They finally got to Jesse's place and when they did, they immediately got down from the car and slammed the door close.

 "Jeremy, if I were you, I'd stay behind so I won't get hurt," Elliott advised Jeremy.

 Jeremy listened to Elliott and stayed put. He watched Elliott signal to one of his friends to move forward and then go into Jesse's home to check if no one was around.

 "No one's around," He said. And as he was about to leave his porch, Jesse caught him off guard and then broke his neck. They were all shocked, including Jeremy.

 "What the fuck," Bewildered Jeremy said.

 Then from nowhere, Abe came out and broke another of his friend's neck as well. Now, Elliott has heard excruciating cries from two of his friends. So he began to panic, 

 "Where the fuck are they coming from?!" Elliott yelled in frustration.

 "Show your face if you're not afraid. Show your fucking face?!" Elliott yelled.