Chapter 143: Meeting Hogsmeade for the first time (Edited)

Tom's session on Defense Against the Dark Arts was a great success. The performance was the fact that the students took it upon themselves to delay the class, which is a very rare occurrence. To the best of their recollection, no other subject had ever had such an occurrence.

No class lasts forever. The only thing that can end a teacher's delay is the next class and the arrival of the next teacher. The delayed class is one of those rare deals in the world where the seller increases the quantity and the buyer is not happy.

In a forty-minute class, a five-minute delay is an eighth of a teacher's raise. Does a five-minute delay make the teacher overtime? Not really. The teacher's break also takes away from the students' bathroom breaks, but it also takes away from the teacher's own break: school schedules are arranged in such a way that the teacher's classes are numbered together as much as possible, for example, the first hour in the morning in class one and the second hour in class seven.

The teacher was not obliged to continue teaching at the end of the class, he could simply leave the class at the end of the day and go. It is a strange thing, because it is the teacher's responsibility to do what is best for the students, but it is still a point of complaint for the students.

All teachers, wholeheartedly, don't want to be held back: it's so nice to have that time to go back to the office and have a drink and go over the phone! But there is a lot of uncertainty in the classroom. Often, even the most experienced teacher can't guarantee that he or she will be able to finish the lesson before the end of class, because some student may ask an odd question, or there may be a gap of a few minutes because of a delay somewhere. There is a lot to cover in each lesson. You can't move it to another class because you don't know if there's going to be a new mess in the next one, so you'll have to drag it out.

The only way to avoid procrastination is to be like Tom, a monster: when the bell rings, no matter where you're talking, just stop anyway, put the book away, and walk away.

Haven't you covered everything for the final exam? That's fine, I'll take it out of the final exam. It's none of my business if students don't learn what they should. This is what many European teachers do, they don't finish the new class a week before the final exam, so they work overnight to change the scope of the exam.

But the good thing is that they teach the same old stuff and don't use it on the job.

The older wizards in the classroom filed out, but were stopped by the younger wizards at the door, who asked what the noise was about.

"Wood, did you make that noise?" Fred and George also made their way to the front, winking at Wood.

Wood had just nodded when his face changed and he saw a familiar bow in the distance moving quickly towards him, like the dorsal fin of a shark on the beach,

He immediately said to Fred, "Go away, Professor McGonagall is coming!"

Fred and George, who had fought with Filch for four years, were as quick as two loaches and disappeared without a trace as soon as they heard the words.

But Fred and George's departure did not empty the corridors, and the young wizards still huddled around their elders. Each of them sought out the elders of their House and asked them for the truth, all the while casting curious glances at the [Sister] in the classroom.

They completely blocked the entrance hallway. The students who didn't have classes were fine, but those who had classes were a bit anxious, feeling closer and closer to being late, but having to smile stiffly and give the seniors the benefit of the doubt.

But then came a cold voice, Cassandra's, who had arrived behind Wood. She cast a dismissive glance at the noisy students and said coldly, "If you're all right, don't block the way, I have class later and I don't want to be late for such ridiculous reasons."

The other seniors struggled to get out of the way as they were being teased by their younger siblings. Cassandra turned out to be the villain for them, which was just what they wanted. So none of them stood up to contradict Cassandra's words, or at best rolled their eyes in silent protest.

The chaotic students froze for a moment, they were so overwhelmed by the schoolgirl's presence that they silently parted to let the pretty blonde pass, while the rest of the students took the opportunity to walk away.

Cassandra stopped suddenly, seeing her sister, Cassandra Wray, on the outskirts of the crowd. Her sister was the spitting image of her, with her beautiful blonde hair, elegant Slytherin robes, and arrogant look. Cassandra Wray is currently in her third year in Slytherin house.

"What are you doing here? The House of Wray doesn't hang out with the common people." He looked at his sister and said in a reprimanding tone.

"I only have Professor Lockhart's class next hour."

