be made of lace and feathers and the waist band was to be pure gold.

'Make haste', Esme added when her maid seemed to have glued feet.

'We would take a stroll in the imperial garden. Invite a portrait master to capture some good images of me and arrange for mid morning tea in the garden'.

Colene rushed off to do her mistresses bidding while Esme sat down to choose which white shoes to wear.

Four maids stood holding eight pairs of shoes which she could choose from. Eventually she choose plain white sandal heels.

Colene returned looking a bit breathless. She informed Esmeliyah that a procession was waiting outside to escort her to the imperial garden.

Straightening her dress, Esme went outside and sat in the open palanquin prepared for her. The palanquin had to be opened to show off her dress but there was also a large umbrella held far above her head protecting her from the morning sun.

The procession began a slow match towards the imperial garden. As they passed by, maids eyes widened and guards men failed to conceal their shock, servants hurried to inform their masters and some very lower ranking women in harem even came out to look themselves.

Esme basked in the fatal attention. Making sure slices of sunlight hit her angles right.

They entered the imperial garden and as she took a turn around admiring the flowers a hammock was being set up for her in the shade of the trees.

Colene had even taken some scarce ice from the kitchen to prepare her mid morning tea. Esme smiled her maid knew how to get with the program quick, what a show of arrogance it was to use up stored ice when it wasn't even summer yet.

Her maids scattered about the garden finding flavorful leaves for her tea and a maid followed her around the garden with an platter of red and green grapes.

As she moved about the garden in her epitome of gracefulness, Master Kam a skilled artist captured her essence in sketches and colors.

It wasn't long before the imperial garden received other curious visitors. Mostly low ranking ladies and servants of high ranking ladies who wanted the gossip with their dignity intact.

The servants that dared not enter passed by and tried to peep between the trees that fenced the garden.

When the sun rose again in the early afternoon another cooler of ice arrived on Colene's orders. This time Esme commanded ice tea for everyone present, she then sent for an instrumentalist to serenade with the harp.

She sat gracefully ,drinking ice tea, enjoying her snacks and fruit, listening to music all whilst posing for her portrait.

Colene submitted the list of events going on in the palace that evening and who had been invited to each of them.

Esme looked over the list and choose the second to most dreary event. There was an event by one of the high consorts that both the King and Queen had been invited to see. It was a musical but Esme wanted more drama so she choose the performers dance event.

Colene also updated her om the progress of her dress and asked what shoes and jewelry she wanted for that night. Esme made sure to harsh out all the details with her.

When Master Kam finished two sets of her image; one of her dancing and another of her admiring flowers, he presented it to her.

'Colene, have this framed immediately and brought back here. Also get me some ink and a brush'.

Colene hurried off and soon came back with her framed images and some ink and brush.

Esme smiled dipped the brush in some ink and drew a symbol over the beautiful image. Colene gasped as the ink streaked across hours of hard work.

'Relax, Colene it's art', Esme said 'Don't you agree Master Kam?' She addressed the artist that was now red in the face.

'Yes of course, your highness'.

Esme drew another symbol across the image of her dancing then put the two images side by side. Her message seemed clear enough. Separated, it was almost impossible to decipher but together any member of the calvary would get the message. She blew on the images till the ink dried and then gave them back to Colene.

'Wrap this up beautifully and mail them to King as urgent'.

Colene blanched for the tenth time that day.

'Y-y-your highness?'

'You heard me, make haste the sun falls. Prepare some light dinner, I will return within the hour to fit into my new dress'. Colene hurried off, turning to Master Kam she gave him a charming smile.

'Draw me a proper portrait now, I shan't move but make haste. I have many plans tonight'.