Indigo was contemplating whether or not he should tell his mother the truth. But her persistence made him fess up,

 "Okay yes, I compelled her," Indigo said. Carmen gasped in shock. "Indigo, how dare you, she's your friend for goodness sake," Carmen said disappointedly.

 "I know, but if you were in my shoes, you would've done the same mom," Indigo said in his defence.

 "What happened that was so bad that you had to compel her? Did she see you in your vampire state, did she discover the truth about Gilmore Town, or did she overhear some supernaturals talking about something discrete? If not, then you have no reason to compel her," Carmen said.

 None of the above reasons was why Indigo compelled Sandra. In his defence, he did it to protect her from Jesse, but in his heart and mind, he did it because he was jealous.

 "I saw her in bed with Jesse Noriega," Indigo said with a croaky tone.

 Surprised, Carmen said, "What? Jesse Noriega?"