"Ain't no fucking way," Said Indigo when Matthew called his name among the nominees for homecoming kings. Then he asked Matthew if he could see the nominees, so Matthew handed him his Nokia.

 He scratched the back of his hair and he said to himself, "This doesn't look good." 

 All these while, Indigo had always managed to keep a low profile. Now a spontaneous nomination to become the school's next homecoming king? Nah, he knew it wasn't coincidental. He handed Matthew his phone back and then Matthew said,

 "Jesse, you're okay right?" Then Jesse nodded, then he turned to Tyson and he asked, "Ty, you're alright, right?" Then Tyson replied, "I'll try," 

 Matthew smiled at him and then he said to them, "Okay so, I'mma head out, and Indigo, you know what you have to do." So it was just Indigo and Jesse that were left with Tyson.

 "Barnsley, I never got to uh, thank you. Thank you, Barnsley." Jesse said.