It was already getting too late, the sun was about to set, "It's getting late, I better head home now." Isabelle said to Sandra as they both got up from the bed. She escorted Isabelle out to the door. And as they got to the door, that was when her mom, Helen was just coming in from Indigo's home. 

 Sandra and her mother hadn't patched things up yet so when she saw her mom, she looked away while Isabelle greeted her.

 "Hello, and you are?" Her mother said with a smile. Then Isabelle replied, "Sandra's friend, you're really pretty ma'am, I guess that's where Sandra got her beauty from."

 Helen blushed and then she said, "Thank you, Isabelle, are you leaving now?" 

 "Yes Mrs Sage, it's getting late." She responded. "Okay then, I like you, you should stop by more often," Helen said while Sandra rolled her eyeballs after hearing what her mother said.

 "I sure will Mrs Sage. Goodbye," She said as she waved continuously at Helen.