"Very well, pay attention, Professor Lockhart is a very good teacher, you will benefit greatly." He paused, "If possible, you can ask the professor to confront you privately with [Sister] after class."

With those words, he left the hallway without looking back, leaving only a faint scent behind him.


When the students returned to their Houses from battle classes, the fact that Professor Lockhart had created an alchemical puppet, the [Sister], soon became a hot topic of discussion in the school.

The battle puppet was very beautiful and powerful, and thanks to Professor McGonagall's skill, the puppet was very realistic. Many young wizards wanted to see the puppet, but Professor Lockhart refused all their requests. He needed to recharge the puppet because the magic stored in it had been depleted.

This added to the mystery of the puppet the [Sister]. Some of the young wizards went so far as to swear that the [Sister] was a real girl who had been seriously injured in an accident and was in danger of death. But she met the world-traveling Professor Lockhart, and to save her life, he alchemically created a new body for her, one that is immortal and has the power of magic!

The story is well told, and the young wizards have arranged the materials for the puppet. One young magician, who had read many books, was quite sure that the puppet was made from a mysterious plant from the East called "Lotus Root." He produced a book in which it was said that the people of the East had been using Lotus Root to make bodies of children who had died prematurely 3,000 years ago, and that the new bodies were so powerful that the children were able to slay dragons in the sea.

This hypothesis was immediately accepted, because Lockhart had actually been to the East. And since [Sister] was so powerful, she must have been able to slay dragons, according to the descriptions of the elders, so she must have used that material.

Although Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick came forward together to say that they had actually made the [Sister], and Tom himself repeatedly said that he had only made a small contribution, the rumors were not dispelled.

In the midst of all this hustle and bustle, Saturday arrived.

Tom had been at Hogwarts for over a year and hadn't been around Hogsmeade much. The only interaction he had had with Hogsmeade was at Hogsmeade station. Tom hadn't been able to go in first year, and now that he could go, he hadn't had the chance to go because of all the things he had to do.

But this weekend, he had to go anyway. He had lost a bet to Miss Granger and needed to buy a box of chocolates, something that involved a whole box that couldn't be taken away from Professor Flitwick, which was not conducive to a harmonious collegial relationship.

Professors have a privilege over students in that they can travel to Hogsmeade whenever and wherever they want. Regular students, who have permission from their parents or other guardians after their third year, are only entitled to visit on weekends. Of course, Monday through Friday, teachers were hard pressed to work, so even if they had the right, they would not be in Hogsmeade Village on weekdays.

Tom got dressed, walked across the courtyard to the main gates of Hogwarts and headed for Hogsmeade. But no sooner had he exited the castle than he saw Snape, dressed in a black robe like a large bat.

"Professor Snape, are you going to Hogsmeade too?" Tom was a little surprised that Snape, who had been in the basement creating potions, was going to Hogsmeade, and that he had bumped into him, what a coincidence.

Snape gave him a cold look, "The potion materials I ordered have arrived."

Tom realized that Professor Snape had gone to restock, after all, the thief had stolen some of the materials he had in storage.

"Professor Snape, you might want to put an anti-theft spell on your stockpile." Tom gently warned that these potions, in the wrong hands, would be a disaster. He, Tom Yodel, was willing to help Mr. Snape and save it for him.

Snape snorted coldly, "That stupid thief is probably a rotting, stinking corpse by now. The boneless eel jerky he took was actually soaked in the poison of an Acromantula, hehe." Snape laughed coldly, without a trace of warmth in his eyes.

Tom: "..."

I almost believed the story when it was made up. He hadn't eaten the jerky he had taken from Snape's office to hide it from the public. He's not crazy enough to touch material with unknown effects. It's like having a bottle of sodium chloride in the lab, would you cook with it?

Definitely not.

The two walked across the courtyard in silence, and then they saw a familiar figure in front of the school gates.

"Professor Dumbledore? what are you doing here?" Tom was stunned, what wind was blowing today to make the teachers come out en masse?